January 23, 2014

No Agenda - NA585-2014.01.23 - "Dhimmi or Dead"

PR;TODAY;Syria;Turkey;EUrabia;Shut Up Slave!;SlaveTraining;FRussia;SnowJob;EUROLand;Elite$;War on Crazy;Sandy Hook;Agenda 21;Chiners;Obama Nation;PedoBear;2030;Hillary 2016;NA-Tech;Real News;War on Drugs;Vaccine$;War on Printers;Out There;TPP/TTIP & Six Week Cycle.

Thursday Fun with Curry and Divorak.


The Jim Traficant Show 1/22/2014

Former 17-year Ohio Congressman Jim Traficant tells it like it is, in two hours of non-stop commentary and analysis on the issues that no one else will dare to touch.





The Insurgent Radio Show 12.18,2013

From the warehouse and military bunker, Tommy takes two to the bollocks from many people. But he's got some good ideas. He takes a swipe at his anonymous trolls. He's advocating sending help to prisoners of activism against the tyranny of government. They sacrificed so much for us and have been forgotten. Tommy also has DC SCOUT on and news and commentary with a twist.


Queen guilty in missing children case, warrant server arrested?

What would happen if you tried to serve an arrest warrant on Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip? Last week British citizen David Compan found out.

Compan was twice arrested without charges, accosted and drugged, as was his wife. He remained incarcerated for at least a month in the London Park Royal Mental Health Centre.

His crime? He doesn’t know as this video of his arrest verified: www.itccs.org
Compan’s problems began on Oct.10 1964 when ten indigent children of the Canadian Kamloops Indian Residential School headed for a picnic with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. Grieving parents haven’t seen them since.

Read more here

The Geneva II peace talks, Syrian Foreign Minister: “The West Publicly Claims to Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst It Is Covertly Nourishing It.”

Finally, today, the moment of truth; the truth that many have systematically tried to bury in a series of campaigns of misinformation, deception and fabrication leading to killing and terror. A truth that refused to be buried, a truth clear for all to see – the delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic representing the Syrian people, the government, the state, the Army and the President – Bashar al-Assad.

***Read article at Syrian Free Press Network***

David Duke Show 2014.01.23

Today: Dr. Duke has a fascinating show centering on why there is such a deomonization of Europeans in the globalist media and from Jewish influenced government policies. Then Dr. Duke and Patrick Slattery talk about the latest Zio ripoffs such as in Africa and the nature of Jewish supremacism and world events. Also, Dr. Duke shows why the Jewish dominated media and Jewish progressive groups focused on South Africa but ignored the horrific Jewish crimes against the Palestinians that were just across the (Mediterranean SPELL) while focusing hate toward South Africans. Dr. Duke also passionately says that Europeans can indeed win the battle for their survival if only they realize their own innate power and abilities. Beautiful show!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.01.22

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Terrible Tim Rifat - Can't Wait For The End

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Ann Blake Tracy - Psychotropic Drugs Take More Lives

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

Spingola Speaks 2014.01.23

Guest: Deanna’s scheduled guest, Christina England was not able to make today’s broadcast. Deanna chose to talk about her research into the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Whinging with RJ 7 1.23.2014

A short take on a few topics like 9/11, mind control, Sandy Hook and the white man march. Sharing a couple real life story's and 1 great song at the end. La Quenelle! 


By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War

Iran Foreign Minister: WH Wrong About Deal, 'We Did Not Agree to Dismantle Anything'

Read more here