November 09, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.11.09

Guest: Dane Wigington talks about geo-engineering.

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  1. Fine show. The Truth Angel keeps the important stuff front and center. History and Health. Wish we could clone her spirit and spray that out of those planes.

  2. We need more talk show hosts like Deanna. She is a lone star, shinning bright among an alternative media that has gone down hill in a few short months.

    What a shame Stadtmiller sold out and turned, what could have been the best alternative media networks, into one crappy show after another M-F, except for Deanna and Rick Adams, Seriously, Stadmiller filled a 3 hour time slot with Rivero's repeats for a grand total of 6 hours of Rivero each day!

    And to make matters worse I can count on one hand on his weekend programming the amount of good shows; Piper, Tillawi, McCarthy, and sometimes Tourney and Carley.

    RBN claims to offer the truth but features several hosts that repeat government lies and propaganda.

    Deanna is a rock star!

  3. 1776blues , Deanna is not a rock star , she , is an Angel .

  4. She needs her own network. Some sort of Health & History Network. It would get huge. I would pay and I'll bet a shit load of others would also. It could actually become the tipping point to change all this mess if allowed to prosper. I'll just dream on.....

  5. She pushes the chemtrail and moon hoax shit, that's a big problem with her.

  6. @ anonymous 2:30

    There WERE NO fucking moon landings. Get that through your thick head. It was all a massive MEDIA ORCHESTRATED PSY-OP just like 9-11:

    A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon (Full Movie) -

    Deanna Spingola Interview with Bart Sibrel of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon"

    Astronauts Gone Wild -

    Ricefoot's The Real Truth Behind The Illusion Of 9/11

    Hilarious blast from the past from Ry Dawson:

    Janean can tea bag this you racist granola yuppie:

  7. I completely debunked the moon hoax @ TIU and was banned for it. The moon hoax is used to make you sound stupid. I will completely destroy any arguement you have period.

  8. Can you point us to the TIU thread anon? I'm surprised to hear you were banned for it.

  9. @ anonymous 2:30

    The moon hoax and chemical/metal spraying from the air are not what TV watchers think they are. They are subjects for inspection, as is 9/11 and many others.

    They are problems for the entire planet and that is why she desires the truth about such things and to share them.

    You watch TV much?

    Wake up. You will just keep embarrassing yourself. Turn off the TV and listen to as many of Deanna's shows as you can. She will awaken you if you allow her. If you side with the propaganda on TV, then please keep quiet and wallow in your ignorance.

  10. @anon 9:15

    You either get paid to do what you are doing, and/or additionally, you are mentally ill.

    Debunk that!

  11. Moon Machines - Spacesuits 1

    Moon Machines Lunar Rover 1of5

    Apollo 15 Rover deployment

    Moon machines 1. Saturn V 1of3.avi

    Moon machines 4. Lunar Module 1of3.avi

    "The recent Fox TV show, which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense." -- Dr. James Van Allen

  12. @at anon 9:15 AM

    Yeah right !

    Who gives a rat's ass what you posted on TIU ?

    Who the fuck even reads that lame-ass forum anymore ? 20 people a day ? At least spell out the stupid-ass name 'information underground' so poor Ognir can get a few more viewers on his dead forum.

    Those 2 movies I already posted plus the audio already pin your ass to the wall.

    If you want a complete ass-whupping you'll never recover from, why don't you take your dipshit ass down to September Clues Forums & see if you can go head to head with Simon Shack and Hoipolloi without getting banned for being a complete retard ?

    They'll whip your ass so quick and from so many different directions, you won't know what hit ya !


  13. Deanna is wrong about the term Nazi being invented by the allies, Dr. Josef Goebbels wrote a book title "Der Nazi-Sozi" in the late 1920's. Here is a photocopy of the original. (German)

    And she's misinformed about the Swastika too. It has awlays been opposed to the christarded jew worshiping bloody christian cross.

    Hitler hated Christianity & replaced it with a Nordic religion

    I'm sure Deanna will ignore the above information because she is a devoted chrsitarded jew worshiper.

    At the 24 minute mark of this video it has some good info on the swastika (Thor's Hammer) and also quotes Hitler on what the Swastika meant to him personally.

    as for christianity, Nazi Germany was totally anti-christian because they were and have always been Pagans.

    From page 10 of the Nazi Primer - Official Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth.

    Even today, the racial ideas of National Socialism have implacable opponents.
    Free Masons, Marxists, and the Christian Church join hands in brotherly accord
    on this point. The worldwide order of Free Masons conceals its Jewish plans for
    ruling the world behind the catchword "Mankind" or "Humanity." Masonry can
    take much as credit for its effort to bring Jews and Turks into the fold, as does
    Christianity itself. Marxism has the same goal as Free Masonry

    he Christians, above all the Roman Church, reject the race idea with the citation
    'before God all men are equal." All who have the Christian belief, whether Jews,
    bush niggers, or whites are dearer to them and more worthwhile than a German
    who does not confess Christianity. The one binding bond, above and beyond all
    restrictions, is the Belief which alone brings salvation.

  14. Willful Ignorance

    The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

    This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

    Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.

    A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. Unlike hallucinations, delusions are always pathological

  15. And she's misinformed about the Swastika too. It has awlays been opposed to the christarded jew worshiping bloody christian cross.

    When I saw that, I didn't read anymore. You are one of two things. LOL

  16. Another Nazi myth has been exposed by Professor Rex Curry. The myth cites a book entitled "The Nazi-Sozi Questions and Answers" (or Der Nazi-Sozi by Dr. Jospeh Goebbels) as "proof" that German National Socialists referred to themselves as "Nazis."

    The book is cited by people who have never actually looked at the publication. The term "Nazi-Sozi" only appears on the cover of that publication, and never appears within the interior text where the terms "National Socialist" and "Socialist" are used by Goebbels throughout to describe the German National Socialists. Goebbels did not write the cover’s use of the phrase "Nazi-Sozi." It is not even clear when that cover phrase was created. Goebbels did not use the term "Nazi" nor "Nazi-Sozi" a single time within that publication.

  17. Nazi – an insult in use long before the rise of Adolf Hitler's party. It was a derogatory term for a backwards peasant – being a shortened version of Ignatius, a common name in Bavaria, the area from which the Nazis emerged. Opponents seized on this and shortened the party's title Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, to the dismissive "Nazi"

  18. @ Brian Kelly.

    Do you have a jew publication that debunks the Nazi Primer too? Lol, I'm a Nazi and you're a tool for the commie jews.

    The Nazi Primer - Official Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth. Translated from the Original German 1938

  19. AtCha said...
    And she's misinformed about the Swastika too. It has awlays been opposed to the christarded jew worshiping bloody christian cross.

    When I saw that, I didn't read anymore. You are one of two things. LOL

    725AD - St.Bonface desecrates and cuts down the ancient Donar (Thor) Oak Tree near Fitzlar, Hesse. Subsequently the Pope appoints St.Boniface the metropolitan of Germany for his "good" work in spreading Christianity.

    746AD - The Christian Frankish Duke Karlmann murdered thousands of Heathen Alemannic Germans in what became known as the "Blood bath of Cannstadt"

    782AD - Charlemagne has 4500 heathen Saxon German nobles executed at Verden, for the crime of not converting to Christ.

    1100AD - 1200 - On Church orders over 2 million German men and Women in what is known today as Austria, Switzerland and Southern Germany were mercilessly slaughtered because they would not convert to Christ.

  20. "After all, it was only between the sixth and eighth centuries that Christianity was imposed on our peoples by princes who had an alliance of interests with the shavelings. Our peoples had previously succeeded in living all right without this religion. I have six divisions of SS composed of men absolutely indifferent in matters of religion. It doesn't prevent them from going to their deaths with serenity in their souls." - Adolf Hitler


    That is the link to the TiU moon hoax thread. Lindsey really shows his unprofessionalism. There were many more points I wanted to add but I will add one here.

    The Guidance computer was the first of it's kind, it took a team of 100's of programmers to create it with the limited programming languages back then using assembly.

    It was also the FIRST computer to use Integrated Circuits.

    If you believe this is all fake, then the biggest damning evidence is the computer program "Orbiter space flight simulator" with the "Project Apollo - NASSP" addon, they used the original code that was on the Guidance Computer and they run it through an emulator in the program to run the exact same code the Guidance Computer ran on, It works perfectly.

    Like how SPINgola says they simply pocketed all the money and filmed the moon landings on a TV set, these types of evidences and proofs would not exist.

  22. by insulting Deanna you lose whatever little credibility you had. I followed that discussion and you got removed from tiu for calling Lindsey a liar and for simply shilling against the fact that there are chemtrails and many other things. basically dude you are as much a troll here as you were there. no matter proofs were shown proving that we did not go to the moon, you would just repeat the confusing bulllshit that nasa and their shills have for years, but worst of all when you were told where in that video proving astronauts in Earth orbit faking being halfway to the moon you and a one eyed man could see the fucking gigantic Earth outside the window, you pretended that you couldnt see it because there is no way to defend that kind of proof. dude, it is obvious that you are just a troll and you arent making any friends here insulting someone like Deanna.

  23. I am simply saying it how it is, unless you are micro-brained, everything I have said is straight forward and is not confusing.

    So you believe SPINgola is infallible? You believe everything she says is always correct?

    The two main hosts I would like to stop pushing the Chemtrail and Moon hoax crap is Charles and SPINgola, they need to stand up, admit they were misinformed and did not investigate the subject properly.

    I'll throw another tidbit out there.

    Did you know that when Buzz Aldrin punched Bart Sibrel in the Jaw, there was alot more behind this which the hoaxers do not get into. Buzz Aldrin was phoned by Bart requesting Aldrin to visit his hotel to be interviewed on TV about space for a Japanese children's television show. He misrepresented who he was and his agenda. Well on the day of the interview, Buzz arrived only to find Bart yelling at him, poking him with a bible calling him a liar, Buzz was angry and punched him (ofcourse with Buzz trying to avoid him for some minutes before)

  24. @Brian Kelly

    You are correct.


    "1. It’s absolutely ridiculous that Duff Beer (Gordon Duff from Veterans Today) takes this advertising coin

    as proof for a Nazi-Israel connection.


    The text says:

    “Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina – und erzählt davon im Angriff”
    “A Nazi travels to Palestine – and reports about it in the Angriff”
    The Angriff was one of the three nationalsocialists newspapers (Angriff, Völkischer Beobachter and Der Stürmer).

    First of all, no Nationalsocialist called himself officially a “Nazi”. That was a pejorative term used by Jews and Communists.

    On the party pin there is written:
    NATIONAL-SOZIALISTISCHE D.A.P. =National-Socialist D.A.P.

    D.A.P. stands for Deutsche Arbeiter Partei=German workers’ party ... nGold.jpeg

    Nowhere there is written “NAZI” as autonym!

    Only Dr. Joseph Goebbels used “Nazi” sometimes in an ironic way, referring to propaganda against Germans. Like in his early article “A Nazi-Sozi answers”

    He used it, as Prince Charles would say with tongue-in-cheek “Yeah I’m an eeeevil shape shifting Reptilian” and laugh about it.

    Only in this ironic way Goebbels sometimes used this pejorative term.

    But it never was used by any other Nationalsocialist or any official publication."

  25. oh and if you really believe (gay)lord lindsey's assertion that the video was infact recorded from a reflection, the astronauts also took high resolution camera stills as well showing much greater detail and clarity, the cloud patterns match perfectly as well.

  26. Wow sorry to hear you were banned bluejelly, always liked your posts. I'm no expert on the moon landings and have delved very little in that area but I wanted you to post the link to show the debate. The TS should always be able to at least try to defend what he has posted and in this case it was a matter of "because others smarter than me say it's true" doesn't make it true.

  27. calling the guy gay and you and others wonder why you were banned? you can insult an admin several times in several places and expect no consequences? speaking of LordLindsey,has anyone heard from Lindsey? he has been gone from everywhere for like 3 months. I hope that he didnt die from whatever was wrong with him because he is a real fighter. can someone contact him?

  28. The following quotes were taken from "Hitler Speaks: A Series of Political Conversations With Adolf Hitler on His Real Aims" By Hermann Rauschning, 1st edition, 1939

    "Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both."

    "Hitler made it clear that he was not interested in an "Aryanized Christianity" or the "Aryan Jesus" myth promoted by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Von Liebenfels, and certain party members. "You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus, that's nonsense. What needs to be done you say? I will tell you: we must prevent the churches from doing anything but, what they are doing now, that is, losing ground day by day. But we can hasten matters. The parsons will be made to dig their own graves." he stated."

  29. One thing to keep in mind, these quotes are often mis-used by the Ashkenazi opposition to make Hitler out to be an anti-Christ which is then sold to the useful idiot Christians brainwashed with Judaic vandalization of their theology. Then the well-poisoner psychopaths show up and link Hitler to the Thule society via some of his colleagues which then evolve into some "Nazi" UFO Antarctica fantasy involving Admiral Byrd, likely to cover for what Operation High Jump was all about and also demonize Hitler further at the same time.

    Hitler openly advocated a 'positive Christianity' free from Judaic influence. Modern Christianity and it's Western 'Judeo-Christian' variation is a huge corruption of the original 'gospel'... literally.

  30. I would say contact Ognir about Lindsey. Many are concerned about him but few have heard from him apparently? I think he mentioned he was having health issues for quite some time but he turned things around. This shit is depressing, hopefully he's just taking a break.

  31. Seems Lindsey was calling Deanna's show on multiple occasions, at least two or three, during the past few months using the alias "Maurice". It was him. He intentionally slowed his voice down but you could tell at times it was forced. Other speech pattern of his were easily picked up by yours truly and I recall on at least two occasions if Deanna realizes that it was him. Very odd, but if anyone else can remember a caller named Maurice perhaps they might know what the hell I am talking about.

  32. Seems that last time that "Maurice" character called her show he was somehow lending credibility for Dr Wood and her mysterious forces on the towers. Seems he disappeared for a while and then he is "Maurice". Quite interesting.


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