April 14, 2014

Israeli settler tries to remove Palestinian flag, gets caught on barbed wire. PRESS THE CC BUTTON after starting video TO SEE THE WORDS IN CLOSED CAPTIONING

PRESS THE CC BUTTON after starting video TO SEE THE WORDS IN CLOSED CAPTION Israeli jew settler tries to remove Palestinian flag, gets caught on barbed wire.

David Duke Show 2014.04.14

Today: Dr. David Duke today talks about human rights today and why he has always condemned violence. He shares with the audience one of his many writings on the subject called. "Dr. David Duke: Who I Am and What I Really Believe, which explains why human rights and nonviolence are not only the only truly moral way to true human freedom, but acting immorally or violently is totally counterproductive to the goals of any cause for true freedom. Why, in spite of massive murder and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, responding to that immorality with random, blind violence is just as immoral. In a Zionist dominated media, it will result in the very opposite of the perpetrator would hope for! He shares a letter with a lady, Janet William who writes about how the media version of Dr. Duke is absolutely opposite of his actual written and spoken words on these subjects. Also discussed with Dr. Patrick Slattery, the giving of Israel billions of taxpayer's dollars worth of long-range military aircraft to a state with stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons! One more demonstration of the hypocrisy of both the media and political establishment which is under Zionist domination. Great program today and certainly one to share!

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