October 08, 2012

Truth Militia Radio 2012.10.07

On this episode of Truth Militia Radio we cover the following topics: America's Sick Society of Animal Abusers, Fat Slobs, and Excuse Makers. People that claim to be "Open Minded" really aren't at all. The Failures of Multiculturalism. And the Devastating Effects of Jewish Supremacism with a focus on the Protocols of Zion.

Truth Militia Radio



  1. Best show yet. Thanks for posting!

  2. Both of these guys are hilarious as well as very well-informed.

    20,000 downloads ? Are these guys serious ? Those are amazing numbers.

    Very few people, even longtime veteran troofer radio hosts, get those kinds of download numbers. I seriously doubt that a single RBN or Oracle show gets those kinds of numbers even after a month. You'd still need 7.5 of these shows to get to Alex Jones's 150,000 downloads per day but it's getting there.

  3. Great show, though actually, you can cut out the so called "music" breaks as well as the commercials, as far as I'm concerned.

  4. Great, great intro clip from Wall Street. Very effective and should be combined with other materials frequently.

  5. Your show has come a long way in the short time Ive been listening.I'm completely with you on the animal cruelty subject (I'm also from jew jersey).My wife and I are ethical vegetarians.On a side note,National Socialist Germany was the first country to instill strict animal cruelty laws and outlaw kosher slaughter.I don't care what anyone says Adolf Hitler was a kind and moral man and it might have been his weakness (Dunkirk)he knew the evils of the jew bolsheviks, but underestimated the pure evil of Great Britian and the U.S..Thanks and Keep up the great work

  6. We have one show on Oracle with over 20K downloads in October, one show at 12.5K, and two shows at over 10K.

    Inside the Eye - Live! best showing for the month to date is over 4400.

    Oracle's top shows are really starting to break out with 10K becoming a high end norm and 5K a reachable target.

  7. @ MaryC, I leave the show as they are unless they have real commercials. That way I post their link and they get the real number of downloads.

  8. Ok Zapoper. I suppose I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek really

  9. Not taking any credit away from them... but having a show on BlogTalkRadio will automatically give you more listeners on average. BTR has millions of visitors/listeners.

    BTW What's wrong with the music, they pretty much only play rock and its only 1 break in a 2 hour show??? I like it!

    Anyway thanks for putting me on to this show. It's one of the better ones out there.


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