August 21, 2012

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.08.20

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - The Great Serpent, The Red Dragon And The Soaring War Eagle

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jordan Maxwell - The One And Only

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Showing Up In CA Produce

Rense' site


  1. Thanks for the uploads, but wasn't there a rense show on the 17th?

  2. You deleted my question?

    Fuck you and your overblown sense of self-importance!

  3. Will Rense ever stop with this Fukushima shit already ? Half his front page is already Fuk-u-shima crap.

    Goddamn ! Let's all go suck some radiation in Oregon on Jeffrey's compound with his latest future ex-wife.

    When is this fool going to kick Tarpley's ass to the curb and get a few interesting guests in for a change ?

    Never, that's when. He's like a frozen relic in time.

  4. So your happy to let ignorant pro-nukers post defamatory nonsense - but you delete valid questions?

    Zapoper = yet another filthy enemy gatekeeper. What a shame. I thought you were OK.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hour 2 - Jordan Maxwell - The One And Only

    Essential listening for aMerryScum (american)

  7. " Zapoper = yet another filthy enemy gatekeeper. What a shame. I thought you were OK. " I just recovered this in the spam and I have no Idea who, what or why your comment got deleted. I found other legitimate comments in the spam box too.

  8. All three hours of Rense were encores on the 17th.


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