September 23, 2012

Spingola Special 2012.09.22

Deanna talks about Nazi bashing in the alternative media

      Deanna' site    Spingola Specials


  1. Deanna's done tremendous work, as have Bill Finck, Veronica Clark, Carolyn Yeager & others to shift perceptions - and speaking for myself, it's been a successful campaign.

    By the same token, Swordbrethren's 2010 "Bolshevism in Russia" series (with Bill Finck), which covers the 1919 Russia #1 Report, helps relocate the blame where it belongs.




  5. Next time it would be appreciated if the YT hat a description.

    It looks like a spamming job although I know better.

  6. Hitler was a dictator and notwithstanding what lady Michèle Renouf said about democracy being (paraphrase) a hegelian dialectic controlled by the money power, a dictator means having power concentrated in one place: no surer recipe for abuse and ultimately, disaster. Isn't that the object - or surely at least the main risk - of One World Government?

    Don't forget the early signs of power going to the head: Hitler's purge of 30 June, 1934, when some 1,100 Brownshirt leaders were shot.

    There are far fewer European proponents of Hitlerism because today's population had parents and grandparents who (barely) lived through it. The US was shoe-horned into the conflict but its civilians never got a real taste, up close and personal, of The Managed War.

  7. ^^ When Zapoper climbs on his anti-intellectual high horse, he can imitate fedupusa quite well.

    this is not spam or trolling. Zapoper will delete it anyway.

  8. Hey? The only difference between Zapoper and Hitler is Zapoper deletes comments faster.

    Heil Z ap oper

  9. Thanks for deleting my thoughtful, rational, truthful and informative comment (yet again). What is it with you guys huh?

    Whatever this site is about, it ain't about truth and that's for certain.

    Funny how you never post anything from GCN to undermine their subscription base isn't it? You working for them to destroy the likes of RBN and Rense etc Zap? Kinda looks that way.

    Go ahead, feel free to delete me again, coward.

  10. I just fished it out of the spam box. I don't care if you call me names and I certainly won't delete your crap just because you say naughty words to me LOL.

    BTW. Alex Jones can be heard everywhere. Why would we post his shilling ass here too?

  11. I didn't say any naughty words in either post. I called you a coward in the one you didn't delete. You say I was deemed spam, but it's funny how 3.06 managed to post the same thing three times, while I made a sensible comment and got canned. Happens nearly every time I post here - but fuck it, what do I care?

    Re: Alex Jones - you missed my point. I guessed you might. Thing is, I happen to like this site, a lot. I can get stuff here that I can't afford to subscribe to - and all in one place too. I kinda feel guilty about that sometimes, but as a fellow Concener you know how it becomes a habit and an expectation after a while - and I was wondering if you ever felt a bit guilty too.

    Anyway, I've no real beef with you Zap. It just pisses me off that most of my posts never make it (whatever the reason), while absolute shite from some of your more brain-dead contributors seems to have no trouble at all.

    Not to worry. I'll just avoid the comments altogether.

  12. I don't know why I have to fish out your comments out of the spam box. I think they go there automatically sometimes.

    Hell Humbug's comment were going straight to the spam box the other night.

    It must be something on your end. I don't know.

  13. I don't feel guilty about posting shows btw. Fetch and Giuliani are ok with it and if other hosts from the so called alternative media complain then we'll deal with it.

  14. Anon, what's your source for the "1,100 Brownshirt leaders were shot"
    claim? Thanks.

  15. The large numbers of those shot during the night of the long knives are based on the american rumor mill . Everybody in this country has become a degenerate and simply repeat nonsense someone else has told them , no one actually studies anything anymore . Today they package up a big collection of these rumors and call it a truth movement . More degenerate american bullshit .
    77 people were executed during the purge known as the night of the long knives . They were traitors who were plotting to undermine the Party and Adolf Hitler just after the assumption of state political power . The story as presented in the degenerate american rumor mill ( Jew Owned ) is Bullshit pure and simple . Here is a brief film of the "Decimated SA" taken only a few weeks after the purge . Does it look "Decimated" to you ? Of course not , because the SA stood Loyal and Strong for Adolf Hitler and Deutschland . So the losers ( guess who ) spread all manner of rumor to discredit those who saved Germany from their clutches .

  16. As the first poster said, the disinfo is being worked through quickly now.

    There's a great wave forming - and I like it. It'll take time for everyone (not welded to the floor) to catch up, but it seems to me it's happening like never before.

    We must allow people the time and space to grow - and we must support those who are doing so much to make it happen...

  17. @Anonymous September 24, 2012 10:16 AM

    >Anon, what's your source for the
    >"1,100 Brownshirt leaders were shot"
    >claim? Thanks.

    Douglas Reed, "All Our Tomorrows" (1942), page 125 of the pdf, page 184 pf the paper original which I happen to have.

    Reed was there and knew Hess. So (whoever): tell us again it's just speculation.

  18. Douglas Reed was Buddy Buddies with some of the Anti-Hitler Traitors who were executed . His sympathies were with the plotters , against Adolf Hitler , as the leader of the Revolution to restore Germany .

    The names of all the plotters were published , it was no secret .

    Only in the lore of understanding "Illuminati Mysteries" does it become an eerie tale that "needs" to be "revealed" by a Jew or a Jew Agent . Or by some non-jew who has his own personal reasons , as to why , he cannot get behind a genuine uprising of the people and support it loyally .

    The Party was built by Adolf Hitler , not by Ernst Roehm , nor by Douglas Reed .

  19. Disinformation and Misinformation is everywhere . That is very good for those usurping power over a nation , as , it leaves any opposition isolated , disorganized and powerless .

    Only when the mountain of Lies , heaped together by the usurpers , is blown apart , blasted away , allowing the real truths to be clearly seen by all , can an effective revolution against the Usurping powers begin .

    A clear vision cannot emerge when the eyes are Blinded by the Lies .

  20. No problem - let's just agree to differ.

    But remember Reed got marginalised, stripped of his profession and ended up in Southern Africa for his writing, including his "The Controversy of Zion".

    The legacy of Hitler on the other hand - whether or not he could be said to have intended it (my mind is open on this) - included circumstances in which

    i) the State of Israel was established
    ii) Eastern Europe was communised for half a century
    iii) the British Empire was dismantled as part of the push to remove obstacles to regionalisation and then world unity government.

  21. @ anonym who wrote <>

    Reed is a reliable source to read on certain things, no so much on others.

    Different people shill for different reasons, Reed and the best of journalists and historians included. You have to read with critical eyes & realize when they're shilling & go verify what seems fishy to you from different sources on the internet. This is because what they shill for will not be what YOU shill for, so you will discover the shilling. If what they shill for is what YOU shill for then you will cheer them on in their shilling.

    Same with Juri Lina and plenty of other excellent writers. No one is completely shill-free. Different people have different levels of shill-clearance.

    Shill-proofing is a an ongoing lifelong process that has to be practiced as a daily discipline, shill-proofing yourself against others & most importantly also shill-proofing yourself against yourself to the best of your ability. Certificates of shill-clearance are then earned from others or rejected by you and thrown back in their faces if irrational or part of their own shilling for themselves. In other words, other people may withhold your shill clearance in order for you to give them shill clearance first, a Mexican stand-off of shill vs. shill. lol!

    Your ego is your worst enemy when it comes to becoming a certified shill yourself. You should cultivate the humility of admitting when you have been wrong, admitting when you've been duped and bamboozled, one of the hardest self-disciplines to develop because it's like a kick in the nuts to your ego with a steel-toe boot.

    The way that shill tests develop in the so-called alternative media of the internet is that after a while a whole bunch of half-truthers and other dipshits all reach the same level of consensus & devise an informal, shill test or 'litmus test' amongst each other, for example:

    the Anti-Zionist or Name-the-Jew litmus shill test

    Those who see an obvious Jew in a position of powerful criminality & don't name that Jew as a Jew but pretend that they are a 'member of the illuminati order priest class' are shills for that very same Jew & others like him.

    Whether thy got paid directly is irrelevant since indirect payment works even better.

    The get paid indirectly for keeping their mouths shut.

    When someone like fat-fuck Jones didn't name-the-Jew for years, people got fed up with him and researched and conclusively proved that he almost always has between 13 to 23 Jewish advertisers. With this much infiltration, only morons would expect anything but shilling from this guy.

  22. continued:

    Next level and related to the Name-the-Jew litmus is the holohoax litmus shill test (which used to be called "The David Cole litmus):

    People who claim to be anti-Zionist are expected to research the issue of the holohoax by watching, for example, easily available films such as

    David Cole at Aushwitz

    Last Days of the Big Lie

    One Third of the holocaust

    holocaust unveiled: Persecution fo the Revisionists


    & come up with a rational opinion or decision on the topic.

    If they haven't done this, then they are not trusted as much as those who have done this.

    Very simple.

    After that you have the 'Uncle Adolf' litmus test

    This one was devised by Frederick Toben when he declared:

    "A slave is one who can neither speak well of Hitler nor ill of Jewry."

    When justified by the facts, of course.

    The holohoax litmus graduate is expected to go to Uncle Adolf university or basically study the real history of what the fuhrer did or didn't do and act rationally after he has enough information. After the proper research, a rational person is ususally excpected to come up with the opinion that:

    It is ok to speak well of Hitler because he was, in fact, given the tremendous amount of pressure he was under, much more honorable than Churchill, Wilson, Roosevelt and Eisenhower combined and therefore it is not honorable to constantly bash him as Jew propaganda requires you to.

    You have to keep in mind that a 'dictator' that is freely elected is no different than a father who is elected by a family to look after its interests and this is what Hitler was.

    If a father discovers a plan by a bunch of criminals who were planning to ambush and rape his family and pre-empts this by going over there with his own gang and ambushing them, then the dictator might do the same to save the extended family of the 'nation' he has been elected to defend.

    The alternative would be to let them attack you & only THEN defend yourself and lose the element of surprise. When people blame Hitler for purging the party, they assume that he intended to kill whatever innocent people ended up getting killed in addition to the plotters against him. No he did not. If you read David Irving's history, you'll see that it was Goering who used to opportunity to settle some personal grudges by whacking a few of his own personal enemies along with the plotters, not Hitler.

  23. continued:

    Hitler did not 'establish Israel,' he was actually the first leader to be pro Palestinian liberation after the British & Jewish terrorism started against them:

    Hitler's speech on Palestine 1939

    Hitler calls the English and
    Jewish settlers in Palestine “invaders”

    And the Palestinians he calls
    a “freedom loving people”!

    "In the same way, the fact has obviously escaped Mr. Roosevelt's notice that Palestine is at present occupied not by German troops but by the English. And that the country is having its liberty restricted by the most brutal resort to force, is being robbed of its independence and is suffering the cruelest maltreatment for the benefit of Jewish interlopers. The Arabs in that country will therefore certainly not have complained to Mr. Roosevelt of German aggression but they do voice a continuous appeal to the world deploring the barbarous methods with which England is attempting to suppress a people which loves its freedom and is just defending it. This too is perhaps a problem which would have to be resolved at the conference table, that is in the presence of a judge, and not by physical force, military force, mass executions, burning down villages, blowing up houses, and so on. For one fact is in no doubt. In this case England is not defending herself against a threatened Arab attack. But as interloper, and without being called to do so, is endeavoring to establish her power in a foreign territory which does not belong to her.
    ~ Adolf Hitler on Palestine, in reply to Roosevelt, 28 April 1939 -- Roosevelt had asked Hitler in an absurd telegram, among other things, 'not to attack or invade' the independent nation of Palestine despite the fact that it was the English that had already invaded, occupied and brutalized that country on behalf of Jewish intruders

    Hitler and Musslini actually prevented Europe becoming communist much earlier. All the post-war gift of half of Europe to commies proved was that Jews ran the U.S., England & the entire communist block as well, so they couldn't give a rat's ass if half the goyim became a slave plantation for natural resources they could steal just like Russia and China had (before & after Mao).

    British empire was dismantled again because the Jews owned the dismantled parts all so they couldn't give a rat's ass if the white goyim kept their so-called 'empire' since now they had the entire 'communist block' of Russia & Eastern Europe to replace it. Cheap-as-dirt labor & total access to all natural resources under terror states of oppressive dictatorship.

    Hitler's 'dictatorship' was so 'oppressive' that he got 98% of the free German vote in 1936 & 99% of the free Austrian vote & 90% of the free Saar region vote

    so 'oppressive' that 300,000 patents & copyrights were stolen after the war by Stalin allies from defeated Germany

  24. Anon, thanks for the reply. I'm a big fan of Douglas Reed, but do not think that he got that right.

    I think his understanding evolved considerably by the time he wrote The Controversy of Zion in 1956.

    David Irving says the following:

    Much had in fact happened that unsettled Hitler. Göring had wantonly liquidated Gregor Strasser, Hitler’s rival; and
    there had been a rash of arbitrary murders in Bavaria – often
    clearly mistakes of identity. He learned that somebody
    had killed his old friend Pastor Bernhard Stempfle, an almost
    daily acquaintance of earlier years, who had helped edit Mein Kampf for publication.
    Hitler’s adjutant Wilhelm Brückner described in private papers how Hitler vented his annoyance on Himmler when the Reichsführer SS appeared at the Chancellery with
    a final list of the victims – eighty-two all told. In later
    months Viktor Lutze, Röhm’s successor, told anybody who
    would listen – when his tongue had been loosened by drink – that the Führer had originally listed only seven men; he had offered Röhm suicide, and when Röhm declined this “offer” Hitler had had him shot too.* Despite Hitler’s instructions, the seven had become seventeen, and then eighty-two. “The Führer was thus put in the embarrassing position of having to sanction all eighty-two killings afterward,” complained Lutze.
    (p. 71, The War Path)

  25. This is a great audio but so annoying to listen to towards the end with all those endless high-pitched GV's of Spingola's

  26. You have to remember also that Irving is constantly revising his books and his history is very reliable though even at his stage of expertise there still needs to be comparison with others with similar levels of expertise who are maybe not as famous, people such as Carlos Whitlock Porter, Anthony Munoz and the latest and brightest Veronica Clark.

    Starting at the 6:20 mark of the following video, you can see, in color, a nude Third Reich parade with topless girls riding on a float - watch silently so you don't have to listen to the black-propaganda narrating scumbag spew his lies:

    Third Reich in Colour 3/20

    They buy up all these clips so they can narrate them themselves with their black propaganda lies. You cannot find these clips or the Eva Braun home movies with true history objective narration either


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