November 13, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.11.13

Guest: Peter Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code, the Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America; Peter's petition to Supreme Court; Join his list; FAQ; Help

NOTE: Turns out Pete is a wolf in sheeps clothing, check this out Gurus and Other Big Fish

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  1. Good one. Share it with the tax slaves!

  2. wow, um uh there was so many um uh's i was confused whether or not the guest even knew what he was talking about. in fact i couldn't even concentrate on the information he was telling because he said um uh so many times it freaked me out. RJ
    ps. um uhhhh..... wow

  3. hendrickson's a judas goat, a pied piper who will lead you to prison. only taxpayers file tax returns. are you a taxpayer or nontaxpayer?

  4. Deanna should interview Dave Champion and let her listeners decide whether or not Hendrickson is a shill.

    Dave Champion rebuts some remarks made about the failed and dangerous Pete Hendrickson (CtC) method.

    Dave Champion reviews the book "Cracking the Code" by Pete Hendrickson.

  5. Read the Government's Injunction Against Dave Champion and ask yourself why the government didn't gag Hendrickson:

  6. Dave Champion is a piece of shit zionist who APPLAUDED israHell's OPERATION CAST LEAD on his on RBN show . again, the memories of you people in this joke of a movement are atrocious, or you simply do not know who your enemies are.


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