June 03, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.06.03

Guest: Rodney Martin, The German-American Bund, its place in history

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  1. Springola is a jew, i've already proved it.

    Check out prothink.org

  2. What is your proof? Delaney, the felon?

  3. :Springola is a jew, i've already proved it. Check out prothink.org."

    Ignore this A-hole who has no proof or evidence of anything negative about Spingola but has his own Christian Identity brand of sheer chutzpah.

    Anyhoo . . .

    What's up with the caller at the end of the broadcast? He was named Richard. He wanted Rodney Martin to read "Ominous Parallels," which is by the objectivist Jew Leonard Peikoff, and he wanted Rodney Martin to read "Caesar's Messiah" as well, stating BOTH books contain more factual history than anything Rodney knows about Germany and Jews.

    "Ominous Parallels" is ant-Hitler and anti-Germany book written by a Jew, and "Caesar's Messiah" is about how Christianity was invented by the Romans.

    Deanna Spingola laid no claim to knowledge of either books or authors, and Rodney Martin, at that moment Richard started to call in, began having "computer problems" and never responded . . .

    What's up with that?

  4. "Springola is a jew, i've already proved it. Check out prothink.org."

    Delaney just wants more hits on his website so he can brag on another shoestring program that he's batting a thousand . . . blah, blah, blah. . . .

  5. Mike (Kike) Delaney makes his appearance at 2:50PM.

    Mike is your wife still the bread winner? How is that for a White Power Nordic Man? Of course you make money, from the Feds.

    When was the last time you had honest gainful employment?

    How long have you been an Agent?

    Surely you cannot go all over the country, that's expensive, visiting the likes of DeNugent and others if you are an unemployed "Kept -Man", Oh "stay at home Dad", so who pays you to monitor and report on WN? You are just another Brian Holland or Hal Turner, you were connected with both of those Fed informants. You right there are digs with Holland.

    Do you call your wife a "whore"?

    Are you a woman hater because someone made you theirs in prison? Why are your criminal records "unavailable"? Part of the deal?

    No one cares what you think, you attacked ZCF, like the Agent you are, you attack Deanna , like the Agent you are and you talk like a blithering informant, mining for information do you can get your next envelope of cash. Your gig is to inform on, cause chaos and confusion.
    Mike, you are the Jew, and a Informant, we all know it.
    GO AWAY.....

  6. "war is beginning" -the insider

  7. So now there is a Delaney faction, a Spingola faction, and of course, the anti-Christian
    I will ignore them all, this is typical jew shit.

  8. http://www.prothink.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/IMG_3682-450x300.jpg

    Two nigger homies, wich is wich?

  9. I can't even stand this Scott with his bloated mongrel nigger lipped face, wearing some gangsta rags.

    American white nationalism is such a joke.

  10. Would somebody who can stay on topic and has some brains answer my question at 3:00 PM? Why feed the psychopathic ego?

    Thank you.

  11. 3:19 PM

    Who gives a shit, what some kike wrote about Hitler. This is all they do, writing shit about Hitler and Germany, this is their life purpose.

  12. Richard is a Jewish troll who calls into numerous radio shows. He always recommends the same few books, apparently the only ones that he has ever read. Spingola, a gentile, probably has better things to do with her time than read Jew-recommended books written by Jews.

  13. Kike Deleney, John "psychopath" De Nugent and John "Friend" are all FBI informats and they have grabbed Scott Roberts and Andre Anglin in their net.

    Mark Glenn is just a little dirty provocateuring kike, just look at his fucking rat face.

  14. 3:42 PM So what then? So Is it Granny Spingola and the RBN crew to the Rescue! or the Satanic Goat Worshiping Rentatards? LOL!
    This is why the Amerikan Troofer movement is Fucking pointless, Too much fucking Drama, Who's on who's team crap. Just a bunch paranoid schizophrenics blaming others of people FBI agents.

  15. Kike Glenn:


  16. Yo, Stooltank, you're awfully quick on the draw these days. What's up? An audience of 2 leave you a lot of time on your right hand?

  17. ADLeney and trutube is very probably data mining operation, if it aint kosher, that site would be taken down by Mossad hackers long ago with no problem. Every alternative to youtube has failed so far.

  18. @3:40PM

    Thanks. Your perspective is intelligent, honest, sane and sensible. Appreciated.

  19. 4:18 PM wow Yea and Reptilian Overlords rule our world! lol

  20. I told you so!

    "Very important video from snordelhans"

    Haha, northerntruthtweaker is an idiot.


  21. 4:38 PM

    Comment from Deleney.

  22. 4:45 PM Comment from Basement dwelling Schizophrenic! lol

  23. "ADLeney and trutube is very probably data mining operation, if it aint kosher, that site would be taken down by Mossad hackers long ago with no problem. Every alternative to youtube has failed so far."


  24. Well, this seems to be the meeting place for all of the retard factions. This is RetardCentral.

  25. 4:49 PM What the fuck are your talking about, what about sites like the Dailymotion? They're still up! You schizophrenic conspiratards need to move out of your moms basement and see the sky for once!

  26. June 3, 2013 at 5:01 PM
    Dailymotion is a youtube clone and they censor just as much as youtube

  27. 5:48 PM Which is more the reason why we should Support Trutube! Cmon people stop making this all about retarded gossip and Drama, Pretty soon the Internet might all go into Censorship.

  28. Mike (Kike) Delaney is a good case for censorship...
    TruTube is Jewish
    ProThink is Jewish
    Kike Delaney modifies peoples comments, he will change a post that is critical of him and make it in to a Rah-Rah Mike post.

    TruTube is in Kike Delaney's house, he can easily use sniffer programs and check out people's computers who upload onto his False Front TruTube, its all a way for him to data mine, infiltrate, and cause chaos. His minions like little John not-so Friend (jewish) and others are his little helpers.
    Notice none of these Delaney-ADL-IDF Agents have jobs, yet they seem to have endless cash to travel around and conduct their "operations"
    Think about it, Delaney is out of jail early, his felony records sealed and he talk in vague generalities, just like his buddy Brian Holland did, who later admitted to being paid 8grand a month by the Feds to observe and report on WN.
    Ever notice Delaney and his minions seek people out in the movement who are real and doing something, then leave chaos in his his wake, ZCF and others. Take a close look at Delaney, he paid cash for his house, yet he has no job? He travels all over to meet with WN--Why? who pays?
    Delaney and Brian Holland were close, just how close? Ever ask why Mike the Kike always attacks people--its to keep the focus off him and who he is showing his pockets to.

  29. Yea, you can tell that Spingola is a Jew by her looks - blond hair, blue eyes and light skin. You can also tell she is a Jew by the way she exposes the lies of the holocaust, and that they have started all of the wars, assassinated politicians and by the way she exposes that the jews run most of the world's industry and are behind almost every corruption in the world and run most of the governments, and they are also behind all of the false flags. And you can really tell that she is a Jew by the stuff in her two books, what Delaney said was her shoddy work: The Ruling Elite, A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation and The Ruling Elite, the Zionist Seizure of World Power. If she were really a Jew, they would have killed her by now. The big words in the titles may have scared him off. But since Delaney probably doesn't read anyway, except for porno magazines, he wouldn't know anything about the stuff in her books. Then there are all of those shoddy articles on her web site. He can barely write a decent sentence. PATHETIC! No wonder his wife has to support the family.

  30. 5:37
    " while Jews were oppressed in Christian Europe..."
    The fucking hebrews have NEVER been
    oppressed or persecuted in Europe,that's a stinking lie. They always had their synagogues , and their rabbis ordered them to live among themselves in ghettos to preserve their hebrew culture .These hebrews have been prosecuted !!!
    That's a big difference.Time and again they have been expelled from almost all European countries . Why?
    Because these basterds always tried
    to pull their hosts over the table!!
    US President George Washington:
    " They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, then the enemy's armees. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in...It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago,has not hunted them down as pests of society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
    in 'Maxims of Georg Washington' by
    A.A.Appleton & Co.

  31. 6:19 PM

    I see no need for TruTube's existence nor any reason to give a White snot a shot at thinking he can do anything better than ZCF or Deanna Spingola. He's a high-school dropout with a few IT skills only. He gets all his ideas from other people any way.

  32. And becaus the hebrews stinking asses have been kicked out of most European countries
    that's why these bastards now , being in total control of Europe , take revenge on Europe by submerging her
    with millions of colored people and people of different culture, promote race mixing and so called multi-culturalism. Europe and western civilization is being destroyed !!
    It's high time that we 'take care' of these bastards !!

  33. 8:28 PM And what have "ZCF" and spingola brought to the table, a bunch of books and writings which barely anybody even bothers to read! lol

  34. US President Ulysses S.Grant :
    " The Jews are a class violating every regulation of trade established
    by the Treasury Department, and also
    department orders and are herein expelled from the department within 24 hours from receipt of this order."

  35. 8:21 PM
    You don't know what you're talking about, stick to screaming kike or how you hate Jesus.


  36. 8:21
    Yes Mr. President , I agree , we NEED
    to hunt these creeps " down as pests of society ".

  37. 9:34 PM
    If Washington and the other gaytheists, were really this opposed to jews, why didn't they kick them out and prevent any more from coming. You people really are dumb.

  38. Benjamin Franklin :
    " In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity,
    have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated, have sneered at
    and tried to undermine the Christian
    religion, have built up a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially."
    " If you do not exclude them from the United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government.
    If you do not exclude them , in less than 200 byears our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish the substance while they will be in the counting house rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your
    children will curse you in your graves........Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics; they will never be otherwise. "

  39. The above is taken from an address delivered by Benjamin Franklin before the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787

  40. 8:28 PM

    You don't know what either ZCF or Spingola have brought to the table and you have to ask?

    You are an effin' nincompoop.

  41. "And what have "ZCF" and spingola brought to the table, a bunch of books and writings which barely anybody even bothers to read! lol"

    So much more than you, you insignificant Mike the Kike Delaney cocksucker! So much more.

    Of course you scorn these two intelligences because you have no intelligence of your own! What a loser!

  42. Not a SINGLE question or answer to the most important development in this broadcast ....


    I sincerely hope he realizes the futility of fighting jewish supremacy with white's only supremacy; this is an internal philosophical contradiction. (If supremacy is bad for the Jews it is equally bad for the Whites.) A Whites Only Party will fail imho. They should run on an anti-Zio or Anti-AIPAC platform, not a White's only; this is just as racist and supremacist as the jews who occupy both parties.

  43. 8:59 PM

    Sorry your life is complicated by having to read. Watching TruTube videos is more your style: you don't have to understand anything, just sit back and passively receive your CI dildo download.

  44. 10:50 PM wahwah butt hurt, you idiots will never accomplish anything, which is why amerika is so fucked! And what does CI have to do with this? Stop scapegoating reality idiot.

  45. 10:50 PM

    What does CI have to do with what? You hypocrite! Scapegoating faggot!

  46. 10:57 PM

    More and more opinions falling from the mouth of yet another slave . . . like crispy Christian foreskins from the lips of the rabbi. . .

  47. @10:46 PM
    "He did not, He is still there.
    he split with Rodney Martin. delaney gang tried to strong arm Martin into attacking Spingola. Martin's appearance on Spingola today was a strong message sent, that Martin was going to support Spingola.
    This made the hothead brain trust of Delaney, Friend, Anglin & Roberts furious." -the insider

  48. Listen to John Friend, he explains the situation very simply & clearly so you will be able to understand.

  49. 10:09 PM
    This is a hoax, along with other ani-jew statements made by the founding fags, I would assume. This scum was all bought and paid for. Anti-Christian, masonic scum allying themselves with jews for money, as it was then it is now.

  50. To Delaney, Spingola and all you anti-Christian scum

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  51. 11:36 PM

    2 hours and 28 minutes of explanation? You can't break it down for us? What's the use? John Friend is another shitbag.

  52. anons @11:22 PM & 11:36 PM Thanks for the update; nothing is posted yet for today on Friend's blog but I will check it out. Delaney really does appear to be pure scum but that trio I really cannot listen to, so I cannot judge; I have been able to tolerate Friend; seems like someone who got caught in the wrong crowd.

    Why did you post an mp3 dated tomorrow?

  53. 9:16 PM
    Now the anti-Christian scum want people to worship the flag, since the goat idea didn't work out to well.

  54. How come everyone is fighting and infighting around personalities in the media when the fucking Agenda 21 is all over the United States and ICLEI is running your local regions and NOBODY is even addressing the issue that we're losing our rights and property because of this "communitarian" takeover? Huh?

    Why does Delaney get more attention -- or even Spingola for that matter (though I like her) --- than Agenda 21 in the U.S. and in your county?

    What is anybody saying about it? What commenters? Why even Mami's Shit is utterly SILENT about it.

    Geezus, people -- get a political awakening going!

  55. Look guys, Mike's mom is blond with blue eyes and jewish, so when he sees anyone who even looks the slightest bit like her, his high intellect kicks in and tells him he knows and he makes the same exact outburst to each and every one of them, "Yenta whore!" You see, the last time he laid eyes upon his yenta whore mother was when he was 6 years old eating stale Kix cereal with curdled milk watching his fave cartoon, and at the precise moment the 'Mikey likes it' commercial was on, he saw her leave the kitchen, exit the house, start the car, and forever retreat to her African lover's humble abode on the other side of the tracks. If only she'd have stayed in the fucking kitchen where she belongs that fateful day, the two of them could've kept sharing anal duty with daddy, but no Mikey was now the feature attraction all by himself, and Mikey didn't like it! He began immersing himself in the hood trying his best to absorb the exotic ways of the African in hopes of finding mommy but this proved too hard, as these blacks literacy level was just too advanced young Mikey. His sex partner, aka dad died soon thereafter, and by what can only be the work of god, Mikey met Rabbi Finck at the funeral. Suddenly Mikey had a new dad, lover, and mother all rolled up into one! Finck gave one of his illegitimate daughters to Mikey with orders to start a family in order to stroke his ego and implant him with the false feeling of stability and only deepened the grip of the hooks securely dug into this childlike man's brain. What could be more chosen than that? If you're jealous, stay the fuck in the kitchen or run the risk of becoming a yenta whore. And please don't teach your daughters to read, teach em to fuck and make babies, to save the race of course! What race you ask, if I told jew I'd have to kill you!

  56. 12:29 AM
    didn't read it. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    start a blog and write a manifesto

  57. Notice none of these Delaney-ADL-IDF Agents have jobs, yet they seem to have endless cash to travel around and conduct their "operations".

    BINGO! This is how you know that these idiots are FBI plants. It's painfully obvious, and they're so stupid that they think we can't see it.

  58. Mike Delaney, Andrew Anglin, and Scott Roberts are white trash whigger FBI plants.

    Everyone knows this.

  59. 1:01 AM
    Tell me, who is not an FBI plant?

  60. June 3, 2013 at 10:46 PM "the futility of fighting jewish supremacy with white's only supremacy" You Inveterate RETARD!

    Exposing the “If You Only Care About Whites, You’re Just as Bad as the Jews” Fallacy

  61. Race is a social Construct faggots! HUMAN POWER!!!!!
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  62. 1:01 AM See guys, spend 16 hrs a day in front of a computer in your moms basement, you'll turn into an schizophrenic retard like this guy, lol

  63. 12:29 AM Wow dude, seriously go get help, your not funny.

  64. 11:12 PM aren't you late for your pagan goat fuck fest with pastor Lube at Dave Crowleys house....

  65. Race is a biological Construct faggots! HUMAN GENETIC DIVERSITY!!!!!
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  66. Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck !June 4, 2013 at 3:57 AM

    Mike Dekikelaney is able to travel around in his Mossad Links Tour Bus that was donated to him by the DHS and the kike Bruce Gorman. If you visit the murdering CI Pastor Bill Finckelsheenies Talksjew call you will see the kike Bruce Gorman posted up in there. After all who knows a bible better than the jews who wrote it ? Since Kikelaney is unable to produce a single competent article together about anything he felt the need to call in and cause drama, this was a high level meeting of all the Jewther top brass. Carolyn Yenta, Nigger Anglin, Wigger Roberts, Tan Jew etc. Mission Accomplished

  67. GuidoCrimeFactoryJune 4, 2013 at 4:26 AM

    3:57 AM Get a life you piece of Basement Dwelling schizophrenic shit!!!

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    ..............\.............\... Piss off!

  68. "And what have "ZCF" and spingola brought to the table, a bunch of books and writings which barely anybody even bothers to read! lol

    June 3, 2013 at 8:59 PM"

    I guess only in America people boast about their illiteracy and attention span of a fruit fly. Thank goodness that rest of the world doesn't think like that. Have you seen passangers in Moscow subway? Most people have books or newspapers in their hands, instead of ipods and iphones.

  69. The Ben Frankin quote on jews is a fake.

    Of course Patriotards are desperate. Their Founding Father heroes wrote endless reams of shit but didn't mention the Jews. They created a state based on Capitalism, that didn't restrict the most advanced capitalist parasites in history.

    Well Jesus Christ picked out the money changers/bankers 2000 years ago and listed the Jews as Devil spawn... but all these geniuses since are still too slow.

  70. Do a public record search. Deanna Spingola - aka Deanna Burk - aka Deanna Williams has been married 4 times. Check into the background of the man she married her third time. Ask Deanna about Gerald Fishman from Chicago. She has left a chem trail of her own in the past 70 years. More to come.

  71. 8:46 you are a liar. Deanna was never married to any Jew.
    No one has consistently and fearlessly exposed the crimes of the Jews more than Deanna. You are scum.

  72. Calling me names doesnt change history or the truth. If you are upset with my information, research and talk to Deanna about it - or the Fishman family. Dont lash out at the messanger. Arent you all about research and the truth?

  73. “Your past is always your past. Even if you forget it, it remembers you.”

  74. Husband #3 - Andre. He is very interesting.

  75. 3:57, good post.

  76. Mike Delaney, Andrew Anglin, and Scott Roberts are white trash whigger FBI plants.

    This is common knowledge.

  77. 12:53 PM She lives in CHicago, so she probably did end up with a kike sooner or later, especially if she was a lil dirty whore before.

  78. I am tracking down Mike Delaney's history..

    looks like he has some serious issues he has not been honest about

  79. When logging in to the now Real Jew site total fascism they uswed to force you to listen to the Tru tv intorduction whose poster boy is the Semitic jew Snordelhans who has many times denounced Hitler. How jew is that?
    What a great plan to start out with very good websites like ZCF and Total Fascism and sabotage the sites from within and start teaching the oldest trick in the jewbook Bible studies programs.
    then of course you got the jew owned and operated Mamis Shithole to start this site to totally obliterate all Nationalist movements and then the only left get dragged into the moshpit.
    It all started with Eli and CI.

  80. Deranged Looney the CI real jew tries to put down the best host on Mamis. If nothing else this should convince Spinola to never host a Christard because they all believe in the Father Abraham. Stick with nonreligious people so you never get dragged into the Biblical garbage.
    Even getting Rodney on your side will eventually cost you in listeners because as Rodney said Germans are getting out of Christianity in droves. They never want to again swallow the Poison Apple from Rome.
    They are even trying to infest Dr William Pierce's National alliance and never let them. Anyone who has ever listened to Pierce knows he wasn't in any way Christian.Fuck these parasites none of them even have jobs.They are claimjumpers nothing else.It all starts with them saying I do not care whether you belive in Odin but we learned that lesson with Constantine who said Christians will be tolerated and it always ends with them forcing the jewish filth down our throats.Nero had the solution and he should have finished the job.

  81. I checked his ancestry and Deleny was married to Andre and they had a child named John Friend

  82. 4:55 PM,

    I've already looked into Delaney's criminal record. He has a couple of grand theft auto convictions from the early 1990's. He also had some other vehicle related charge. Just go to the Milwaukee city/county court records website and see for yourself.

  83. 11:11 PM
    I don't think much of this Delaney fellow, but at least he had the nuts to defy the law.
    What have you ever done, that took a set of nuts, besides corn-holing your boyfriend.

  84. June 4, 2013 at 11:41 PM
    So avoiding a gay sex mecca like prison makes you a fag, but stealing people's cars makes you the next Alexander the Great right?

  85. 3:43 AM
    No, but at least he's not a total coward like you are.

  86. I found this show somewhat boring, not really for its content but more for its mode of delivery.

    Rodney needs to pace himself and keep off the soliloquies.

    I kept hearing the periodic gurgling of water in the background. Is he in a windowless room with a seat that flushes?


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