November 03, 2012

Drew Ma interviews Dennis Fetcho 2012.11.03

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye" which is intelligent media for the politically aware.
The topic for our interview will be The Middle East. We will discuss Israel,Iran,Syria,Jordan,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Afghanistan, Pakistan and more!

32k Download


  1. The Fetcho / Drew Ma show was excellent except for the crap heavy metal noise at the beginning. Fetcho had a lot to teach the young upstart.

    Kyle Hunt's show with Greg from New Jersey was even better:

    Greg had a couple of things to teach Kyle. David from Texas called in for 2 segments.

  2. Compare what The Fetch put out verses what Jonathan Azaziah will be putting out this Tuesday on the same show. I believe it will be same topics (mideast roundup). Fetch is a cat shit (vice bullshit) artist.

  3. Fetch is too polite to smack Azaziah when he deserves it. Let's face it, Azaziah is basically a raving propagandist for Islamic rule and the righteousness of Sharia law. He hits the Jews hard but refuses any criticism of Islam.

    Jonathan Azaziah is literally in love with the Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Republic of Iran where they stone people to death & whip them in public for violations of the fashion police laws.

    That's why if I ever listen to Azasiah it's for entertainment only with a big grain of salt. He has facts stacked up on one side & bullshit on the other.

    Fetch called Iranian laws 'barbaric' which is what they are. You'll have to wait forever before you'll get such an admission of the obvious from Azazioah.

    Ahmedinejad is a fundamentalist Muslim who worships Khomeini. Azaziah would fight a jihad for Ahmedinejad.

    Do you have any idea what Khomeini actually wrote, you friggin moron ?

    Here's just one of his legendary quotes:

    "A man can have sex with...
    Animals as much as sheep, cows, camels and so on.

    However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable."~ Ayatollah Khomeini

    If they have intercourse with a cow and sheep and camel their [the animals] urine and dung becomes unclean and drinking their milk will also be unlawful and they [the animals] must be killed and burned without delay, and the person who had intercourse with them must pay money to the owner. Further, if he had intercourse with any beast its milk becomes unlawful. #2632.

    Khomeini's Teachings on sex with infants and animals
    Islamic Teachings on sex with infants:

    "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

    The complete Persian text of this saying can be found in "Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh," Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom

    ha ha hah ha ha ha

    No wonder that country's an economic disaster (mass unemployment; nothing but double digit inflation for 32 straight years, they even had 25% inflation one year) with the number one rate of heroin and hard drug addiction in the world.

    With leaders like that, who needs enemies ?

    Now go listen to Azaziah praise these guys.

  4. I'll bet ya got a great perch overseeing the Gaza Strip, eh? Anyway, lookin' fwd to Azaziah as he is LOADED with FACTS re current events in the area THAT CANNOT BE DISPUTED and he keeps his religion out of it. Besides, having a Jewish mother and being from NY he has seen the beast from the inside. Nice try troll.

  5. Great interview. Mr. Dennis "The Fetch" Fetcho does an excellent job of "connecting the dotz" at many levels. Those with ears to hear can learn much from listening to him.. . peace.

  6. Live Free or Die - 11 / 02 / 2012 - Guest Host: Dennis Fetcho - Discussion of Freemasonry with Fred Blackbird, 32nd degree ex-freemason & former chair of the Libertarian party

  7. @anon - 6:07 PM

    Like I said - Azaziah's anti-Jew info is on target and delivered with great articulateness. However, the fundamentalist Muslim cheerleading propaganda is totally transparent and easily debunked bullshit & loses him credibility.

    Guys like Mark Glenn don't even try to defend it morally or logically, they just tell you to shut the hell up or they will shoot you for treason.

    Treason to their idol, the fucking Ayatollah !

    What a bunch of fucking clowns! LOL !

  8. "Occult Forces" (1943) ~ National Socialist Anti-Freemasonry Film (English Subtitles)

    Made during the National Socialist German occupation of France, this film was based on authentic masonic documents, in particular, the initiation ceremony was the one used in 1939 by French Lodges.

    Forces Occultes places spectators in the role of a naïve initiate—the young legislator Pierre Avenel—who at first believes in parliamentary democracy and the Masons, but gradually discovers the "truth" and is brutally attacked when he threatens to expose it.

    FORCES OCCULTES (=Occult Powers)1943. B&W movie. Original French Dialog with English subtitles. This is the very best film to understand what freemasonry really is.

    Following WW2, the film's writer, Jean-Marie Rivière, was imprisoned. Its producer, Robert Muzard, and director, Paul Riche, were EXECUTED (1949) for their part in the production of this film;

    High Quality DVD download available here:

  9. more lies. he says that why people are upset about stoning adulteres in Iran. When this is supposed to be a Jewish law. BUt I thought Islam superceded all religions, so what is the connection? And in this Jewish law, it needs to have many layers of evidence, it was almost never done this law.
    Other lies he tells is Israel took Palestinan lands. lie. there was no Palestians state to have took from. Land of pre 1948 was purchased incl. some that got lost to Jordan in 1948 war that was re-captured. FOr tha matter Jordan was also created out of nothing. Israel has same right to exist as any country. And they have more peace with their neighbors than you can shake a stick at.

  10. More lies this show. guy says about stoning of adulterers is a Jewish law. oh I thought Islam supercedes everything. Which one is it liar? and this law is on the books but almost never enforced dude. and its not in play today because there is not proper courts in place.
    Israel has as much right to exist as Jordan. Having fun in Amman.

  11. @adamster

    Oy Vey ! Take your snip'n'suck action somewhere else, clown. LOL

    The UN Report Prepared in 1948 for Ralphe Bunche, New UN Commissioner to Palestine

    Foreword: In view of the tragic assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte by identified Jewish terrorists on September 17 of this year, the following report has been prepared for the use of Dr. Bunche, Count Bernadotte's immediate replacement.

    This report is a compilation of all identified terrorist attacks on British, American and Arab individuals and entities in the assassination of the British Resident Minister in the Middle East on November 6, 1944 by members of the terrorist Jewish Stern gang to the assassination of Count Bernadotte on September 17, 1948 by members of this same gang of fanatics.

    This information is compiled from reports of the US Department of State, the British Foreign Office and various American and British press services.

    New York, October 1, 1948




    November 6, 1944, Cairo. Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, and his driver were assassinated outside the minister's Cairo residence. Two murderers were involved. One was injured, and both were immediately arrested.



    January 10, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court today put on trial Eliahu Bet-Tsours from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim of Haifa, both admitted members of the Jewish terrorist Stern gang.


    January 18, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court sentenced the murderers of Lord Moyne to death. Both killers admitted their act and also admitted their membership in the Stem gang which they said ordered the killings as a warning to the British not to interfere with future Jewish immigration to Jerusalem.


    March 22, 1945, Cairo. The two convicted Jewish Stern gang terrorists who murdered Lord Moyne and his driver were hanged today in the Cairo prison British authorities announced.



    January 12, 1946, Palestine. A train was derailed by Jewish terrorists at Hadera near Haifa by a bomb and robbed of £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials were injured.


    January 18, 1946, Haifa. Over 900 illegal Jewish immigrants were captured off Haifa by the British Royal Navy


    January 19, 1946, Jerusalem. .Jewish terrorists destroyed a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison by explosives. Two persons were killed by the police.


    259 acts of terror committed JUST UP TO September 17, 1948 all laid out one by one in the official UN report.

    read all 259 one-by-one over here:

    ISRAHELL ON EARTH [A Must Watch Documentary]

    This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the Palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948.

    Don't forget to collect your sheckels from the Anti Defecation League, you sorry-assed jackass, before you show up back here to get bitch-slapped again ! LOL

  12. oh thanks for the droll humor anonymous, and the nonsense. No one has ever said jews are perfect or Israel is perfect can you tell me any nation which is perfectly unblemished please sir. but the facts remain that Israel was attacked by arab nations in 1948 sorry to disapoint your infantile delusions with truth. Please you can leave out your dopey humor in future and fix your infantile personality.

  13. mr mami I am so proud of you. the jidf hasbara propagandists feel that your site is important enough to troll. I am sincere when I say that you are accomplishing great things in your doublewide mobile home with the stairs made of cement blocks. you have cum a long way, baby, just like virginia slim used to say.

  14. right so if I disagree with any aspect of DM and all these guys, this means I am a troll. real intelligent.
    and not only that but that means that I am being paid by ADL to type here,a nd also this means I am a hasbara troll idf jihadist.
    And what does that make the guy fetch who said on the DM show to make Israel into Jonestown that is what he wants then to have 7 million people killed put to the sea in his words.

  15. spoken just like a paid hasbarat would. we are on to how you creatures operate, so you are doing nothing but verifying how the jidf operates and the tactics employed. this is not the 80s and 90s when people were ignorant and fooled by your miserable and well crafted lies. this is a new era where you are known for what you are and your intentions for the human race.

  16. Fetch didn't say he 'wants' Isra-hell to go the way of Jonestown. He said that if if it DID go the way of Jonestown then that would be tough fucking shit, since THEY (the friggin chosen foreskins) would be most responsible for it for having acted like psychotic assholes & criminal douchebags for so long.


  17. Fetch said he supported Achmadinajid call for to the sea. listen to the podcast.
    and no he called for Jonestown to happen several times.

    So lets see, how many times can you call me a paid hasbatattype. Perhaps you are not aware of the enormity of the net.
    OK you cannot argue or debate what is posted or podcasted on DM show.

    I get that and I will continue to point out the lies on all of DM.

    What truly is bothering you sir/madam?

    Please state what it is you claim people are being fooled by, Ah so anyone who does not agree with DM is a creature also.
    Lets count all them names you call
    a poster, who wants to debate discuss the non stop attacks on Jews, Jewish leaders DM called to have them killed on 2 occasions at the least, and throw the whole dammn tribe out of America he said one week ago.

    Who is he fooling?

  18. Who gives a shit ?

    You bastards already massacred millions of Iraquis & Afghanis over a completely made-up Jew-Media manufactured false-flag PSY-OP on 9-11.

    Ricefoot's The Real Truth Behind The Illusion Of 9/11

    Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues - Brian S Staveley, Justin Cooke - 04 / 08 / 2012

    Introductory Tour Guide to the September Clues research by Simon Shack - (updated on July 18 2011)

    The Neo-Cons were all Jews, from Perle & Wolfowitz & Feith on down & they planned the whole 9-11 Psy-Op false-flag event as proven by their own PNAC documents and it's Jews & Israel pushing for Americans to go fight even more wars for them in Iran by massacaring millions of Iranians and tens of thousands of more Americans.

    For no fucking reason at all except shitty terrorist Isra-hell's safety.

    In fact, if you blood-thirsty, psychotic bastards with your 400 nukes stolen from the U.S. had your way, you would nuke all of Iran & then nuke all of Europe too like you've already threatened to do many times.

    So why should Fetch or any other white guy give one rat's ass if Ahmedinejad and all the Muslims in the world go into Isra-hell & do the same to them that they've already been doing to millions of Muslims for 60 straight years ?

    And how about the 20 million plus white Christians the 75% majority Bolshevik Jew commie leadership massacred in Russia funded by Schiff Jew bankster scumbag usurer money in Jew York through Trotsky / Bronstein ?

    Fuck you & the Mohel you rode in on. LOL !

    The Muslims have every right to defend themselves as do the white Christians in Europe & the U.S. against your multi-cultural commie bullcrap.

    Who's forcing multi-culturalism down Europe's throat whether they like it or not?

    No one has any sympathy for you over here you holohoaxing, usury-feeding, GMO / vaccines pushing, baby-dick-sucking Jew bastard.

    Last Days of the Big Lie

    MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers And Owners

    Jew-controlled Monsanto responsible for at least 200,000 suicides in India past 10 years

    Agent Orange Manufacturer Monsanto's Zionist Bedfellows

    The World According To Monsanto (Full Film) - A Documentary On Genetically Modified Foods GMO's

  19. Polish government poster to counter Bolshevik propaganda from Russia during the Polish- Russian war 1920, showing People's Commissar for the Army Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky)

  20. YOu make all lies here and nothing you say has any proof at all. All you are good for, is your cursing and your jokes. very funny jokes. you should write comedy. Oh right, the Jews control the media so they won't give you a job, cuz they know all about your opinions.

    YOu can beleive these lies you post about but please post proofs of your allegations at some point.

    And Israel has as much right to exist as Jordan, Pakistan, and many other post WW 2 countries.

  21. Jews commit crimes like anyone else. Look at the prisons, you have Jews there. Just like any community, you have people who want to cut corners or be dishonest or immoral. So how comes you don't want to expel/murder the leaders of other nationalities, groups, religions?

  22. Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel
    According to Ma'ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is 'benefiting from attack' as it 'swung American public opinion.'

    Flashback: BBC - Zionists Pointing Fingers on 911 -
    One the evening of 9/11, a number of Zionist Jews (including Richard Perle and Ehud Barak) and their puppets got on BBC and pointed to Osama bin Laden before an investigation even took place

  23. This 'Adamster' character is certainly the pinnacle of - if nonjewish - a brain dead vermin with childlike reasoning. At worst a JIDF agent. His little blog its absolutely a JOKE! and so easily refutable that is practically embarrassing for a 'mature' person to expect people with a modicum of independent thinking and with an IQ higher than 80 to believe any of it. What betrays his skill in casuistry and gives him away is his inane asinine immature reasoning. People who actually study the subject at length show a level of subtle objectivity even while trying to whitewash the inherent supremacist nature of its teachings and history. All I can say is.... don't feed the troll. And this troll is not even a good one at that.

  24. Adamster wrote: "Jews commit crimes like anyone else. Look at the prisons, you have Jews there. Just like any community, you have people who want to cut corners or be dishonest or immoral. So how comes you don't want to expel/murder the leaders of other nationalities, groups, religions?"

    You sound like an Alex Jone$ paytriotard (the everyone did it equally crowd/cop out/diversion). If I were you I would follow the links that anonymous posted below you. You need to wake up to jewish power and control.

  25. @ Adamster
    Your talking out your ass, I've been in jail many times (To many)and have "never" met a jew.

    They don't even have temple services in jail, yet they have all other religious services, and that should show you who's not going to jail.

    If your a rank and file Jew, you should see the zionist are setting your people up to take the fall, like they have always done.

  26. You are not telling the truth. In federal pens and states pens, like in NY there are daily prayer services in fact. There are chaplains who serve these people.

    They are in for every type of crime you can shake a stick at.

    I wish you would check out the facts before you post something.

  27. Nik, there is no supremacy and you can try to refute over there and I will explain you where you are mistaken.

    What DM guys are, is people who feel an emptyness in their lives and rather than working to do some good, feel big, powerful, and bad ass, 'rebels', by attacking all every and all Jewish people and their religion, with not 1 iota of proof about this so called Jewish conspiracy and control.

  28. Wow guys - you got a real snot dripping nose Hasbarat here. Sounds like a 15 year old dipshit - if you I were to give my two cents.

    This buffoon has hit his head one too many times on the Wailing Wall.

  29. For the record - jail population United States is over 2 million. Jews make up just 4K of that - less than .002 of the population. There are just 24K kosher meals served daily in the United States - of which 4K go to Jews.


    So Jews are OVERREPRESENTED in every facet of government, are involved in the highest of crimes to include Treason - and use their control of State assets to ensure that Jews do not "suffer" the indignity of having to be responsible to society for their criminal actions.

  30. tik tok tik tok... humanity is slowly but surely becoming aware of our collective future.




  32. Fetcho if you weren't mentally depraved, you may look at the population as simply committing less crimes. Since DM is complaining about how Jews get all the great jobs, that would explain, why there are less criminals.

    But you will say, oh that is not possible.

    See you are an old fashioned snake oil salesman.

    What your kind does is pollute the rest of humanity but since you speak only in conjecture and fantasy, most people do not get you and you always expose yourselves as wolves in sheeps clothing anyway.

  33. And saying a group is 'over represented' shows your mentality, your unflappable lack of humanity.

    And I left out your very stupid remark about King of Jordan, you said he is friendly to Israel because he needs the Jewish money.

    Yes have we heard of Arab oil money does this exist?

    You see how you can't even think straight, you are blinded by rage of hatred that has no basis in reality.

    It shows how little you see the actual middle east. There is much cooperation between Israel and many Arabic people.

    In all levels of society. Yes it ebbs and flows. But isn't easy to be just a whining cynic?

  34. Azaziah is a rabbid Muslin retard and needs to be living in the middle east with his own kinda and not among white people.

    "Let's face it, Azaziah is basically a raving propagandist for Islamic rule and the righteousness of Sharia law. He hits the Jews hard but refuses any criticism of Islam."

    I am so sick of the Muslim lovers on this website always spouting shit and bashing the jews version of Christianity and calling it real Christianity, which only shows you have not idea what you are talking about. That is 90% plus if the retards on this website. Your all just like Jews in your actions.

    I am a christian and fucking sick of all you Muslim asslickers. If you love Muslims so much there is only one reason why that i can think of, please join them in their homelands and intermarry with them.

  35. I tell you what dumbass-jewish-supremacist-self-righous-Adamstein try to refute a book called Judaism Discovered by Michael Hoffman, all 1100 pages of original hebrew text and english translations of the most bloodthristy, anti-human, supremacist teachings of Judaism as a whole. Then start reading what Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon have to say about it. You can expect to fool couple of braindead fools with HOLOHOAX guilt complex, which is getting to be a smaller bunch day by day.

    The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according former Chief Rabbi of Israel Ovadia Yosef... Hey vermin Adamstein, why don't you head over to Shitrahell! and disabuse your kind rabbi of its supremacist beliefs instead of being an ugly PEST to everybody. And don't give us that crap... der, muslims say that same. If they did, or not, i still think they are Semetic scum like your kind. And as is very well known, Jews are the ones in the levers of power not a bunch of cave-dwelling ragheads.

  36. Another thing Adamstein uses is the same tactic the Rabbi/jews I once knew used. When I would bring up incontrovertible facts, they'd go on about the 'cirscumstaces of that time' and 'it was all prejudice', 'they were jelous' etc, etc... just like this moron does. NOTHING! about their parasitical genocidal ways is unjust. The thing these RATS expect of goyim, is believe... just BELIEVE in their version of things or you're an evil anti-semite. This people really are psychotic bastards!

  37. Dwelling REagheads."When I would bring up incontrovertible facts, " you bring up a slimest of smallest of numbers of things some persons said.
    It's not facts it's what someone said many thousands years ago,

    Do you see this distinction?

    although I would like to see the orginal and the sources cited which these lists do not do.
    But you make the leap from one mans' opinion,
    and this includes the Rabbi Yosef you cited, to include the entire Jewish people and religion, this is what I object to.

    "NOTHING! about their parasitical genocidal ways is unjust. The thing these RATS expect of goyim, is believe... just BELIEVE in their version of things or you're an evil anti-semite. This people really are psychotic bastards!"

    not at all, you beleive the lies that you are being told about Jews, by such fine people like DM network and SLegdge.

    Did you hear his podcast where they said the Shootings in Colorado at Batman was a Jewish plot to divert. I want to know,
    if you heard that podcast, and if you are in agreement with them?

  38. dont feed the jidf trolls, people. this is their job.

  39. Do you agree or not about the Batman murders, and did you agree with their laughing at it?

    Try to say something other than hasbatart trolls?

  40. facts are what someone (collective jewish interests) DOES many MANY times to many 'people' around the word nowadays!

    you bring up THE slimest, hypocritical, self-rightious freudian like arguments of the majority of things that mentally sick severe Jewophiles say!

    not at all, you beleive the lies that you are being told BY Jewish supremacist swine, by such fine scum like jidf network, gentile-hating Pedophile sucking-baby-penises rabbis, adl, splc, zionist etc etc.

  41. Yes Nik, but you have sayed nothing.
    I am looking for proofs of the fantasies I hear and you hear on Drew Ma shows.

    Like that the murders on COlorado this past summer were orchestrated by this so called Jewish elites masters controllers. I ask here a simple question and at least you dont' label me a troll thank you.

    I ask if you beleive that fantasy nonsense that you heard on Drew Ma show.
    And did you enjoy how they were laughing at that tradgedy. Sledge said it was a Golem move. Cuz of the Joker reference.

    No one can even answer the simple question.

    I get that I Am hated and I can deal with this but I am asking about proofs and facts and you don't have them. You have infantile, half baked theories and only proofs to your theories that are shown are books written that have these same fanstasies in them. that is not proof.

  42. I am looking for proofs of the fantasies I hear and you hear on Drew Ma shows.

    And many of us are wondering why are you such an idiot that you cannot find these proofs. Are simply a moron is this just the way that Hasbara expresses their childish like snot nosed mentality?

    Like that the murders on COlorado this past summer were orchestrated by this so called Jewish elites masters controllers. I ask here a simple question and at least you dont' label me a troll thank you.

    Then I guess you are not smart enough or clever enough to get it. We do also comment about how Jews and their education system design structures to dummy down the masses. Could you be a case in point?

    I ask if you beleive that fantasy nonsense that you heard on Drew Ma show.

    Using the same beknighted dipshit logic you like to employ, we are still waiting for you to prove that what you have heard is "fantasy nonsense".

    Can you provide us proof as to why you believe your delusions that what you hear but "fantasies". Oh - please provide us all the links and supporting reference material.

    And did you enjoy how they were laughing at that tradgedy. Sledge said it was a Golem move. Cuz of the Joker reference.

    What tragedy was that - the false flag Aurora Batman operation? Can you prove that it was a "tragedy" and can you provide us with links that we agree to be supportive of your conclusion?

    No one can even answer the simple question.

    A trolling Hasbara idiot philosophizing? Geez - what is next? Kosher taxed bacon?

    I get that I Am hated and I can deal with this but I am asking about proofs and facts and you don't have them.

    As someone who has sits on the panel viewing this lame dog chase the tail logic of yours - it is apparent you have provided ZERO PROOF to support your claims and that whom you oppose has provided MOUNTAINS of self evident proofs to even the lowliest of educated.

    We must draw that the conclusion that you are pathetic and a loser - with too little intelligence to go find a sandbox where you can actually contribute and make a difference.

    Can you explain to us why you are so pathetic and lost?

    You have infantile, half baked theories and only proofs to your theories that are shown are books written that have these same fanstasies in them.

    Where is your proof that things are but "half baked"? We have seen nothing from you to support your claims save for your arrogant snot nosed self righteousness.

    Can you provide us with a full report of the so called "books" you are referencing? Be sure to include author biographies so we can determine whether your sources are not focused on a pure lame Jewish agenda.

    Really your self righteous idiocy is just classic low life Jewish childish pontifications....

    Can you not figure out why Jews are rightfully despised?

    Are you not a shining example of why they should be?

  43. So for I haven't seen Adamster refute anything. Just the usual "us jews have never done anything wrong ever" bullshit LOL. These supremacists really are parasites.

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  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Adamster the jew obviously thinks that having the last word (kvetching) means you win the argument. Oy vey!

  47. well dudes you are the ones attacking me.So all you can do is the copycat routine, how mature.

    Who are you anyways? Can you provide us with any proof that all of this is just a "copycat routine? Can you provide us links that verify that this is what we are witnessing?

    Also? Can you provide us with the conditions upon which you believe your argument is valid relative to "immature"? What does this mean? You have not clearly stated your social programming upon which such a statement can be accurately validated.

    Please let us know your education, background, social programming, social affiliations, and so forth, so that we may understand what you mean by a statement as "immature".

    Sorry. But without the above you really sound as if you are just really young and stupid or a combination of both.

    Did you agree with DM and Sledge that Jews were behind the Colorado killings at Batman Movie?

    Belief? Sure - I believe this to be true. It is all taken on faith - sorta like that Jew logic where they BELIEVE they are special and Chosen.

    Is there a problem with this Jewish logic being applied to an argument where you are framing it in such terms?

    And, did you appreciate and agree with their joking about this event.

    Sure. You got a problem with that? Obviously if we see it as false flag and you have not provided any proof that such was not a false flag in which Jews in some form played instrumental roles in the instigation of such an event, then making fun of the issue really is just common sense.

    Those behind the event want to insult and assault peoples intelligence in their story line so you may as well make fun of the event for being the lame story that it was.

    It's a yes or no. If you agree with them, please provide us with proof to support this claim.

    Can you provide us with a full report of the events - a report upon which we can agree to accept your findings, for you prove us wrong?

    Until you can prove us wrong and give us all your supporting information that would clear us of our beliefs, we are clearly entitled to our beliefs.

    You seem to be lost here in your arrogance and demands.

    At worst - you presume us to be your research assistants.

    Lame - CHILDISH - attitude - typical Jewish hasbara. Morons in full display.

    no not all. You want to despise an entire people for no reason, this is called xenophobia and discrimination.

    Where is your proof that the emotion of "despise" as you put it is all based on "no reason?

    I see many reasons and others do too - YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE REASONS - so can you again give us proof for your statement? Can you provide us links that we can use to verify your statements or is this just your xenophobic mind projecting onto the rest of us?

    SO now you support killing someone without a trial and jury.
    WHat does this make u exactly?

    Your propensity to jump to such wild conclusions hints that you have mental problems. However - the idea of unilaterally killing people without trial and jury is wholly rooted in Jewish culture.

    They call it extrajudicial killing. Did you see the assassination in Gaza today?

    So you are admitting that we are right and that Jews are just THUGS AND CRIMINALS?

    It is clear to us that you have just admitted this FACT.

    Thanks for clearing up this issue and admitting to us the obvious.

  48. "no not all. You want to despise an entire people for no reason, this is called xenophobia and discrimination."

    Oh good grief. Admit it, you secretly hate the goy.

  49. Report the antigoymites to the Gentile Defense League. No room for hate around here.

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  51. Pure ignorance, ignorance is bliss. Indeed it is. Sorta explains why Jews have been thrown out of 100 countries or territories thoughout history. They are clearly ignorant of the underlying hatred for others and how their actions based on this hatred makes its way into necessary defensive reactions.

    This is the calling card.

    No disagreement here - we see your ignorance in full blossom and display.

    How come my main friend is Gentile genius?

    What relevance does this have with us? If your friend wishes to patronize a jackass are we somehow supposed to stick our noses in his business? We are not Jews.

    You see its ignorance but not in a malicious way. you simply choose to hate people. This is what prejudice is.

    Can you provide us proof of this statement? What social conditions are you associating the word "hate"? Is this a Jewish social condition? You sound really like an idiot for making such an obviously Jewish projected statement. If you can provide us some proof that your statement was not generated from a Jewish social position perhaps we will be better able to evaluate your pathology.

    It's like endorphines are released this way. For other people it's other activities. How much exercise are you getting?

    WTF? Are you off in la la land, left field, some asylum? What is this statement supposed to mean? Is this something that is from a Hasbara training guide or what? This really is making less and less sense...I think you are speaking to us from a social construction for which we do not recognize as being either intelligent, ethical, honest, or sane.

    Perhaps you can provide us your name and number and we can have some doctors come and have a look at you?

  52. Adamstein HasbaRAT must be getting paid good with israel extorted guilt money for being a good annoying PEST. lol

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  57. you people falling for this jew troll's hasbarat tactics are almost as fucking ridiculous as it is. when will you people ever learn that there is no reasoning with these creatures and that you are wasting valuable time and emotional energy "debating" a trained hasbara operative. folks, these people are paid AND GIVEN SPECIFIC SITES AS THEIR CONTRACTED WORK and that is why you only ever see one or two kikes or their Christard zionist minions working as a paid internet propagandist...there are simply too many bigger sites than this and there are not enough paid creatures to have 5 on a site to run it into the ground as they did with the best forum at the time, LibertyForum, which almost no one remembers thanks to the hasbara operatives. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS IS MORE THAN A FUNNY QUIP, IT IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. mami, and fetcho, when you see the calling cards of these creatures, BAN THEM IMMEDIATELY. they are trying to bait you and others and this site is better off without the "contributions" of the enemy.

  58. @Don't Feed the Trolls

    We don't like 'serious' people around here. This site is for clowns only.

    How, go back to the hillbilly site you came from.


    Part of my accepting a mod here was that I would not ban anyone. However, if this were my site, this idiot would have been gone a LONG TIME AGO...and all the posts would have been deleted.

    This is how they treat people in areas where they control and I prefer to simply treat the same.

  60. @Don't Feed the Trolls

    This troll is totally out of line. It seems to be having problems now keeping content live on the comments section. It needs to go find another forum where they tolerate toddlers...

  61. @Anonymous "We don't like 'serious' people" If you want to call that manchild retard, hasbarat Adamstein 'serious' after reading his ridiculous comments, and given real serious replies at the begining, you must be less perceptive than you think. Meaning that you're a dumbass!

  62. @nik

    You're too 'serious' for this forum, dude.

    Adamster was a funny and engaging gentleman of leisurely cultured ways. I loved his beautiful style of commentary about the lovely land of chosen foreskinnery.

    Ah, it made my soul proud for the chosen to lead us Christians by our snipped penile skins into the promised land !

    Go back to infowars and congregate with Bermass and Dan Dicks. Pull on Dicks's eye-brow ring for me ! lol

    We only specialize in monkey business here.

    You have to sniff glue & drink jack danielikoff redneck piss to participate. lol


    You have the right attitude. Your humor has prevented the spread of 'seriousness' cancer to your medula oblongata. You can stay. lol

  63. Drew Ma deleted the blogtalk file for this excellent Fetcho appearance along with all the rest of his old files. He should start smoking weed again instead of all that rolling on the floor he does with other guys on the wrestling mat, maybe he'll get less flaky for a friggin change.

    Here's a replacement upload from my hard-drive :


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