September 22, 2012

John Moore 2012.09.19

 Elementary Preparedness: John Moore's Top Ten List

This show has good information about the basics of preparation and survival. This is one of those broadcasts you might want to play over again a few times. It is not just informational, it is also instructional. This is one of those audios that you give to people who woke up asking "How Can I Prepare". If you have a Youtube account, put this out there.

Edited by Shortwave and uploaded @Concen.Org

Johns Site


1 comment:

  1. Who'd have thought John Moore would look like that? In my mind he's always looked like a long-lost Vietnam vet, ie ripped and dirty combat gear, long hair and a big beard and holding a conch shell full of worms for lunch.

    "Two is one and one is none". Not that he's wrong, but it's one hell of a way to market survival gear!


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