November 16, 2012

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.11.16

Completion of the Napoleon discussion and the start of a discussion on the Boston Tea Party.

Show Notes

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  1. Been listing to Charlie for several years now, but after the first five minutes of this show, I am pretty much done with him. Charlie tosses this stuff out all within the first few minutes of his show.

    There are some actual decent Christians that don't believe in killing the born as well as the unborn en masse.

    You do not want the "whopping majority" of Christians on your side.

    If they oust the jews, they will cut our throats, unless we go along with them.

    They are going to bring in the Dark Ages, you smucks.

    They have blood on their lips. The taste of blood is making them drool. YOUR blood!

    They will kill you after they remove the jews. The very next thing. They've always done it and
    they wanna do it now. They are LUSTING after it. They just don't have the power.

    There was no need for that. It does much more harm than good. I am of the "common enemy" approach. When a common enemy is neutralized, then we can talk to all the TV watchers and church goers and help them out of their brainwashing. Perhaps re-education would be in order. Step one Charlie; remove immediate threat with all the forces that can be possibly mustered. That rant early on in the show smelled fishy. Did you spew that stuff out from YOUR notes? Or, was it just off the cuff?

    BTW, I am not into any religion. I personally take responsibility for my own ethics of fairness and morality driven by my spiritual feelings. Most of my personal feelings about such things seem to correlate with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not sure if this person was made up or real. Those teachings of his do not interest me as much as the intense perverse hate that a certain inbred racist criminal tribe project towards his name. This holds my interest and I cannot let go of that.

    Personally, I abhor abortions but I have given up discussing it with most folks as they automatically tag me as some sort of religious nutbag or a Christard. Inbred racist tribal Chosenites always try to pigeon hole their adversaries so they can pull out their talking points targeted for same.

    Charlie says he eats out 99% of the time. Must be nice. Planning another cruise anytime soon Charlie? Must be tough helping to support two children when such a dining habit can drain so many debt notes from the personal budget, eh? Wish I could write books and make enough to live like that. At least ya don't have to work at a fast food place to make ends meet!

    I have learned quite a few things from Charlie with regards to history. For that, I owe him a big thanks. Thank you for that Charlie.

    So long Charlie. I had some fond memories.....Carolyn Yeager, and the next day etc. BTW, were you on a serious hangover the day after that show? Are about half your shows done with a serious hangover? If so, that has to be rough. Hope you are smarter than that. Happy Trails Charlie!

  2. Maybe Charlie loses focus. He keeps mentioning about getting all wound up with paltalk and christards how he needs to stop doing it. Why he likes to do battle with those in his spare time is bizarre. He acts as if he is hooked and can't stop. Anyway, maybe Charlie needs to keep his eye on the big picture and forget the brainwashed until the real problem is solved.

    “Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” - Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

  3. Maybe Charles has the "go" to out the Jews as long as he hammers the shit out of Christianity.
    The Christians that are all caught up in organized religion aren't going to wake up to a message that comes from Charlie and then all quit going to church and be cured of their brain-washing. Ok Charlie, they are brainwashed and their various cults were created by Jews. Got it. Maybe we can tackle that problem after we deal with the foremost one first. Fair enough?

    He needs to just park the religion/Christianity stuff and focus on the organized crime of international Jewry so we might arrest present day genocide and to prevent it from being ramped up as is planned. We need a plan also. We need as many as possible to be of use in such a plan. Only one force need be alienated. Just one. For now.

  4. "Christian group calls on Congress to stop aid for Israel"

    Should we just break the news to them that they are a bunch dumb-asses that are doing nothing more than swimming in religions created for them by the Jews?
    Whaddya think Charlie? Which way to go on this one?
    Or, is it just fake crap. Could be.

  5. Yes, Charlie sounded like Alex Jones on a "NWO" rant.
    There a plenty of Christians who are against both abortion and the bloodshed created by all these wars. They also recognize the hypocrisy of those who claim to Christian and support the killing of children, both born and unborn, in the Middle East while being against abortion. Here are a few names: Mark Dankof; Mark Glenn; Chuck Carlson; Joe Cortina; Texe Marrs; Ted Pike; Brother Nate; Michael Hoffman; E Michael Jones.

  6. Charlie says....
    "There are some actual decent Christians that don't believe in killing the born as well as the unborn en masse."

    This was quite telling. This reminds me of a "flip". It is as if he took a statement and replaced "jews" with "Christians". A "projection" of sorts.

    Anyway, that statement of his implies that pretty much most Christians believe in killing the born and unborn en masse.

    That sucked Charlie. A big ass alarm bell went off when you spewed all that stuff out in the first few minutes of the show. Stay off the bottle and lay off the religious angle. You are doing more harm than good; to yourself and others.


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