June 20, 2012

The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.06.20

The Fed’s job is to prevent a deflationary depression, (1929 style), and just how do they do that? Inflate.

-Fed to continue selling short bonds and selling long, twisting away thru 2012 -Smoke and Mirrors until the people catch on. Now there’s a plan for you. -Most of the financial drama out of Europe “…is the Hegelian Dialectic…” -Is it time to sell grandma’s silver set? -The boys are taking “Manipulation” out for a spin to see what it will do. -Now there’s bonded debt and unfunded liabilities. Add those up and there is too much debt and not enough Federal Reserve Notes…for now. -When did The Boys have a grip on the media? Listen to Andy’s tale of the story behind the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 -Speaking of owning the media. Did you know Cannabis has 70% more cancer causing agents than cigarettes? It must be true, hear the audio from CNN. Can you say PROPAGANDA? -The difference between massive inflation and hyperinflation. -Here’s an idea, take over the Fed, pay off the debt with dollars created in the Treasury. -How much U.S. debt is owned by the private bankers who own The NY Federal Reserve Bank? -Putting gold and silver into perspective 100 years ago. -Congress is in charge of weights and measures. How many ounces in a quart, how many feet in a mile and what is a dollar worth? Two out of three isn’t bad. -A listener wants to get Mom on board with real money. -Job numbers are really ugly. -A share of Apple stock. A share, (a dollar) in the U.S Corporation. How we doing? -Hear how Patrick and Andy made one another millionaires. Lawfully. Caution: don’t let this stop your donations (wink)

Patrick Timpones One Radio Network archive:  http://www.oneradionetwork.com/the-real-world-of-money/


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