November 14, 2012

David Duke Show 2012.11.14

Today: First on A New Declaration of Independence now being penned by Dr. David Duke in support of the American secessionist movement! Why the Declaration of Independence principles are even more in play today than in 1776 in a monster Federal Government and media that is firmly in the hands of an alien nation and people. And then a live interview from the Gaza Strip with Pharmacist "Hani" who gives us a live report of the latest Israeli crimes against the long-suffering Palestinian people!

David's site

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  3. Adamster I was going to say something to you, unfortunately you are obviously too stupid to understand basic facts.

    "You can't lead a horse to water if he's too ignorant to move."

    Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
    Answer: Israel.
    Question: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections? ?
    Answer: Israel.
    Question: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
    Answer: Israel.
    Find the rest here:

  4. awesome show, we love you Dr Duke! RJ

  5. Oy vey! Filthy anti-semites! Don't you know a jew has never committed a crime in the history of living amongst the goy animals! Oy vey!

  6. Adamstein the kind humanitarian, holohoax believer, doesn't think collective punishment is evil, expect when the 'chosen one' are at the receiving end. This is the definition of a physcopathic maniac.


  8. @Adamstein, Jews in israhell are led by GENOCIDAL murderers, war criminals, known terrorists, professional 24/7 warmongers itching to start a potential nuclear armagedon in the M.E. and use the Goyim of the western nations as literal human shields in their obsession to total supremacy over the all the M.E. and the world... that is why Judah is hated by all freedom loving people around the world! and jews will suffer because of their 'chonsenite' megalomaniac delusions of grandeur, and will pay for their crimes against humanity through out centuries!

  9. This Adamster is just a mentally defective child. His comments are nevertheless reavealing. Nik and Fetch are right about him. "What betrays his skill in casuistry.. is his inane asinine immature reasoning. " Fetch: "At worst - you presume us to be your research assistants. Lame - CHILDISH - attitude - typical.. Jewish... Morons in full display." and "the idea of unilaterally killing people without trial and jury is wholly rooted in Jewish culture." Gaza right now, anyone?

    The sick Adamster says.. "You want to despise an entire people for no reason, this is called xenophobia and discrimination."
    Then in typical bloodthristy genocidal hypocritical Jewish fashion says: "Gaza are led by war mongerers that is why they suffer" What happened 'reason' and 'entire people'. In other words, they deserve to suffer. I don't think jews do this double-speak conciously. I think its a psychotic disorder rooted deep within genetic make-up... they are really anti-human without even knowing it.

    Start reading what Kevin MacDonald, Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon say about this. They talk about this jewish mental condition and how their culture nourishes, what we would call, defective physchotic anti-social/human traits, that allows them to remain indifferent to the suffering of others expect their own, and sometimes not even their own. It also easily engenders and cultivates 'hatred' real hate that only Jews are capable of. Read for instance, 'kings torah' it advocates killing of nonjews and 'germany must perish' 'Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak' among countless others, their hatred is almost diabolical in nature.

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  12. Hatred comes out 'only' from 'unclean' anti-semite Goyim, never from Jews...yes, spoken like a true Lubavitcher! LOL

    "wedded to your insane hatred of people." lol Think of Gaza now and jewish supremacists historical crimes against humanity... yeah, wedded to your insane mudererous, supremacist, anti-human talmudic hatred of nonjews... you can bearly contain.
    "It gives you freedom to be the genocidal people that you are." Lol.. good grief! Jews are the master of projection or what!

    Now.. "You can only support mass murder." before... "Arabs in Gaza are led by war mongerers that is why they (deserve to) suffer." support mass murder of innocent women and childern. Is this guy really that insane and mentally unstable?

    "started to shell Israel" Ethnic cleansing since 1948, terror, contants violation of human rights and UN resolutions, constant torture and abuse of children, daily terror bombings, etc etc...

    Talking about pain and sufferung, there is a Polish saying:

    How disgusting and truly maniacal this 'chosenites' are... just stagers the imagination.

    So I'll say it again... Start reading what Kevin MacDonald, Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon say about this. They talk about this jewish mental DISORDER and how their culture nourishes, what we would call, defective physchotic anti-social/human traits, that allows them to remain indifferent to the suffering of others expect their own, and sometimes not even their own. It also easily engenders and cultivates 'hatred' real hate that only Jews are capable of. Read for instance, 'kings torah' it advocates killing of nonjews and 'germany must perish' 'Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak' among countless others, their hatred is almost diabolical in nature.

    Exhibition A: Adamastein. LOL

  13. "science theories that are without proof." Exhibit A: Jewish superiority and victim complex. Exhibit B: Adamstein Exhibit C: Jewish collective interest, etc etc LOL

  14. Very important for people to know the terrorist origins of Isra-hell in the area and that the Jew terrorirsts were, from the very beginning, constantly attacking and killing the British, Americans and Arabs all.

    The UN Report Prepared in 1948 for Ralphe Bunche, New UN Commissioner to Palestine

    Foreword: In view of the tragic assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte by identified Jewish terrorists on September 17 of this year, the following report has been prepared for the use of Dr. Bunche, Count Bernadotte's immediate replacement.

    This report is a compilation of all identified terrorist attacks on British, American and Arab individuals and entities in the assassination of the British Resident Minister in the Middle East on November 6, 1944 by members of the terrorist Jewish Stern gang to the assassination of Count Bernadotte on September 17, 1948 by members of this same gang of fanatics.

    This information is compiled from reports of the US Department of State, the British Foreign Office and various American and British press services.

    New York, October 1, 1948




    November 6, 1944, Cairo. Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, and his driver were assassinated outside the minister's Cairo residence. Two murderers were involved. One was injured, and both were immediately arrested.



    January 10, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court today put on trial Eliahu Bet-Tsours from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim of Haifa, both admitted members of the Jewish terrorist Stern gang.


    January 18, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court sentenced the murderers of Lord Moyne to death. Both killers admitted their act and also admitted their membership in the Stem gang which they said ordered the killings as a warning to the British not to interfere with future Jewish immigration to Jerusalem.


    March 22, 1945, Cairo. The two convicted Jewish Stern gang terrorists who murdered Lord Moyne and his driver were hanged today in the Cairo prison British authorities announced.



    January 12, 1946, Palestine. A train was derailed by Jewish terrorists at Hadera near Haifa by a bomb and robbed of £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials were injured.


    January 18, 1946, Haifa. Over 900 illegal Jewish immigrants were captured off Haifa by the British Royal Navy


    January 19, 1946, Jerusalem. .Jewish terrorists destroyed a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison by explosives. Two persons were killed by the police.


    259 acts of terror committed JUST UP TO September 17, 1948 all laid out one by one in the official UN report.

    read all 259 one-by-one over here:

    ISRAHELL ON EARTH [A Must Watch Documentary]

    This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the Palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948.

    Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 to 2000:

    1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty

  15. Hitler's Speech on Palestine 1939:

    "In the same way, the fact has obviously escaped Mr. Roosevelt's notice that Palestine is at present occupied not by German troops but by the English. And that the country is having its liberty restricted by the most brutal resort to force, is being robbed of its independence and is suffering the cruelest maltreatment for the benefit of Jewish interlopers. The Arabs in that country will therefore certainly not have complained to Mr. Roosevelt of German aggression but they do voice a continuous appeal to the world deploring the barbarous methods with which England is attempting to suppress a people which loves its freedom and is just defending it. This too is perhaps a problem which would have to be resolved at the conference table, that is in the presence of a judge, and not by physical force, military force, mass executions, burning down villages, blowing up houses, and so on. For one fact is in no doubt. In this case England is not defending herself against a threatened Arab attack. But as interloper, and without being called to do so, is endeavoring to establish her power in a foreign territory which does not belong to her."
    ~ Adolf Hitler on Palestine, in reply to Roosevelt, 28 April 1939 -- Roosevelt had asked Hitler in an absurd telegram, among other things, 'not to attack or invade' the independent nation of Palestine despite the fact that it was the English that had already invaded, occupied and brutalized that country on behalf of Jewish intruders."

  16. Arabs in Gaza are led by war mongerers that is why they suffer

    We know that this statement is coming from racist Jewish media and government sources. Is this your admission that you are a racist Jew?

  17. Mike genius, you cannot think. The Arab people suffer because their leaders do not make a peace agreement with Israel. But you want them to suffer.

    Your statements do not make sense. Can you clarify for why you believe that Jews have a right to make a people suffer as you are clearly doing to those in Gaza and for whom you clearly seem to have a blanket hatred.

    Why do Jews believe they have a right to persecute and cause others to suffer?

    We are eager to hear this answer from a beknighted genius as yourself.

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  19. Well, there were five , maybe six but they got blown up. ....Peacefully, of course!

  20. "I said that Hamas send missles and killed Jews, back when they took over power there. Had they been real leaders and built up the area it could have been a world class resort by now. instead there are 2 maybe 3 hotels on that beautiful beach."

    Bullshit. Where is the prooff that it was Hamas and how many jews were killed? With all the false flags the jews have comitted there is no way that anyone can beleive anything they say. And as much as they are bucking for war with Iran we all know it is they who are trying to keep the war fever alive by creating turmoil and bombing the Palestinians who have crude weapons and rocks. The Israelies are such pussies that they will never take on Iran by themselves, in fact they will once again expect the US to spill it's blood for these beasts who are committing genocide and are land theifs who will not draw their borders. What comes around goes around and you Israelies are bullies to the weak Palestinians but cowards when it comes to Iran. You talk tough but you can't walk the walk. Like this recent bombing the only think you know how to do best is sneak up on people and stab them in the back. Fucking pussies. NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL.


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