November 06, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.11.06

1st hour Deanna discusses the book  "The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Fever 1933 by Udo Walendy"

2nd hour she talks with Reverend Ted Pike

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  1. Another GREAT show from Deanna! All radio hosts should have to earn a certificate with Deanna before they are permitted to "inform" the public.

  2. I'm still a bit confused...why hasn't Spingola Squeaks had ZCF on her show in recent times?

  3. What for ? ZCF bascially just says the same things over & over again and never changes his tune in any way, just hammers the same points.
    For that you can just go to his website or listen to the old Spingola / ZCF shows. That guy needs to loosen up a bit and expand his horizons and crack a few jokes every once in a while.

  4. Confused? I would be confused also if he was a regular scheduled guest, but as far as I know, he is not. I believe she has done multiple shows with him, maybe three. She has only had a show for something like 2 years. What are you really confused about? How about asking her yourself and clear up that bit of confusion. It must be like a fly buzzing around inside your head. Follow the path of quenching your thirst for a nice glass of clarity by asking her. Emails work nicely. There is her chatango available. I'll betcha no one really has the best answer to that curiosity then Deanna herself!

  5. Deanna & Veronica Clark should stop using the silly term 'Jewzi' because when they say 'the Jewzis did this or that to the Paletinians,' they are unwittingly, just by using the zis added term, implying that the 'Not-Sees,' for whom the the slang term was originally intended and has been hammered into the heads of billions for 70 years, would have done the same.

    No they would not have done the same and I'm sure Deanna & Veronica know this better than anyeone. Therefore they should not unwittingly imply it by using silly propaganda tainted terms, even in reverse.

    Hitler's Speech on Paletsine 1939


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