October 18, 2014

Blacklisted Radio - 2014.10.18

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.

In this weeks - Vakvakvak - episode of Blacklisted Radio Doug covers some of the weeks headlines from BlacklistedNews.com and - Vakvakvak - thoughts on the Ebola Outbreak Reponse, Cannabis, Vakvakvak, ECB, Energy and Money, and revisionist history in the - Vakvakvak - making.



Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.10.17

Dr. John Morrow vs ISIS; Gordon Duff on Ebola operation

First hour: Dr. John Morrow, author of The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World, deplores the ISIS false flag operation against Islam; and Evelien Gilbert also joins us to discuss the NATO military exercise Southern Katipo that may have prepared a US-NATO invasion of Syria.

Second hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, says a rogue group (NOT the Mossad) is sending Ebola sufferers to the US to spread the disease. Two minutes after posting an article to that effect, VT was taken down by "a massive assault from the US Army Signals/Hacker Corps at Ft. Huchuca." Gordon also discusses "9/11 nuclear demolition" and the strange case of Gareth Porter's "regretting" attending the New Horizons Conference two weeks ago in Tehran...a statement that seemed oddly coordinated with an attack on the Conference by the Israeli propaganda agency ADL.

Kevin's blog
Freedom Slips.com

32k CF Download

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.10.18

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Hour 1 - Current Global News Analysis
Hour 2 - Current Global News Analysis
Hour 3 - Scott Onstott, Secrets in Plain Sight

32k CF Download

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org

Israel continues to abuse, torture Palestinian children

A large number of the Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons are being subjected to torture and abuse, a Palestinian official says.
Rami al-Alami, who supervises Palestinian children at the Ofer Israeli military prison, said that around 100 children being held in this jail are in need of medical and psychological attention as they are being kept in bad conditions and being abused and tortured by the Israeli guards.
The imprisoned children are even denied their basic rights, including education, proper treatment and medical care, he noted.
Nearly 250 Palestinian minors are currently imprisoned in three separate Israeli jails.
***Read full article and see video here***

Texe Marrs Podcast 10/10/2014 - Free Syria and the Middle East Maze—Obama’s Wicked Plans to Bomb Syria, Destroy the Government, and Bring More Chaos to the Middle East

Making sense of the Middle East insanity. The U.S.A., with Israel and its Arab allies, controls ISIS. The U.S. CIA funded and trained ISIS and tells it what to do. We, then, are the masters of chaos and terror in Syria, Iraq, and throughout the world. ISIS is massacring Christians—at our command. The plan for ISIS is detailed by the 1997 Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Why is Israel—ISIS’ next door neighbor—left alone and never attacked? Why are Syrian rebels treated at Israeli hospitals? Why is Israel not the target of a 9/11 type attack? The object of all this disinformation and murder: Destabilize the Middle East, drive Christians out of the Holy Land, and give Israel possession of the oil of the Middle East. Amazing information from intelligence and military sources.                    TexeMarrs.com

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post

Don’t Laugh! It’s “Anti-Semitic”! - International Zionism’s Crusade Against Dieudonné and The Global Jewish Assault On Freedom of Speech

Zionism is not just an enterprise that illegally and genocidally occupies the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Zionism is an enterprise that has illegally and genocidally colonized the globe. And if we do not recognize it as such, we will not go the victorious way of Iran and Hizbullah, but the tragic way of states and movements before them that no longer exist because they were trampled under the jackboot of imperialism and its parent company, International Jewish Finance.     ***Read full article here***

The Neoconservative Hit List: Iraq, Libya and now Syria? A jew Plan for Global US Military jew Supremacy

Further evidence was revealed in 2007 that supports the thesis that wars are premeditated by the Anglo-American[jew] elite for years prior to them being launched. This was when retired four star general and former NATO commander, Wesley Clark, disclosed a plan circulating around the Pentagon in 2001 to attack 7 countries in 5 years. The countries named mirror the ones targeted by the PNAC group, as Iraq, Syria, Iran and Libya were all listed in addition to Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan.
The reality is that all the wars of the past and the future are planned well in advance of the public ever hearing our morally repugnant politicians demanding action. Countries that resist being absorbed into the Anglo-American-European[jew] international order and allow multinational corporations to exploit their resources, are targeting for regime change well in advance of the pretext they give to intervene.
Israel is also set to benefit if the government of al-Assad is replaced with a client state of the West. A study group led by neocon Richard Perle prepared a policy document in 1996 for Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, titled: ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’, in which it outlines the strategic importance of removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq as well as the desire to weaken the regime in Syria....
***Read full article here***
*Who Controls America

As'ad AbuKhalil on Israel/Palestine: The Roots of the Conflict

As'ad AbuKhalil speaks about the historical context of the ongoing Palestinian struggle for human rights and self determination. He informs the audience about the political and social processes that led to the creation of the state of Israel and the conditions that have enabled its occupation of and ongoing expansion into Palestine.

Veterans and Human Rights Attorneys Seek Information on Toxic Weapons Use in Iraq

Iraq has been subject to the largest use of DU munitions of all areas of conflict and test sites, conservatively estimated to be at least 440 metric tons, though the United Nations Environment Programme has estimated an amount up to five times that based on satellite imagery. Iraqi civilians thought to have been exposed to DU and remaining debris have suffered high rates of cancer and birth defects and U.S. veterans report unexplained illnesses.  
“DU is but one example of the toxic legacy left by our wars in Iraq,” said CCR Attorney Jeena Shah. “Veterans who served in Iraq are suffering side effects, while many Iraqis still live surrounded by piles of metal debris left over from the war and with soil and ground water potentially contaminated by DU. The only way to deal with its effects and to ensure it is cleaned up is to have a full accounting of where weapons containing DU were deployed.”     ***Read full article here***

For those who doubt that America is ruled by a narrow elite: three charts.

(A nation) is poor precisely because it has been ruled by a narrow elite that has organized society for their own benefit at the expense of the vast mass of people. Political power has been narrowly concentrated, and has been used to create great wealth for those who possess it.

*Usury: Weapon of the International jewish Banking Cartel Families against the world  
*Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers 
*AFP’s Most Viewed Article: Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks 
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF