October 06, 2012

Star Theory Radio with Kyle Hunt 2012.10.06

Kyle has been continuously introducing ground-breaking new theories into the alternative media since 2008. In addition to writing many articles, hosting his own show, and being a guest on a number of popular shows.

The Fetch and Celtic Rebel host the show tonight for Kyle

Topic:  The current state of the alternative media, Jews, Hasbara operatives, idiotic trolls, changing tides, and much more.. like cats!

Kyle's Site



  1. First of all I need to thank you guys for making all these radio shows available. But I am not being able to download from the kiwi6 links you have posted.every time I click on the download link it goes to the kiwi6 main webpage,but the blogspotradio links are working just fine. can anyone help me with this problem?

  2. Try again or change your settings. It works fine.

  3. Sorry to sound like an idiot zapoper but what kind of settings are you talking about? I am not so good with technical knowhow.

  4. try different browser

  5. links ok for everyone else, something with your firewall or browser or setting that redirects you

    , so try a different browser and download or use orbit downloader etc...

  6. Do a ,save target as ...

  7. 25 Second 9-11 Truth Test for All Your Friends & Relatives !

    The great thing about this is that it will only take around 25 seconds to a couple of minutes of their 'oh-so-precious' time away from watching the crap on their TV, so they will almost always do what you say even to just get rid of you.

    Have them watch this 25 second clip:


    let them watch it a few times if they want and then ask them what the video is asking which is

    "If this happened tomorrow, would you believe it ? "

    and see what they say.

    It should be good for lots of laughs because if they have the brains to recognize this 25 second clip for the complete media fakery and forgery that it so obviously is (by the video maker - complete with fake headlines and CNN logo - CNN: Breaking News - F18 hijacked by Hamas terrorists - Iran is supporting terrorism on U.S. soil, a non-event, & audio transposed from the 9-11 newscasts in the background) then you can just tell them:

    Well, this is what you saw on 9-11 as well, so why do you believe that ?

    After which you can show them one of the ridiculously fake 9-11 clips such as this one:


    and ask them why in the world would they not believe the one they just saw & believe the others from 9-11 ?

    Then try not to laugh at the look on their faces as they try every lame excuse in the book to deny their own eyes and logic

  8. thanks for the suggestion guys switched from google chrome to mozilla and the links are working just fine.

  9. Hi everyone. Thanks for this awesome website. I came here awhile back to get Rense,graduating from Coast to Coast. Now I have graduated to Oracle. Awesome info.What was the song with female vocals at 1 hour into the conversation. Kyle and the Rebel really pick awesome bumpers. Thanks!


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