February 14, 2013

The ADL Brands 35 Million Americans As "Infected" With "Anti-Semitism!"


  1. Note to Abe:

    Not buying it.

    Even your voice turns my stomach, no joke. Opening up Mami's page and seeing you first thing in the morning is a really bad start to the day.

    Your organization is a terrorist one and your people are shameless. Your need to inflame not only other Jews but gentiles as well just does not pass muster in my eyes.

    Go get a real job.

  2. Which is much better than being infected with judaism.

  3. "Anti-Semitism" is a virus contracted from Jews. Foxman is a particularly virulent carrier.

  4. Hey douche, Arabs are SemiticFebruary 14, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    In do time this parasite will be hanging from a street light. As of now, he can go fuck himself with a weedwhacker.

  5. "Anti-Semitism" is a code word used by Jewish Crime Network against the truth tellers. Abe, why you use such a deceptive word, I bet you don't even have one drop of Semitic blood.

    Anti-Semitism should be renamed as Anti-Jewish Supremacy!

  6. The infection about which this demon speaks is THE TRUTH, and the truth is going to "go-viral" as the young people say today.


  7. what a whinny little bitch, infected with antisemitism, this is straight up mind control, how the fuck is disusing how much power apac has over our foreign policy and our politicians quote on quote, antisemitism, what a manipulative little bitch this man is. as a matter of fact, this man is such a little bitch, he can't even defend his stance in a panel of critics, ha, ha, ha! it's about time for the adl to hire some jews dressed in brownshirts uniforms to scare all the sheep. ah, so if your against these jewish wars, you must be antisemitic? oh, yeah, they still have the victim card, while jewish sepramcist have free reign to discriminate against (everyone else) twisted bastards. she actually gave him harder questions than i thought she would, but still completely framed for this cocksucker to dance around with his victim card. fucking bastards.

  8. Soon anti-semetism will be synonyms with freedom-fighter!

  9. Abe Fuxmen more like:-)
    does that mean that the other 300million or so are infected with anti-gentilism?

  10. I think I got the bug...

  11. So I gather the only cure is to get rid of the source. Can we get a transfer agreement and send the source packing? Abe may need his own boat that won't sink from all that shit he's filled with!

  12. Thelma HethiponovichFebruary 15, 2013 at 5:36 PM

    Jew truth = Anti-semitic

    Anti-Semitic = Infection

    Infection = Cure from Jew controlled AMA! AMA licensed puppets kill 750,000 per yr in US, making it leading cause of death.

    Truth = increases odds of death.

    35,000,000 infected says Abe. Should we force the infected to get an AMA sanctioned cure so we can save mankind of this horrible infection?

  13. Mr Foxman is right.

  14. Now we just have to convince those 35 million to help remove the cause of the infection.

  15. Anonymous 12:44am said:
    "Mr Foxman is right."

    Strange; most hasbarats don't reveal themselves so obviously.

  16. Foxman the jew comes from a long line of parasites who 'infected' Europe many hundreds of years ago. The parts of Europe infected by their presence have suffered centuries of financial haemorrhage with the looted wealth stream flowing into jewish treasuries.

    The infection in England can be traced back to the destruction of Anglo-Saxon rule by the jew financed Norman invader William I. The infection became really serious however when the traitor Cromwell was put into power by powerful jewish financiers. England, Holland and Belgium in particular, have been burdened by jewish financial and political control ever since.

    The 9/11 driven fake war on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is now spreading to Syria and Pakistan - and God knows where else. It seems that the 'infection' is now becoming universal but Foxman is surprised when an anti Semitism chart ticks up a point or two.


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