Dr. Judith Curry is a climatologist and former chair of the School of
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology
who went from the “high priestess of global warming” to a “climate heretic”
after realizing she had been duped by the IPCC. Today she joins us to
talk about her recent breakdown of Michael Polanyi’s 1962 article “The Republic of Science.”
Topics discussed include the science/policy nexus, the breakdown of the
old norms of scientific research, and how the internet is helping to
revolutionize science. www.corbettreport.com
Dr. Duke addressed the media attack on Donald Trump. He noted that the
media is trying to smear Donald Trump with Dr. Duke's own ancient
history, while ignoring the more recent history of Hillary's whoring for
Jewish power. He pointed out that Hillary's top campaign contributors
are ALL Jewish billionaires from the media and financial industries.
Slattery joined the show and they had a discussion of they talked about
the law suit against Trump University, the Jewish role in it, and the
strong ethnic identity of the Mexican American judge in the case. They
talked about the importance of people being able to express their
desires to preserve their heritage without being branded racists.