October 25, 2012

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2012.10.25

Today on Down and out radio it is part two with David from Texas. It is our Halloween broadcast. We will be going once again into the occult world, political world, history and the true origins our of ancestors philosophies and beliefs. The true origins of the hasbarat trap we live in today.

32k Download


  1. There's much bla bla bla in this one.

  2. Sledge has been all over the board lately. Greg the big oil tycoon from New Jersey got him going on this economic boom reset bullshit, which ain't gonna happen, a couple weeks ago.Now he brings this Blavatsky-ite/New Age Dave from Texas on and gives him the whole show.Time for Sledge to cut down on the booze maybe.I think Celtic Rebel[the sex addict] is responsible for undo influence.

  3. That's a fair assessment imo Anon, I reckoned the Nu-Age guest was going to push the Joy of Satan® next when I first heard this a few weeks back. That said, one of Sledge's more entertaining shows of late, even if his content is dipping.

  4. The Celtic Rebel has a problem and he is dragging a few down. Sledge needs to kill the booze - he can rise as a talent or not. Yeah, that dude from Texas as a quest is a total waste of time if not worse (disinfo).

  5. I've always had my suspicions about Mike and they are confirmed each time I try to listen to him or his guests. David from Texas gives us his best quotes via Jewish propaganda in the opening minutes.

  6. William Finck, who I don't always agree with in regards to Christianity, has been featuring historical readings on McFadden, the Federal Reserve, and the Jews the past 4 Saturdays and prior to that he did a 4 part series on FDR inciting WWII.


  7. William Finck OMG he is a racist i hear , i wouldn't dare listen to anything he said , hes evil.

  8. I don't agree with Finck reg. christianity... but to be jew-brainwashed to say 'omg he be racist' is completely stupid for any Jew aware person. New flash! Egalitarianism, humanism, liberalism, etc for the goyim is 100% Jewish backed, supported, financed since even before the 1789 french revolution! because it destroys nationalism in favor of jewish internationalism, jewish supremacy.

  9. Any 'racist' or 'racialist' that wants to establish racial separation by force has no right to say jack shit about 'civil rights' or group rights 'integration' is a violation of their rights since they both advocate the violation of individual rights.

    You want 'forced segregation' or force 'racial citizenship' like Israel has ? You'll have to conquer it by force first and you will have no basis on natural rights principle since that applies to all human beings and not just to one race of humans.

    And all this bullshit about all libertarianism being 'Jewish' has got to stop. Libertarianism didn't start with Rothbard or von Mises (Rothbard defended David Duke, by the way, despite being a secuular Jew, because Duke's policy's were more in line with libertarian principles and those of any other candidates). Libertarianism goes back Lysander Spooner and Thomas Jefferson who said:

    "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." and "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." (Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816)

    That's Libertarian non-aggression principle there for you in just one paragraph. It has NOTHING whatsoever to do with egalitarianism. People are only considered 'equal' BEFORE the law to achieve UNEQUAL results as is obvious to any fool with more than 2 brain cells to rub together. If that intention was twisted by Jews to mean EQUAL RESULTS or communism, that certainly wasn't Jefferson's friggin intention.

    Finck (an ex-con, who did 10 years for beating some prisoner to death when he worked as a prison guard) and the rest of these C.I. people want FORCED segregation and therefore have no grounding in natural rights theory,their grounding is in racial theory, to whatever extent they think they can prove that. That's why when they argue from the perspective of 'natural rights' theory they sound like total hypocrites.


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