September 20, 2014

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.09.20

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Hour 1 - News and commentary
Hour 2 - Zezorro could not be reached.
Hour 3 - Kevin MacDonald

32k CF Download

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom

Help Obama Kickstart World War III!

President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help!

'Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told' - Full(Parts 1-27) - 6.5Hrs.
Learn the untold story about the most reviled man in history. Adolf Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told is a 6.5-hour Documentary by TruthWillOut Films.
This ground-breaking documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in World War I, to communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.
It also reveals a personal side of Adolf Hitler: who he was, his family background, his artwork and struggles in Vienna and what motivated him to come to power.
*Post-WW1 jewish Communism In Germany
*Judeo Bolshevism Discovered
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Made in Russia 'The Holocaust' Carlos Whitlock Porter
*Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists
*Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons For Invading The Soviet Union 
*Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
*Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
*Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Fuehrer
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?

Texe Marrs Podcast 9/12/2014 - “We Shall Be Our Own Messiah”—The Shockingly Narcissistic Doctrine of the Jewish Religion

Texe Marrs explains the doctrines of Judaism and its Kabbalah. The Jews believe that the serpent, Leviathan, guides them into godhood, and that eventually they will enter the Messianic Age. This will be a time of Utopian Jewish prosperity, during which the Jews are their own Messiah. Ruled by a man-king, like a reincarnated Moses or David, the Jews will be wise and good. Gentiles will worship their Jewish Masters—all who refuse will be beheaded. Only the Jews, says the Talmud, are divine. Others are pitiful beasts—the goyim cattle.                 

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post