October 21, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio 2012.10.18

Lee covers news during the first half of the show including analysis of the alleged terror plot against the Federal Reserve.

51 mins in Alex Jones, Dr. Ben Fuchs and Paul Joseph Watson make appearances in the 2nd half of the show.

Sledge was drunk off his ass and going nuts with the all impressions. That whole bit about taking his kid to the circus was something else. After a while even Rogers sounded drunk trying to keep up with Sledge.



  1. I lmao at this show. The first 1/2 is good--news and commentary from Lee, the last 1/2 a funny as hell parody of Jone$ and Bejamin Fuch's and the infowhore's shekel's bomb.

    Btw, I listened to about 5-minutes, that's all so just think about it, 5-minutes of the live stream for Jone$ shekel's bomb and Jone$ totally lied and said that ahmadinejad has said MANY TIMES that "Israel should be wiped off the map". Ladies and gentlemen, Jone$ is a maniac and he said if "his neighbor threatened him he would kick his ass". So Jone$ is like Romney and Obama and supports a war with Iran. If you doubted that this guy is a whore to jewish supremacists, doubt it no more.

  2. Amen to that, rock. Alex(FAT ON JEW BULLSHIT)Jones.

  3. Sledge is anti-white and possibly a jew. I dislike his hipster persona. He's the type will think a white chick with a negro is progressive. A damn phoney. All these hipster types are phoney. They like jazz and Hendrix and Huey Newton and the complex of destabilization culture Jews foisted on white America. But when their neighborhoods turn too dark, they leave. They have middle class minds and are unimaginative.

    Here's an excellent read. I borrowed John Kaminski's term, "destabilization". He's onto them.



  4. @ Dave,

    All personal tastes aside, where is the evidence of Sledge being anti white?I've heard him say he's pro white and that he opposes mass immigration and Jewish multiculturalism.Seems like the opposite to me..

    And what do you base Sledge's possible Jewishness on?

    Ironicly you link to Kaminski because he claimed to have heard that ZCF (zioncrimefactory)was a Jew cause he had used foul language in an email.LOL!I've always liked Kaminski but this kind of childish, bitchy behavior makes me frown upon him.

    Greetings from Holland

  5. sledge does a terrible jew,but the best jewns i ever heard ,my suggestion for his jones is to say "but,but,but,side issue,SIDE ISSUE"
    after going of on tangents ,its a classic jewns-ism


  6. I had to remove my previous comment because my grammar sucks...but here it is slightly better lol

    Are you shitting me? Kaminski said ZCF is a jew because he cusses? That's a weak and lame attempt for proof. lol. Sledge is no jew and I will take any truther who brings the supremacist jewish question into the fold because that is our biggest problem--they're predominately in control. (and yes along with the money powers in general). Everyone should stay focused on the problem, everything else is secondary for the time being and has it's own order of priority imo. Expose these supremacists first and foremost!

  7. I don't understand why Jones and the others would expose themselves on the air as they did. I am not sure if I believe that was a real broadcast because no one would do something like that unless they were threatened.

  8. Jones trashing Mahmoud, and indirectly supporting Israel during a money bomb makes perfect sense to me.
    if you want money during a political commentary bash Iran and money will magically present itself e specially during a fear mongering festival of misdirection.
    @Dave Baltimore. You couldn't be more wrong
    James Ontario

  9. Hey RC,

    The audio I was referring to was this DBS interview:http://iamthewitness.com/audio/John.Kaminski/TFC.SMITH.kAMinSKi10-17-2012.mp3

    Listen from 01:02.

  10. I mean one hour and two minutes in.

  11. Wow, thanks pas, that was pathetic of kaminski

  12. I still think Kaminski is a good dude, he should let that shit go though.

  13. Sledge dared to blaspheme against Saint Carolyn yeager.

  14. Also here without Lee's 20 second pauses


  15. Sledge is nationalist, anti-multi cultural (he calls nationalism the real 'multi-culturalism' which is true & which is what David Duke also pushes)but not racialist.

    All you stormfront dufuses can insert your favorite little mantra here "anti-racist is code word for anti-white," but that only applies in a society such as the Jew-controlled one today where your individual rights to your own opinions and beliefs as white racialists are being violated by the group rights of civil rights.

    If Sledge was FOR civil rights violating individual rights, which I don't think he is, since that would be unprincipled of him, then that's the only issue any real Jeffersonian American should be have against him.

    Whether Dennis Fetcho wants to have a Chinese wife or Celtic Rebel likes half-breed Brazilian beauties with big rear-ends or Robert De Niro wants to only have black wives is nobody's business under that system & neither is it any race-mixer's business if millions of whites decide to only breed with whites and live in white-only neighborhoods that they collectively own or if a billion Chinese in China do the same.

    All truthers of whatever variety need to just remember this one Protocol to keep themselves from self-defeating in-fighting :

    Protocol 5:5

    FOR A TIME PERHAPS WE MIGHT BE SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH BY A COALITION OF THE “GOYIM” OF ALL THE WORLD: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up. We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries.

  16. "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

    No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." (Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816)

  17. Jones trashing Mahmoud, and indirectly supporting Israel during a money bomb makes perfect sense to me.
    if you want money during a political commentary bash Iran and money will magically present itself e specially during a fear mongering festival of misdirection.
    @Dave Baltimore. You couldn't be more wrong
    James Ontario

  18. Hell of an observation James in Ontario!

    ""Jones trashing Mahmoud, and indirectly supporting Israel during a money bomb makes perfect sense to me.
    if you want money during a political commentary bash Iran and money will magically present itself e specially during a fear mongering festival of misdirection.

    Just thinking about what you wrote futher proves to me just what a money grubbing scumbag Alex Jones is. He learned well from his masters.


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