Spingola Speaks 2014.11.30

Dr. Toby Watson, the Clinical Director of Associated Psychological Health Services; Thomas Goodrich, author of many books including Hellstorm--The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947
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Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown resigns

Wilson spent months in hiding and made no public statements following the shooting. Wilson, who recently got married, broke his silence after the grand jury decision, telling ABC News that he couldn't have done anything differently in the encounter with Brown.
Wilson said he had a clean conscience because "I know I did my job right." Brown's shooting was the first time he fired his gun on the job, he said. Asked whether the encounter would have unfolded the same way if Brown had been white, Wilson said yes.
***Read full article and see video here*** 

*Testimony of the Ferguson Eyewitness That Did Not Perjure Himself