The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.01.30

Guest: Ronald MacDonald  --

Sheriff meeting in Las Vegas sparks a discussion about our only constitutionally elected law enforcement officers, and the methods of maintaining our lawful government.

Next, in an opinion column presenting the views of Mises and H. L. Mencken, the question is asked of those who seek their true power, in the fight for freedom - “Is ignorance bliss?” The CFR was created to monitor and control the major mass media newspapers of the time, and continues its control of media into the present.

Ron and John expose the take-over orchestrated by the globalists through control of our money and government, by citing the cases and law which relate to true property.     Listen    Download

David Duke Show 2012.01.30

Today: Discussion with Adrian Salbuchi in Argentina which was cut short because of a bad skype connection. David switched to Gary John in China and they then talked about genetic and cultural diversity, Christianity under siege etc.  


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