August 22, 2020


Sometimes, there just are no words. Assassinated in front of his sisters as he played on his bicycle. Pray for his sisters, his family, who have lost so much at the hands of the criminal responsible.

Not a lot to say about the state of the world. Everyone in my blog roll says is all so much better than I ever possibly could. But I can say that being back in the water the other day was just heavenly. Just heavenly. While I did not overdo it, my shoulders and tail are definitely feeling it in a most delightfully achy way.

The other night my family had an impromptu dinner; we ate out in the garden enjoying a display of sheet lightening, everything on the table grown in the garden from veggies to chickens. Life felt so precious, our first gathering since last Christmas. If nothing else, our values have changed over the past years and gratitude for these times must be expressed. We appreciate the little things more.


Adanac said...

Saturday is almost gone Noor, but I remembered! :)

KnownUnknown said...
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KnownUnknown said...

Fighting Irish. Fuck yes!

Harry McFudd said...

Sooooooo.... Zap is hitting the sauce again and down for the count eh boyz? One of these dayz his liver is going to explode like an Israeli suitcase bomb and wipe out the whole fucking neighborhood. 5..4..3..2...1.. Kahchoom!!!!

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Thank you Chainsaw guy!

I just hope Zap is ok.