October 13, 2015

U.S. Airdrops 50 Tons of Ammo to ‘Rebels’ After ISIS Loses Most Supplies in Russian Airstrikes

The Russian Defence Ministry has reported that “Russian airstrikes resulted in the elimination of the majority of ISIS ammunition, heavy vehicles and equipment.
This joins numerous other positive reports on the Russian intervention, where we hear 40% of the terrorists’ infrastructure has been eliminated and the launch of cruise missiles caused an exodus among the ranks of ISIS.
Despite cancelling their ‘rebel’ training program, the US has now airdropped 50 tons of ammunition for smalls arms, along with grenades, into the ISIS hotbed of Northern Syria.
***See video report and read full article here***

U.S., Russia & Syria: The Problem With Faking It

You see, the US strategic goal in Syria is not as your faithful mainstream media servants (led by that redoubtable channeler of Neo-Con smokescreens at the NYT Michael Gordon) might have you believe to save the Syrian people from the ravages of the long-standing Assad dictatorship, but rather to heighten the level of internecine conflict in that country to the point where it will not be able to serve as a regional bulwark against Israeli regional hegemony for at least another generation.
How do we know? Because important protagonists in the Israelo-American policy planning elite have advertised the fact with a surprising degree of clarity in documents and public statements issued over the last several decades.
The key here is learning to listen to what our cultural training has not prepared us to hear.
***Read full article here***

David Duke Show 2015.10.13

Dr. Duke Discusses the Torah, Jew's deception and Don Black talks about the Smokey Mtn Summit! on Oct. 31st

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Blacklisted Radio 2015.10.11

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


In this weeks episode of Blacklisted Radio, Doug Owen talks about...I haven't a Clue, as no Blurb yet posted. Will Update when he does.

