December 05, 2013

No Agenda - New World Odor - NA-571-2013-12-05

Mac & Cheese Fight; SandyHook; SnowJob; Paul Walker Crash, and many more subjects to liven up your Thursday ears.

For entertainment purposes only...


David Duke Show 2013.12.05

Today: Dr. David Duke talks about his latest travails in the fight for human rights and freedom, and gives us a great famous parable of the farmer and the donkey. This inspiring parable will help you get out the well when life and problems seem to overwhelm you. Dr. Duke shares some of his secrets of shaking off the avalanche dumped upon him by our enemies and stepping up to living a heroic life. Then Dr. Slattery joins him and they have a discussion on radical Jews who promote liberalism for non-Jews and self-preservation for themselves, even to the point of intentionally harming other nations by promoting policies that Israel would never adopt!

David's site

64k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.12.04

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley - A Conversation

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitness Reports

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitness Reports

56k CF
Rense' site

Radio Free Northwest – December 5th 2013

HAC bloviates on the Wafer case in Detroit and the future of the GOP, Lord Lucan raps on Amish hatecrime and working class movements, Gretchen reviews Eric Hoffer’s famous book The True Believer,  and then HAC closes with a homily on Movement burnout.


America’s Detente with Iran—Beware of Zionists Bearing Gifts

Despite all the political kissy-face and eye-batting taking place these days on the part of the Obama administration towards the Islamic Republic of Iran, beginning first with the infamous phone call from the White House to newly elected President Dr. Hassan Rouhani, followed by talk of sanctions being lifted and then the recent deal signed between Iran and the P5+1, let the world be clear nevertheless in understanding that America, the West and all the other tentacled heads making up the Zionist Hydra are fully intent upon seeing Iran destroyed, brick by brick and bone by bone.
There has been no ‘conversion’ as far as America is concerned…She has not ‘seen the light’, recognized the error of her ways and had her ‘coming to Jesus’ moment…She is not falling on her knees before Iran, beating her breast penitently while begging forgiveness for her many, many sins… ***Read article at The Ugly Truth***

The Jim Traficant Show 12/4/2013

Former 17-year Ohio Congressman Jim Traficant tells it like it is, in two hours of non-stop commentary and analysis on the issues that no one else will dare to touch.

Jim is joined by John Demjanjuk, Jr., son of John Demjanjuk, the so-called "Ivan the Terrible."

Show-page                     AMERICAN FREE PRESS

