February 20, 2016

Dennis Fetcho's Inside the Eye Live Feb 20 2016

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qabalah blog in all of blogdom.The Fetch also has a second site called Inside The Eye Live.

Hour 1 - Operation Northern Thunder, Venezuela Implosion
Hour 2 - Preparing for Disaster
Hour 3 - Jewish Group Survival Strategies


Fetch's Archive Here


1970s Researchers Predicted Debit Cards Would Be Great For Surveillance

In late October of 1971 a group of academics and technologists gathered at a conference at Georgetown. They were given the task of devising the most comprehensive (yet invisible) surveillance program imaginable. What they came up with sounds an awful lot like our current debit card system. 

 This was the question posed to the researchers in 1971: Suppose you were an advisor to the head of the KGB, the Soviet Secret Police. Suppose you are given the assignment of designing a system for the surveillance of all citizens and visitors within the boundaries of the USSR. The system is not to be too obtrusive or obvious. What would be your decision?...

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Antonin Scalia’s Death During Secret Junket Points to New Ethical Violations

Antonin Scalia died as he lived, indulging behind closed doors in the largess of the very wealthy, who could depend on the right-wing associate justice to defend their interests in the United States Supreme Court. The nauseating praise for Scalia as a towering judicial figure is exposed as all the more dishonest and absurd by the still emerging circumstances of his passing. 

On Friday, February 12, the start of the Supreme Court’s annual week-long President’s Day recess, Scalia took a chartered jet from Washington, D.C., accompanied by an unidentified lawyer friend, to the exclusive Cibolo Creek Ranch in the Chinati Mountains of West Texas, near the Mexican border. US marshals assigned as Scalia’s bodyguards were told not to make the trip....

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