May 14, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.05.13

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by John Hardon of Hardon's Blog and Cairo, both White Nationalists based in the United Kingdom.  We'll be discussing a variety of subjects, including the current state of affairs in the United Kingdom, Muslim immigration, the Jewish Problem, Adolf Hitler and European history, and related topics.  Calls will be taken throughout the conversation.




  1. bla bla bla bla

  2. The one thing I disagree with and I could be wrong, is the US being flooded with Islamists. Why? We already have America's version, the illegal Mexicans, who are being flooded here. From what I heard my state, California, Mexicans became the majority last year. Also the liberal American Jews in power get along better with the Mexicans and have them eating out of their hands.

  3. John Friend Interviews his Hard-On :P

  4. John Friend -- Booo!! Weak weak weak John.

  5. John Anthony Hardon was born in 1914 to a devout Catholic family in Midland.Need I say anything more. Catholics desecrated Hitler's parents grave and are dick cutting blood drinking cannibals who are responsible for illegal immigration, the spread of Communism and feeding and breeding niggers.

  6. John Friend is a liar, he contiunues to slander Hitler by calling him a christian. Fuck off, John. I am a German and I have posted more than enough evidence that Hitler and the Nazis were committed to getting rid of a the jew religion of christianty. Just because you refuse to look at anything NOT christarded does not mean it's not factual. Your stupid jew book says just the opposite of what you claim christianity teaches. Stop projectig your christarded jew worshiping values onto Hitler and the Nazis.

    You and all christarded jew worshiper make me sick, all christarded jew worshipers are filthy fucking liars.

  7. Hitler was born to a devout Catholic mother. He first saw the Swastika at a Catholic Church, was raised in the faith... and NEVER denounced his faith.

    So it's that simple for all the Klassenshits and Pagan-tards out there.

  8. Hardon rules!


  9. Guys, Hitler was a TRUE Israelite. Probably the best Jew our race has produced. Besides Rav Jesus.

  10. 1:49 AM

    What the fuck are you rambling about?
    You're claiming that he is over 100 old internet blogger? Hahaha, drink more fluoride, you delusional spammer.

  11. Hey Arminius, are you going to come on my show and debate this? Or are you just going to continue leaving these ridiculous emotion-laden comments here on Mami's blog?

  12. John Friend obviously has not studied the occult connections to the N.S.D.A.P.Hitler's table talks also reflect His view of Christianity.

    When the masses have been indoctrinated with such fairy tales ,they must be dotoxed gradually.Hitler knew this.He also realized that the masses would never study to the extent necessary to form a new man,and believe me, the new man in Hitler's view was not going to be a Christian. Debating this with Christians is fruitless ,a waste of time.The indoctrination is too firmly embedded in the mind.Christianity is a slave religion.

  13. Every 12 year old school child knows
    about Hitler and Nazis and SS , and 6 million gassed jeeews and Anne Frank
    and.....Yes , education starts early
    in JewEssA
    PS: but they never heard of massmurderer Stalin ....

  14. 11:43 AM
    These "people", have no intention of debating anyone. They constantly and consistently promote the jew version of history.
    Jews like to promote the idea that anyone who opposes jew domination is a raving lunatic so these people promote the idea that Hitler was a raving lunatic.
    These "people" generally come across as raving lunatics, further promoting the idea that only raving lunatics oppose jew domination.
    These "people", tend to attract raving lunatics and repel anyone with any sense.
    This has been a successful strategy for them since the 70s. We have the internet now, hopefully more people see through this sideshow.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. For the dogmatic Christian-bashers and the dogmatic Pagan-bashers,

    When we try our best to be objective and fair when studying Hitler, we see a great and brilliant man, and we see that man evolving. Hitler was a man. He was not some super-powerful being who appeared on the scene fully formed.

    We see the following:

    - Hitler defending the culture of the West

    - Hitler protecting the Christian beliefs of his Volk

    - Hitler declaring himself to be a Christian

    - Hitler supporting the effort to create "positive" Christianity-- a specifically Germanic Christianity, freed as much from its Judaic roots as possible

    - Hitler being extremely critical of Christianity, to the point where it appeared that he no longer saw it as a workable, positive and constructive influence

    These views conflict with one another. It does not mean that Hitler was a flip-flopper, a liar or a typical politician. It means that he was evolving. It means that he was human. It means that he could adore and love his devoutly Catholic mother, while deeply admiring Nietzsche and Wagner.

    What comes through everything is Hitler's love for his Volk.

  17. There is no reason to debate with you John Friend and you are a liar and a fraud. You claim quotes about Hitler with no references beyond books written by jews and the Mein Kampf from Wikipedia. There is none of us who need to speak for Hitler and no one but Hitler is qualified to speak for Himself. Here is a collection of videos on Hitler's Speeches with English translations. AND NOT ONE OF THEM DOES HE EVEN MENTION JESUS YOUR LOVER HUSBSAND AND MENTOR OF COMMUNIST DOCTRINE.
    You have absolutely no jurisdiction in the Third Reich and are a complete disgrace calling yourself a real jew.What a joke.
    Then on this whole Christians are mized bullshit.Christians are in as much control over the msm,and are the ones who the Talmud refer to as each jew has 2,800 slaves who are called Christians.
    It is not even the jews who spread judaism all over the World it was and still is the Missionaries.Without Christianity the jews would have remained a small tribe in Judea.

  18. CI is nothing but another branch of the Catholic Church as is Islam and Protestantism.

  19. Who gives a shit about hitler or chrisianty both should be thrown in historys trash can along with the holocaust these two issues alone will stop this movement from going anywhere apart from down the shitter

  20. 1:39 PM
    You and the rest of the trash on this website is what has kept this movement from going anywhere for almost 50 years. Thank God, nobody listens to you and the rest of the trash here.

  21. Speak for yourself and the movement has gone further than you think. Iceland for example is moving away from Christ insanity and adopting the old ways. Europe unlike America has Nationalist movements like Jabboc and Golden Dawn and a reemergence of the NSDAP in Germany. It is the bible bangers who are holding America back.

  22. What's to debate? Hitler took the Catholic sacraments and never renounced it. Apparently the Pagan clowns are claiming he was a liar who was too scared to say his beliefs. This says it all about Pagan tards who think lying to everyone including your own people is perfectly fine. The simple truth is Hitler remained a Catholic his whole life and likely prayed to the Lord and Creator before departing.

    Of course, it took a Catholic mother to produce someone as great as Hitler but in comparison, what would a Pagan or Klassenshit mother produce?? Well we just don't know because Klassenshits and Pagans can't get honorable wives (assuming the few that are hetero) and if any manage to have kids, they're probably deadbeat dads anyway.

  23. "By defending myself against the jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mr A Hitler

  24. Why are so many concerned about Hitler's personal spiritual beliefs over being concerned about our present jew problem?

  25. Anonymous said...

    "By defending myself against the jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mr A Hitler
    Source please and give the audio of that quote.
    Then since Adolf Hitler was all about jesus and loved the Catholic Church so much listen to Rodney Martins show where he talked about all the clergy who were sent to reeducation camps. And tell my how jesus came to the rescue when all the women who were fleeing the allied invaders went to the churches and were raped and murdered right inside the chruch.Where was your gawd who jesjs said will feed them and they need not worry but I guess they forgot to peck the ground all day ans starved to death because they had too little faith.Your gawd damned religion is finished and like Rodney said Germans walked away from the church but Catholics like himself want to shove them back into the sewer of christianity instead of letting them progress. Take your protocols of christinsanity and shove it.

  26. congrasts, John Friend was endorsed by & hi'ss web site promoted on Mike Rivero's WRH show Friday on RBN, which gives John Friend endorsement of the 2 big jews of alt Jeff & Mike.

    I have recently been reading & interested in the articles by Ro'i Tov who also is endorsed by the duo. I estimate RT to be a 3x agent of Mossad.

    I have a question, which I believe is relevant to intelligence assets discussion.

    Ro'i claims to have lost most of his speech due to an attack by Mossad which cut his throat badly in some unspecified manner.
    During the Boston Marathon operation, CIA assest Tarnaev also had cut his throat badly in some unspecified manner, such that he cannot speak.

    Given the above (important?) coincidence, why is that neither Rense, Rivero & even Ro'i never mentioned it?

  27. 3:25 PM And you think any of those nationalist organization in Europe are anti-christian you idiot? stop living in your delusional satan fantasy kike sholtes, no one with a right mind is going to support that type of shit, and non of those european movements are build on that type of mindset, Germanys leader of NPD is a christian btw.

  28. So all historical fact must be authenticated by audio. No wonder you're so fucked up sholtes, your history of the world is limited to 100 years.

  29. STUPID AMERICANS!!May 14, 2013 at 4:19 PM

    Reading these comments,two words come to my mind!!STUPID AMERICANS!!

  30. goto jf's blog and just look who he endorses a guy who campaigned for Rick Perry. Hook nosed jews all over his site. Then just tel me who finances his life since losing his job.Hardly any responses and he censors all of mine. Look an the quotes from the jew book he uses.Then he tries to use Adolf Hitler to spread his christian filth.Pope Benedict is a jew and jews elected the last pope. The jews and their subcult christians are controlling the Alternative media and Renegade is the only non jewdao christian radio show on the web.Then the Christards claim that they are victims just like their jew cousins do. No difference.
    What the world needs most is large population of Lions and a leader like Nero to take care of the problem.

  31. May 14, 2013 at 4:23 PM

    Shut the fuck up, you sick creature. Noone bothers to read your retarded comments. Take some medication.

  32. 4:48 PM Sholtes posts some of the more truthful comments on this blog. Your constant ridicule of him brings to light your jewish features.

  33. 5:00 PM

    I told you to shut up, didn't i?

  34. 4:23 PM
    You talking about Matthew Heimbach shitstain? I saw a video of Heimbach and three others standing up to hundreds of your antichristian communist scum brothers. I think I'll give Heimbach the benefit of the doubt.

  35. 4:23 PM Kike sholtes, go back to the nut house and take your medication, You and rentafags are all non-signaficant, thats why no cares to sign their damn petition or listen to their shows.

  36. 11:43 AM John, The copy and paste king Arminius probably can't even speak english and probably isn't German, all his sources he sites come from nazi bashers like peter levenda whom alex jones loves to cite, and from a Docu. called the "Occult History of the Third Reich", Its completely ridiculous and portrays the hollywood version of Nazis, that they were mystical wizards, that they killed six million jews and planned to eradicate all slavs. These Idiots, won't debate you or because most of them of room temperature IQ wikipedia scholars who are full time keyboard warriors.

  37. Our christian spammers need a raise! Good work boychiks!

  38. 6:03 PM Oh heres another one of Kike sholtes second characters coming out of the closet. lol

  39. Anti-christ scum. Sholtes is no doubt a kike. Praise Yahweh. NOT Satan.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. John, you and Rodney are going nowhere in the twoof movement becuase you alienate anybody who is sincere about seeking the truth by pushing your retarded jew religion.

    You fools won't even defend your own jew book, rather than stand up for your "faith" you shoot the messenger.

    I don't care which version of the jew book you claim to follow, they are ALL, bar none, jew worship.

    I dare you to watch this video. You won't because you are a lying POS jew worshiper.

    The christarded jew worshipers in this video are exactly like you and Rodney. Truth be damned, I love my baby jewsus fairy tale and nothing you show me will ever get through my fat lying mamzer making head. Ein Volk ein Reich ein Fuhrer! Heil Hitler! you disgusting jew worshipig race traitor!


  42. 6:26 PM
    I don't know about this John Friend person, but the only people Rodney alienates is retards, this is good.

  43. @John sholtes
    "...since Adolf Hitler was all about jesus and loved the Catholic Church so..."


  44. 1) I think people who post as Anonymous are bullshitters and shouldn't be acknowledged. I f you think you have something useful to say, state your name and say what is on your mind.

    2) John Sholtes is a moron if he thinks CI is Judeo-Christianity, a moron or a troublemaking Jew, I suspect the latter

    3) Arminius is also no doubt a kike, I also suspect he is a queer based on his very bitchy sniping. Then again, Jews are bitchy in generally.

  45. Rodney Martin is a christarded jew worshiper. He's a disgrace to Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler was a fervent student of ancient Aryan occultism, not jewish mythology. I don't care how many fake quotes from re-written versions of Mein Kampf these jews and trolls bring out.

    Show me a recording of Hitler praising Jesus.

    I'll be waiting a while. Forever to be exact. Because it doesn't exist.

    Hitler talked about THE WILL of the people as the prominent force for change. An occult concept. A "satanic" concept in your eyes.

  46. John Tyler Sholtes born july 26 1950 to Susan Tyler great grandauter to John Tyler 10'th President of the United States. Father Edward born to Austrian immigrant Architect.Uncle Ernest Waffen SS murdered by communists.
    Studied at Ohio State 1968-1972 Metallurgy Welding engineering and minored in Hoticulture.
    Aryan blood no race mixing in family history.
    Hobbies surfing swimming diving and boxing.
    Religion Germanic Pagan
    Think if there is a Satan Aryan God advocery to YEHWEH the jew gawd he is OK with me.Nothing gets the dander of jewworshippers more than to say Hail Satan and that is why I say Hail Satan.But never met him.

  47. @ John sholtes

    "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mein Kamph, Vol 1 A Recdoning, Chapt 2 Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna

    Why you have a problem with Mr Hitler saying this? Do you NEED to believe that he did not say it?

  48. Ancient Aryan occultism is Kabbalah, it's the basis of Masonry, you're right its satanic and the direct opposite of Christianity, it's jewish mysticism.
    You might want to be a part of them but they sure as hell don't want anything to do with you.

  49. 7:59

    Kabbalah is what the jews stole and altered from the Library of Alexandria. As they do with all things. Then they showed you their version and called it evil. So you kissed their messiah's feet.

    I don't think you realize how stupid you look calling ancient Aryan philosophies jewish, when in fact your religion was written by jews about jews.

  50. 8:19 PM
    Jews picked up is egypt or babylon and brought it west with them. Civilization didn't go west to east, only retards believe that.
    As soon as europeans "rediscovered" this crap, jews started coming into power.
    Go ahead worship satan, you people are the real jew worshipers.

  51. Hitler's comment in Mein Kampf about doing the work of the Lord when taken in concept is basically referring to nature. He was explaining in detail how the Jewish system is anti-nature and if it goes unchecked it will inevitably destroy the whole world. So working against it is "doing the work of the Lord". Makes sense to me. Why do Christians think that God/Lord is always synonymous with "Yahweh"?

  52. 9:53

    When did I say civilization moved west to east? I said the jews stole the occult knowledge from the Library of Alexandria and took it out of circulation, with the help of the christianized bolshevik slave class that cared more about a mythical kike fairy than science and reason.

    If you spent less time thinking of ad hominems to spam anti-judeo-christians with, and more time critically thinking about why you defend A BOOK written by JEWS about JEWS so voraciously then maybe you might be worth something one day to the White race, but until then, have fun with the 2/3 of the christian religion that's non-white. You can't even pretend to think that's going to go anywhere.

  53. 10:40 PM
    I don't want to belong to any race that you belong to, neither do any other decent people.
    The Greeks started the library of Alexandria. The Kabbalah predates the Greek conquest of Egypt. It's the talmud, jews interpretation of the word of God.
    Everything you say about Christians is false. Antichristians and occultists are the real jew worshipers.

  54. Me too believe that a God came down
    all the way from milky way , just to
    tell a bunch of lousy goat herds and
    caravan robbers : " You stinky creatures are from now on my " Chosen
    Ones ",
    And I also believe that a ghost had an affair with a jewish virgin ......
    Pray the Lord ...


  56. Ben G. re: the l/Lord.

    Yeah, I had the same thought as you when I heard Friend say that. Hitler most surely meant Universe, the Creator, not some demiurge.

    Still, Hitler lost the War and there's no getting over that, whatever the reason.

  57. yay, Joo Friend, the babblin' rabbin.

    JH makes more sense, Cairo is CI tard.


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