August 09, 2015

No Agenda Episode 746 - "Thermostat Placebo" - 2015.08.09

TODAY; Debates; Cultural Marxism; DSM V; CYBER!; NA-Tech News; NK; EuroLand; Big Pharma; Shut Up Slave!; F-Russia; Obama Nation; Earon; Kale; Caliphate!; Chiner$; Vaccine$; Out There; Eugenics, and all your usual listening whilst browsing the many Chinese Cut Price Knock-Off sites for something cheap and Knock-Offy  favourites.


The Sunday Show.




  1. Why did the illustrator put in a combo of Stalin - obummer, instead?

    This photo is a mockery of Trump, because he is WAAAAY up there, compared to the lesser beings.

  2. AG - "Better Go To SpecSavers!" ;)

    The Pic Obviously shows Kim Jong Un - Current N.Korean "Dear leader" - combined with "The Donald's" Comedy Wig. If the concept of "Satire" is so alien to you? Why Bother to listen to this show? It's "Info-tainment;nothing more.


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