October 26, 2013

Killing Us Softly: The Global Depopulation Agenda

Happening all around you,Today!
Since the end of the Second World War and with the formation of the United Nations in 1945, international peace and stability have been maintained by controlling population growth. Unbeknown to the masses, governments have used covert methods to limit births in developed and underdeveloped countries alike and to accelerate deaths in Africa and a few critically poor and overpopulated areas elsewhere. This is the insight provided by author Kevin Galalae’s new book, “Killing us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy”
According to Mr. Galalae’s research, millions of births have been prevented by interfering with the reproductive system in an attempt to lower human fertility. In addition to preventing new births, the Eugenicists have also promoted death by creating a societal system that weakens the immune system of the world’s population. The result of this endeavour has been the increase in morbidity and mortality in most of the people.      (real-agenda.com)

ADL: 100 Years of Hate

Looked as dangerous as a Women's Institute meeting? Don't be Fooled!
*The following article is an interesting essay on the founding & history of The ADL. US citizens should take particular notice of their close connections with Mossad & corruption of US Political figures.*

The 20th October marked the 100th anniversary of the largest and most-well funded hate and defamation group in the history of mankind: the Anti-Defamation League, or “ADL.” The organization was originally called the “Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith” after its parent group, the Jewish fraternal order B’nai B’rith (meaning “Sons of the Covenant,” or, literally, “Sons of the Cut” — referring to circumcision).

Amazon called on to pull books denying Holocaust

A number of groups, including the World Jewish Congress, are calling on Amazon to stop selling books that deny the Holocaust, as well as Nazi paraphernalia from its website. They say if the retailer refuses, the next step will be a boycott.
"No one should profit from the sale of such vile and offensive hate literature," WJC Executive Vice President Robert Singer wrote in a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos last week.
The online retailer made headlines earlier in October when a media report revealed that Amazon carries a number of books with the titles like "Did six million really die? The truth at last," "The Synagogue of Satan" and "The myth of extermination of the Jews."
***See Video and read article at CTV NEWS*** 

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.10.25

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Victor Fletcher - Editor/Publisher Toronto Street News - Toronto Street Covers

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - John Barbour - Real People

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - David John Oates - Reverse Speech

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Rense' site

Scott Horton 2013.10.25

First interview Mitchell Plitnick

Mitchell Plitnick, former Director of Education and Policy for Jewish Voice for Peace, discusses the Anti-Defamation League’s Top 10 list of anti-Israel groups (including JVP); giving Israel’s government an incentive to end the occupation of Palestine; and why the Saudis and Israelis oppose US-Iran detente. (Duration: 21:10 — 9.7MB)

32k Download

Second interview George Maschke

George Maschke, co-founder of AntiPolygraph.org, discusses why the Polygraph “test” is based on junk science and doesn’t reliably detect lies; the government’s persecution of individuals who teach methods for passing a polygraph; and the NSA’s electronic surveillance of AntiPolygraph.org. (Duration: 30:47 — 14.1MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org