October 28, 2012

Truth Militia Radio 2012.10.28

On this episode of Truth Militia Radio, we have a special guest, John Friend. We will be covering a lot of ground, from the Holocaust to Jewish criminality and their poisoning of America. Christian Preachers, IDF Killing US Troops, more non-sense at the Gym, and a 12 Year-old Girl Murdered in NJ. Tune in Live and remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.

Truth Militia Radio



  1. Thanks for posting, here is the blog I was referring to that is exposing these pedophile fuckers running the government, media, etc. Check it out:




    Pedophiles, rapists, and child abusers will be executed in public once we take over.

  2. Richard Edmonson had a great piece on Swinler's List. Not to be missed. http://leftwing-christian.net/2012/08/29/swindlers-list-a-brief-look-at-the-holocaust-reparations-racket.aspx

  3. Great show guys and thanks for the links John, very disturbing. To his credit, DBS has also been posting links about this pedophile ring. I get bad thoughts when I think about what I would like to do to these sick fucking pedos.

  4. These Truth Milita pair are irritating. They have FINALLY figured it out and act like they know it all. Non-stop cursing is suspect. They rip Christianity like true fuckin' Jews.

    The Jews have spent centuries worming their way into Christianity. Easy with the Prots (see "Christian Zionist" retard masses) and a longer fight against the Catholics. They've succeeded.

    NOW for the central question: WHY?

    I seriously doubt these screamers will or can figure that out. Jesus was ANTI-PHARISEE = ANTI-TALMUD = YOU GONNA HAVE TO STOP BEING LYING, THIEVING MOTHERFUCKERS.

    Christianity isn't the problem. Sheeple will always be with us and they need good food, not Slut-o-Vision.

  5. Christianity is just another branch of the jewish religion, this time to control the goy. This isn't rocket science...

  6. So why the centuries of hatred in the Talmud?

    Why burn the NT if it's enslaving the goy?

    Why the spitting?

    The obvious fact is that Christianity is inherently "anti-Semitic". That's what Vatican II was all about.

    A less obvious fact is that the Catholic Church keep the motherfuckers in check for centuries.

    All the hip talk to the contrary is just more Jewish bullshit. Lots of promotion of Christ and Christianity on the TV, right?

  7. Just ignore all the naysayers if you take this shit to personal you will go crazy truth militia. You just can't possibly please everybody. Everyone wants the perfect blend of alternative radio host--if you're exposing the supremacist jew you are a friend of mine so keep up the great work. That is the biggest problem with humanity at this time, we need to expose these spoiled brats of the world and bring them to their knees.

  8. Look at this filthy pig-demon, the filthiest child molestor ever from Jew York...this split tongued serpent needs some exposure...he lives scot free in the Israhell


  9. RC, I admire the work TM's doing and their focus. Thanks, TM! Thanks to the crew here, too!

    I just find it maddening that people just on the "Christianity's a big part of the problem" wagon when there are CENTURIES of evidence that the motherfuckers have been trying to take it down.

  10. "In my 'Future of an Illusion'…I was concerned much less with the deepest sources of the religious
    feeling than with what the common man understands by his religion - with the system of doctrines and promises which on the one hand explains to him the riddles of this world with enviable completeness, and, on the other, assures him that a careful Providence will watch over his life and will compensate him in a future existence for any frustrations he suffers here. The common man cannot imagine this Providence otherwise than in the figure of an enormously exalted father. Only such a being can understand the needs of the children of men and be softened by their prayers and placated by the signs of their remorse. The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. It is still more humiliating to discover how large a number of people living today, who cannot but see that this religion is not tenable, nevertheless try to defend it piece by piece in a series of pitiful rearguard actions."- Sigmund Freud (on Religion)

    "Religious feeling is therefore a character inherent in the very structure of the human mind, and is the expression of a need which must be recognized by the biologist as neither superficial nor transitory. It must be admitted that some philosophers and
    men of science have at times denied to the religious impulses of man their true dignity and importance. Impelled perhaps by a desire to close the circle of a materialistic conception of the universe, they have tended to belittle the significance of such
    phenomena as they were unable to reconcile with their principles and bring within the iron circle of their doctrine. To deal with religion in this way has not only been an outrage upon true scientific method, but has always led to a strong reaction in
    general opinion against any radical inquiry by science into the deeper problems of man's nature and status. A large and energetic reaction of this kind prevails to-day. There can be little doubt that it was precipitated, if not provoked, by attempts to force a harsh and dogmatic materialism into the status of a general philosophy. As long as such a system is compelled to ignore, to depreciate, or to deny the reality of such manifestly important phenomena as the altruistic emotions, the religious needs and feelings, the experiences of awe and wonder and beauty, the illumination of the mystic, the rapture of the prophet, the unconquerable endurance of the martyr, so long must it fail in its claims to universality. It is therefore necessary to lay down with the strongest emphasis the proposition that the religious needs and feelings of man are a direct and necessary manifestation of the inheritance of instinct with which he is born, and therefore deserve consideration as respectful and observation as minute as any other biological phenomenon." -- Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, Wilfred Trotter 1916

    [6] Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, was influenced by both "The Crowd" by Gustave Le Bon and "Instincts of the Herd in Peace & War" by Wilfred Trotter. In his famous book "Propaganda" he declared that a major feature of democracy was the manipulation of the mass mind by media and advertising.

  11. These guys need to have a talk with the new guy. I listened to his show last night, and the entire 2 hours sounded like I was listening to a book club reading. I listen to this show because it's RAW. Rich & Keith, please don't put a bunch of softies on the air. Don't be hypocritical, keep it RAW boys. Please don't get soft like the rest of these boring ass shows!


  12. Keith Truth Militia RadioNovember 4, 2012 at 6:48 PM

    If you cant handle my use of language, oh well. This is how I talk every day...I have no filter and I dont care. I dont claim to know anything, I just observe society everyday and this is what I come up with. As far as Christianity, the whole religion is suspect to me still. I am actually in the process of reading the entire Bible right now. But dont worry when I am done you will have my final opinion.

    Thanks Rockclimber we appreciate you guys posting us.

  13. Keith Truth Militia RadioNovember 4, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    As the "Anonymous Christian" on here types the word fukin and motherfucker...and you have the balls to talk about my use of language...get a grip.


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