July 30, 2016

Meet Natasha Marin: The woman behind REPARATIONS.ME...ROFL

What if you actually did something meaningful for someone before the end of the year?

What if a stranger restored your belief in humanity, if only for a moment, by supporting you and allowing you to claim something you need in a material way?

I invite People of Color to ask for what we need to feel better, be happier, be more productive by posting in this space. These may be both material and immaterial requests.

I invite people who identify as White to offer services or contributions to People of Color in need of time, energy, substantive care, and support.

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2016.07.30

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - Trump-Hillary, DNC and MSM Corruption
Hour 2 - Jay Dyer
Hour 3 - Jay Dyer, Lights in the Dark
              *Fixed version

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2016.07.29

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - David John Oates - Hillary Speech Reversals

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Madeline Gerwick - Financial Astrology & The Election

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - John Barbour - New Blockbuster JFK Documentary

56k CF
Renses' site

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Circus Maximus with Nick Spero 2016.07.29

Robert Reyvolt – Destroying the Disinfo

Nick speaks with Robert Reyvolt of Incendiary Radio about the strategy of tension, false flags and hoaxes, myopic “truth seekers”, the Knights of Malta and the Vatican, the Kosher Nostra, the encroaching ghetto, the invasion of Europe, ISIS terror and SITE Intelligence, controlled right wing reactionaries, Big Brother solutions, the elections, learned helplessness, and more.

Shaun and Lark in Texas were some of the callers that basically ended up being part of this 3h show 2h42m edited.

Circus Maximus
Renegade Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune

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