What did I see when I remote viewed the Unknown?
Scientists & psychics strongly suspect that the ugly creature you see above is the low-class vermin that has been polluting this site with its childish bullshit.
The hideous specimen demands much undeserved attention.
His lowness has infested the Comment Section here at Mami's Purgatory.
The demented vermin and attention whore keeps repeating the same criticisms of jews over and over, yet, when others criticize the jews, all he has to say is crap like this:
""..their father the satan...." fu*k that religious bullshit ! If you are just watching how &%$#@# parasites are destroying your beautiful "rose garden", DON'T BLAME THE PARASITES, YOU IDIOTS!"
"Hello, if you are just watching how parasites are destroying your beautiful "rose garden", DON'T BLAME THE PARASITES, YOU IDIOTS!!!!!"
This living glory hole has "a stench that precedes him" everywhere he leaves his vile "comments".
"a stench that precedes him" - Noor al Haqiqa