November 24, 2012

The Victory Hour with Max French Nov 24, 2012

Continuing discussion of the carnage in Gaza and other related topics.





  1. Max: A couple sincere kudos:

    1. I love the optimistic "VICTORY" slant/tone/spin of your show! This "joo-wise/JWO truth" stuff can be so depressing. You've heard the expression, "outrage fatigue" ? Actually, I was reminded of this E.Hufschmid audio I only discovered recently; a phone call he received from some joo operative 3+ years ago (Aug '09) but could easily have happened today. It's an hour long, but throughout the joo boasts about how their JWO is winning, and EH gives the joo the business about all the ways their JWO is failing!

    EH gives the background:
    direct MP3 of their phone call (7 MBs):

    I listen to many many truth podcasts (check, and there's this genre where the hosts divide their time delineating & bemoaning how bad we're getting f'd by the zio's, and then bashing "brain dead TV watching poison eating (etc) Americans/Westerners". Like everyone's morons except for them and their valued "awake" listeners- but we're this tiny isolated minority in a sea of hopeless sheeple! How is that 2-part message encouraging or productive?!

    2. (& this goes to MG as well) Thank you for your pragmatic approach to the race/multicult question. I think it's spot on, and I'm thrilled to hear someone get "a platform" (TUT podcast) who agrees and makes the case persuasively in every show.

    The "joo-wise truth" online forum watering holes I've made a home at over the recent years I've been awake(ning), have tended to cross-pollinate with many "Stormfront" (ADLfront, lol) types, who while we share common ground in certain truth areas, they also pollute the forum with joo agitprop spew about "niggers" & "mud people" etc. And it's a friggin embarrassment to be sharing a forum with them. For a while I would routinely respond to their joospew (whether it's witting or unwitting on their part) with your/our case that the jooz are toasting each other when they see that sort of racial divide(& conquer) animosity. These responses from me would go unresponded to by them (many of whom were surely joo agitprop agents anyways & knew better than to tangle with me & have their whole game deconstructed in front of all honest readers).

    So it's a breath of fresh air, and long-past-due timely, to hear you repeatedly and persuasively propagate y/our message, with effective "visuals" like the jooz driving them into dead-end cul d'sacs, and the water bucket brigade to address the burning barn. Didn't you also invent the "Gentile Defense League" idea? appears to still be available guys! ;)

  2. Thanks Max! Fine show.


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