November 28, 2012

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.11.27

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Jeffery Smith - How To Fight GMOs & Eat Healthier!

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Editor-in-Chief, Veterans Today The State Of Nation

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - David Duke - Zionist Slaughter In the Middle East

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Rense' site


  1. Three hours and not a single word about AJ being a shill?

    It's a disgraceful situation with the Earth at such risk from AJ contamination.

    Wherever did the two Jeffs get the idea that we rather hear about GMOs? Bah. They need to get their priorities sorted out.

  2. Gordon "40% Deliberately False Info" Duff was on about the big decapitation coup being plotted, LOL.

  3. ^ that YT of that Duff "40%..." audio clip is back online, earlier copy was removed due to "copyright violation" claim by radio host.

    On KBarrett's radio show, Duff denied making the 40% claim, said it was a fraudulent audio splice job, and said Frederik Toben did it... ?!?

    he says this in the first several minutes of hour 2 where he's guest.

  4. LOL. I'm glad I held back and waited. I just KNEW someone who mention Duff and the 40%.

    That's lame too.

    Firstly, IIRC he was talking about VT, not GD - and secondly, what data is the figure based on?

    It's not based on anything is it? It's just, er, tittle tattle, as I think I mentioned before.

    Ah-hah! You must be a Jew like Duffstein! Why are you defending him?

    Oh please, let's not do that again....

  5. Im pretty sure Piper said Duff was Jewish on his latest show

  6. Duff admits he has a jewish ancestor or two, paints himself as heinz-57 incl some joosh.

    Anon @ 2:11 PM:

    Duff's "40%" debacle was worse than just saying that. A month later on KBarrett's radio show, after someone took the obscure Duff interview clip from a month earlier which almost no one even heard, and they made a YT clip of it which went viral (in reply 5), Duff denied making the 40% claim, said it was a fraudulent audio splice job, and said the "dubbed" audio originated from Frederik Toben?!? Duff offered no evidence of any of this.

    Duff says this in the first several minutes of hour 2 where he's guest, check this MP3 between the 60-70 min area,

    Here's a grizzom archive of the Mike Harris show with Duff from a month earlier (10/12/12):
    Advance to 1:10:40 to hear GD make the now infamous statement, which he later denied and even blamed on holohoax truther Frederik Toben.

    Barrett defends Duff: "Who's Afraid of Gordon Duff"
    A fine case for why we shouldn't believe everything from anyone; but KB didn't address GD's handling of the matter on KB's 11/9/12 show- where GD denies saying the 40% business, attributes is to a fraudulent audio splice job, and astonishingly fingers holohoax truth disseminator Frederik Toben as the culprit!

  7. We all know that Duff is full of it. NEXT!

  8. Duffy also advocated putting 80% of Americans into re-education camps surrounded by barbed wire and machine guns, in case anyone forgot. Maybe ill pull the audio for you guys. It was on mike Harris's show about a month ago. Duffy is nuts!

  9. Duffy was guest again on KB's show today, subject is supposed to be all the coup d'etat chatter which Duffy's at the center of. Show took place already (I didn't hear the live show) but when AFR posts the archive (usu next day) it would be nice if MamiCo could trim the fat and post. 1st hour guest is Pastor Eli Manning, and that should also be lively, coz KB is sort of a joo-apologist and EM is anti-joo. The post-show comments are already getting lively,

  10. "Im pretty sure Piper said Duff was Jewish on his latest show"

    Yes he is jewish and admits as much and he also did admit that he is 40% disinfo.

    Btw. AJ is a big fat, chubby, zionist shill.

    Have a nice day.

  11. Does The Hair know by now that Fluff is a liar? SERIOUSLY, can he really be that much in-the-Nile that he does not know the truth about Fluff's agenda, just like what others were saying about Tom Flocco?


  12. Duff called for US military to invade Libya and kill Gaddafi. God hates that Jew Duff.

  13. Duff & Bollyn were guests on KBarrett's show yesterday, VG! Duff is confronted at the beginning with his disinfo. Duff boasts that he's paid $5K/day!

    MP3- if MamiCo could trim & post that'd be great:


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