January 12, 2015

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.01.12

Charlie debuts on Renegade and discusses the Paris shooting, Jewish assassinations, jewish zealotry and rabble-rousing, the Bible, and much more.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting



  1. Welcome to Renegade Charles!

    Great Researcher, every time I have asked Charles for help with Researching1 , he has been more than gracious!

  2. Charles Giuliani & Renegade Broadcasting - what a great match! Good to see the return of "Truth Hertz" and filling the gap nicely on this network. Best wishes Charles and thanks Kyle & the other Renegades.

  3. Apparently Charles will only be on Renegade on Mondays and starting next week he might be on the American Nationalist Network for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.lol

  4. What an interesting turn of events, considering Charles originally declined an invitation to join Renegade when he was looking for a new network after Oracle folded.

  5. LOL at 4 minutes in: "Waking America Radio Network, that jokester network I was on last year."

    The network owner was true to his word about total freedom of speech, but it was such a crock as the owner blamed users for technical problems that were his fault, archives were posted weeks later, his setup prevented Charlie from ever being able to take calls, with the owner again blaming Charlie, and the site still claims it would be relaunching in July 2014. :)

  6. The shows from WARN that I wasn't able to record and were not archived over there are from:

    Friday March the 7th to Friday March the 21st 2014 and also missing is the one from Wednesday the 26th of the same month.

    I have no idea if that will help Charles or not.

    I don't think that they were posted else where on the net but I haven't checked thoroughly.

  7. Thanks, Zap, but as I remember, that wasn't anyone else's fault but the network owner's, as I remember when the damn live stream wasn't even working, despite Charlie continuing on merrily, thinking it was working. lol

  8. Charlie has gone off the rails since the second half of last year, in claiming that everything is a Jewish conspiracy. On the previous network, he said the Hyksos were actually Jews, and now he's saying that the Meruvingians and the Carolingians were Jews, that Rosacrucianism was a Jewish operation and that Christianity was set up to Jewify the Gentile world, and even saying that Islam was a Jewish creation. lol

    If Islam was a Jewish creation, why were two of the Jewish tribes in Medina exiled and why did one commit treason and the men were executed and the women and children sold into slavery?

    I don't subscribe to the notion put out by a previous commenter last year that Charlie is the DallasGoldBug of saying everything is Jewish, as I think his intentions are sincere, but he has gone down the path that Jewish supremacists want for him and others to go down, of thinking everything is a Jewish conspiracy going back millenia, so you come off as paranoid, unscholarly and unable to relate to the average person.

  9. you make good points Jason but I'd like to hear one of your shows exposing all this. Every Saturday I auto record your shows and they're always reruns of old ones.

    If you're so in tune with the truth then maybe you should expose it via your soapbox.

  10. Zap, why the hostility in your latest comment?

    I've been speaking out about these issues for a long time. I have a busy life these days that doesn't allow me to do a weekly radio show and I got moved around two times to an inconvenient time schedule.

  11. For those who are interested, I was invited onto the Week in Conspiracy this past Saturday, and I did a one-hour interview. http://theweekinconspiracy.com

    Still waiting for the archive. I talk about a lot there, including the Jewish question.

    You can catch me on the stream there until it's posted in the On Demand section.

  12. It wasn't meant to be hostile Jason.

    From reading all the post that you make here I would expect good shows from you but they ain't happening.

    I'm just hoping that one Saturday afternoon you'll stir shit up. LOL

    1. Zap, not sure if you are aware, but CG is on mon-fri 8-10am est time on American Nationalist Network. His first show was today the 19th. The rss feed is http://www.blogtalkradio.com/american-nationalist-network.rss

      Hope you can post these. Tnx!


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