10 Facts About Water Fluoridation That You Need to Know

There’s no doubt about it: fluoride should not be ingested. Even scientists from the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory have classified fluoride as a “chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.” Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41 percent of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis—unattractive discoloration and mottling of the teeth that indicate overexposure to fluoride. Clearly, children are being overexposed, and their health and development put in jeopardy. Why?
The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation in the first place. Fortunately, the Fluoride Action Network has a game plan to END water fluoridation worldwide. Clean pure water is a prerequisite to optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs, and other toxic additives really have no place in our water supplies. So, please, protect your drinking water and support the fluoride-free movement by making a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network today.          ***Read full article here***

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.12.13

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

No guest: Current events, news, and analysis

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org

Chatango Status Update: Stop your Crying,there, there!

It will return...Have patience and ask for a fresh nappy.
Scott Williams · On isitdownrightnow.com:-

"For the record. As of this message Chatango's server just reset, and is back up, but the connection is still slow.
Chatango is not down due to financial problems or bad management or whatnot. It is down due to a DDoS attack from 4chan. What this means in lamen's terms is that the attacker hacked bots into the site and used them to overload/disrupt chatango's server, causing it to crash. If the site were to be restarted now, then the DDoS will simply crash it again, as seen when it came back up for some minutes mentioned in a recent comment.
The site will return to full speed when the attackers and spam have been removed, or when the site installs a better firewall and/or better defense towards illegitimate users. Chatango's owner is not an idiot, and is likely already working on it, and they have been notified of which IP's are behind the attack. So be patient and give them time to secure the site."

*Please check the chatbox to see if Chatango is Back from it's DDoS attack. Currently UP as of 16:50 GMT.*

Artist PERFECTLY Illustrates American Hypocrisy Over The “Torture” Report

Sorry America. From outside your borders, *this* is how the rest of us really see you.
During the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Fox News reporter Ed Henry confronted Press Secretary Josh Earnest about the President Obama’s hypocrisy regarding enhanced interrogation techniques.
Henry pointed out that two members of Obama’s current national security team helped develop Bush’s enhanced interrogation policy and the fact that Obama’s drone policy is killing thousands of innocent civilians.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.12.12

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitnesses

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitnesses

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - H5 Fujian Outbreak In Fraser Valley

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Rense' site