March 21, 2014

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2014.03.21

Bringing Our Activism to the Next Level

Kyle’s guest tonight is long-time pro-White activist Paul Fromm. They will be discussing the recent White Man March, what kinds of activism could be most effective, how best to position ourselves moving forward, and much more.

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David Duke Show 2014.03.21

Today: Dr. David Duke begins with another interesting analysis of the origins of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and motivation and thinking behind its author. He explains how the important thing in the Protocols is not who its author is or the literary framework of the book, but the underlying truth it postulates. For instance he shows how it predicted the inhumanity of the Bolshevik regime and twenty years before Winston Churchill's famous article about the Jewish takeover of Russia, the Protocols laid bare the same Jewish role that Churchill documents. Dr. Duke's new book documents how the assertions in the Protocols are also spot on the modern world. Dr. Duke also talks today in a health and fitness segment how any debate on the value of a particular diet should look on the diet our ancestors ate for hundreds of thousands of years, and thus is the diet that we were designed to eat. He outlines what our ancestors ate and how that radically differs from the kind of foods promoted by the international food corporations. Then Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery go into a great discussion of the origins and distinctions in mankind and helps the listener get a better idea of why we do indeed have differences and why the Zio globalists try to hide and suppress them, while at the same time extolling their own distinctiveness and chosenness! Great show, truly one you should share with family and friends!

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Bedford Mass. Elementary School Kids Playing ‘Jail The Jews’

The Bedford Massachusetts school district is trying to address an alarming rise in anti-Semitic incidents in recent months. The incidents include a game called “Jail the Jews” which has become popular at two elementary schools, the appearance of swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti painted on a high school and elementary school, and disturbing statements by some children.

According to the Boston Globe, the superintendent of the district, Jon Sill, has announced a community forum for Thursday evening at a local middle school’s auditorium intended to address the anti-Semitic trends.
In addition to the game played by students at one of the elementary schools, a child told her parents that a classmate told her they were going to destroy her country because she is Jewish, Sills said. In another instance, a Jewish child was told by a peer that she could not have a cracker because Jews didn’t believe in Jesus Christ.
Also recently, students discussing the difference between Christmas and Hanukkah made a comment that Jews were responsible for killing Jesus, Sills said.
On Nov. 8, a swastika was etched on a playground slide at the Lane School with graffiti that said, “Jews Kill Them All,’’ Jones said. Two weeks later, swastikas were found in a boys bathroom at Bedford High School, he said.
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Just another case of Jews painting swastikas to get sympathy and more hate crimes laws passed

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.20

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - World Influenza Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases And Your Health

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