Dustbin Jewdeau “My fellow Canuckians, I fled the capitol
whorhouse for your safety, after testing positive for Libtardness, a
deadly disease that makes me behave and think and talk like Jew.
You are all stupid antiseptic nazis, Jew haters, anti-vaxxer
antisemites, fringe conspiracy theorists. Waaa, mommy, mommy those bad
misogynistic truckers took my crown”
Dustbin Jewdeau “My fellow Canuckians, I fled the capitol whorhouse for your safety, after testing positive for Libtardness, a deadly disease that makes me behave and think and talk like Jew.
You are all stupid antiseptic nazis, Jew haters, anti-vaxxer antisemites, fringe conspiracy theorists. Waaa, mommy, mommy those bad misogynistic truckers took my crown”