November 19, 2012

The Jewish Gulag

 Written by JB Campbell 11-18-12

The Jewish plan must be understood.  Not endlessly analyzed and over-diagnosed and exploited to demoralize the sheep for fund-raising purposes, as in the notorious case of Phony Jones.

Jones runs a multi-million dollar Jew-friendly agit-prop center from Austin, Texas.  His advertisers, his bankers and his legal team are all Jews, several tied to the Bronfman syndicate.

Has his audience become impatient for some suggestion of how to handle the coming crackdown, other than supporting Infowars with even more money?

It’s difficult to know whom to shoot when the bad guys are called “globalists.”  Or “eugenicists.”  “Illuminati” was bad enough.I think Phony Jones pooped in his mess kit last week.  In the big flurry of secession petitions, Jones was playing catch-up.

The parade had taken off without him and he hastened to find the front of it so he could jump in and lead it.  Why?  Because it was no-risk resistance, really right up his alley.  More talk-talk and no suggestion of violence – at least on our part.       Read the rest here

This is well worth a read!


  1. "Good morning! Would you like a cup of coffee with your breakfast or a JB Campbell essay?"

  2. Alex Jewn$ behind the scenes

    "Oy, where is my Bagel? I cannot handle this, call Moishe and Shlomo, they need to tell me what to say on the air again this afternoon...ok,ok tell them I'll donate another $100,000 to the ADL Oy Vey!..."


  4. After the present Mt. Rushmore has been thoroughly dismantled.The four Amerikan faces to replace them should be: W.L.Pierce,J.B.Campbell,
    G.L.Rockwell and David Lane who gave us the 14 words.Anyone care to top that?

  5. Tarpley states Plato is only elitist through a reading via lens of Aristotle. He likes Plato, detests Aristotle, find out at

  6. Tarpley is to keep you away from joos and spin your head in a mess of bullshit. He is an artist of sorts appreciated by those that allow him to insert his tongue deep into their asses. Yeah, I'm gonna go to tarpley dot net and burn some time. Sure I will. For those that listen to Tarpley: consider not having children.



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