June 06, 2013

Seeds Of Death

In preparation of the global March Against Monsanto, you are invited to watch our award-winning documentary Seeds of Death free

The leaders of Big Agriculture--Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta--are determined that world's populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the corporations and governments supporting them.

March Against Monsanto Akron Video

David Duke Show 2013.06.06

Today: Dr. David Duke does politics and health and fitness today. First he speaks about the deceitful tactics used to steal Palestinian land and how the same kinds of deception are used to takeover American institutions. Then he goes in to Mental fitness and talks about the effect of violence, blood, sadism and torture in Zio movies and the cost of its psychopathy on American values and conduct. Kay Wahlen asks about healthy strategies for lessening wrinkles and Dr. Duke gives a preview of Tomorrow's show focusing on Health and fitness.

David's site

56k CF Download

Minority Rule – The Rise of Political Correctness

A documentary on the rise of political correctness in America and its Jewish influences.
Boasian anthropology, Sigmond Freud and psychoanalysis, The Frankfurt School, Tearing down the ‘Nuclear Family,’ political correctness takes over Harvard University through the G.I. Bill, and other topics. Featuring Dr. Kevin MacDonald, author of, “The Culture of Critique.”

U.S. Appeals Judge Accused after speaking truth others dare not mention.

Justice Edith Jones
A group of civil rights organizations and legal ethicists filed a complaint of misconduct against a senior federal judge on Tuesday, alleging that recent remarks of hers showed bias against minority groups and an inappropriate religious belief in the death penalty.
She said that blacks and Hispanics were more prone than others to commit violent crimes, and that a death sentence was a service to defendants because it allowed them to make peace with God. (refreshingnews)

Polish nationalists defend historian who proved Jews participated in the murder of their own during Holocaust

Polish Ghetto Police
TA — Leaders of a Polish nationalist movement said a historian’s claims that Jews helped perpetrate the Holocaust were “factual” and “necessary.” The historian who made the claims,Krzysztof Jasiewicz, was “far from politically correct but his statements are supported by historical facts,” (liveleak.com)

Verizon ordered to give NSA information on all U.S. phone calls in its system

Time to change your telephone service?
A top secret court order issued in April, but just now revealed, shows that the National Security Agency (NSA) is currently collecting detailed telephone records of all of the millions of American customers of Verizon wireless on a daily basis

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast 6/3/2013

The recent uprisings in Turkey–Erdogan having second thoughts about going to war against Syria and now the US/Israel are putting the screws to him, or is it Russia, Iran, Syria fomenting their own brand of unrest under the cover of a ‘Turkish Spring’?




Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures 


It's a Trick 


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.06.05

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley - Geopolitical Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jay Parker - Illuminati Insider Whistle Blower

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Japan’s Leader During Fukushima Meltdown Opposed Nuclear Power

56k CF
Rense' site