#001 Once Upon a Time – Part 1 The tale of the origins of the U.S., its independence, founders and Constitution is more myth than reality, the stuff of vanillacized history texts and Hollywood scripts. The myths have created a national hubris blinding us to the perils ahead and a fall from which we will not return.
#002 Once Upon a Time -- Part 2 In this part, we discuss the Civil War era, the Redestruction Acts, 14th Amendment America, the wrongly venerated Constitution as a slippery slope toward the President's office as monarchy.
Erratum: Theo's first reference to "Reconstruction" was misstated as "Reformation.".
#003 “Disaster America,” a book by Brian Tuohy - In the post-9/11 era, the government is operating more and more
under national emergency/executive orders and war powers
both new and old--a tendency that moves the office of the President ever closer
to that of a dictator. In an atmosphere where real or perceived internal
dangers expose the nation to continual threats, is it wise to allow
too much power to rest in the hands of the chief executive?
#004 “You and the Atom Bomb” Orwell got it right in 1945, which is why the Patridiot and militia types
who think they can successfully bear arms against an out-of-control government
are doing nothing other than engaging in wet dreams.Download
Think Or Be Eaten