November 28, 2014

John B Wells interviews Robert Morningstar - November 18th/2014 Epiisode #174

On this episode, John B interviews longtime Kennedy conspiracy researcher Robert Morningstar. After rambling about some of his spiritual experiences, Morningstar gives a painstakingly detailed analysis of the Zapruder film,  it's missing frames, Officer Tippit's killing, the Warren Commission's fallacies and the murky underbelly of 1960's American politics/consensus reality.

Hour One


Hour Two


David Duke Show 2014.11.28

Are police more likely to shoot blacks than whites? Dr. David Duke reveals the shocking facts that whites are actually many times more likely to be shot than are blacks! He also shows a chart of the NYPD Firearms Discharge Report, that shows that white criminal suspects are far more likely to be fired upon by police than Black suspects! This is an amazing report that shows how the Zio Media completely reverses the facts in an attempt to brainwash masses of Americans into anti-European racist myths. He also is joined by attorney Don Advo and Prof. Patrick Slattery who discuss this big lie and who also talk about Dr. Duke's publishing, with his preface, of the great Jack London book, The Mutiny of the Elsinore, and its importance in waking people up the Jewish takeover of Western nations and the racial realities of Jewish divide and conquer tactics!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

I think Shaun doesn't like me. ROFL

In this edition of Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed, Shaun speaks to the betrayal of Mami’s Shit and their pathetic lackey admins.  Shaun will never be supporting this movement, of the molestation of Free Speech.

Shaun also speaks on a comment made about Islam, that refers to the show done on the 27th.  Whilst he disrespects being called a “block head” he gives due respect to the comments made.

The show is moving back 1 hour.  Instead of 3PM ADST Australian, 11PM EST American, it will be 2PM ADST and 10PM EST American.
And much more as usual…


Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About

The US led war against  the Islamic State is a big lie.
Going after ” Islamic terrorists”, carrying out a worldwide pre-emptive war to “Protect the American Homeland” are used to justify a military agenda.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a creation of US intelligence. Washington’s “Counter-terrorism Agenda” in Iraq and Syria consists in Supporting the Terrorists.  
The incursion of the Islamic State (IS) brigades into Iraq starting in June 2014 was part of a carefully planned military-intelligence operation supported covertly by the US, NATO and Israel.
The counter-terrorism mandate is a fiction. America is the Number One “State Sponsor of Terrorism” 
The Islamic State is protected by the US and its allies. If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State brigades, they could have “carpet” bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from Syria into Iraq in June. 
***Read full article here*** 
*‘U.S. waging war against Syria with ISIL’  
*Obama admits that his public ISIS strategy is wrong, Bashar al-Assad must be deposed
*ISIS is America’s Dream Rebel Army
*ISIS: the Useful Enemy
*U.S. Destroying Syria’s Oil Infrastructure Under Guise of Fighting ISIS
*Meanwhile, Whatever Happened to Al Qaeda??
*'Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism'
*There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11

Russia Rejects GMOs – U.S. Approves More

There have been marches, vocal demonstrations, petitions, and laws banning GMOs, but the US is still lagging in the ‘democratic’ freedoms it has promised its people. Russia, on the other hand, has completely banned GMOs, placing a moratorium on their imports for 10 years. The nation rejects GMOs due to numerous dangers, while the US continues to allow Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, and their bullying kind to contrive a cold war on the American people.
***Read full article here***

NFL player Benjamin Watson's Ferguson post on Facebook goes viral

Benjamin Watson who plays for the New Orleans Saints posted the following on his Facebook page and it has since gone viral:

"At some point while I was playing or preparing to play Monday Night Football, the news broke about the Ferguson Decision. After trying to figure out how I felt, I decided to write it down. Here are my thoughts:
***Read full article here***

No Agenda Episode 673 - "Imperial News" - 2014.11.27

TODAY; Internet Freedom; Shut Up Slave!; Take Your Meds Slave!; Furgeson; Caliphate!; Oil Trains vs Pipes; MIC; F-Russia; EuroLand; Armageddon; Agenda 21; NA-Tech News, and all your usual listening whilst watching the live Feeds from the Ferguson False Flag Event favourites. (Yup - probably a *Lot* about Ferguson in this one!)

The Thursday Show.
