Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - "Flag Day" and the Arab Revolt Hour 2 - Listener Participation Hour 3 - Jewish Oppression and Hypocrisy
Preston James of Veterans Today, Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire
First 90 minutes: Fearless Palestinian blogger Maisoon Rice and
former mayor of Bellflower CA and Libertarian Vice Presidential
Candidate Art Olivier discuss the possibility that World War III will
break out sooner rather than later, with satanic Zionist freemasons
pulling the trigger on humanity and "culling the herd." Art Olivier, producer of the 9/11 truth Hollywood-style thriller Operation Terror, has just made a new youtube:
"When an obscure Belgian named Dirk Laureyssens introduced guru/hacker
Sterling Allan, to Mehran Keshe, little did they know the shit storm it
would cause, including bringing about the death of a Supreme Court