November 11, 2012

Truth Militia Radio 2012.11.11

Truth Militia & Mike Sledge destroy the Rat-faced Jew

On this episode of Truth Militia Radio we have a special guest: Mike Sledge of Deconstructions Live and Down & Out Radio. Sunday’s show will be explosive, as we destroy the Jewish lies and propaganda forced on our society. We’ll also touch base on the “election” results from Tuesday. Remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.

Truth Militia Radio



  1. I've listened to a handful of these TMilitia shows now, thanks MamiCo!

    Unfortunately, their nonstop negativity & cynicism wears me down. Every few 10s of minutes they say something thought provoking, but I have to endure their angry BS barrage in between... it's depressing and I see no productive value in it.

    Could MamiCo edit the TMilitia shows down still further, cutting all the angry shit and just leaving the few pearls? LOL

  2. You're the prime example of what these two have been talking about for weeks now. Let's all be soft and not be negative or offend anyone. What a pansy! Like they said last night you moron go listen to RBN.

  3. Actually it's obvious that they're only so pissed off because they're frustrated romantics. They listen to AC/DC on the show but to Brahms & Chopin & Puccini in their spare time. LOL

    If they were so cynical they wouldn't be such narcissistic bodybuilders. They would be in the mental state of Kurt Cobain ready to blow their brains out. It would be hilarious to get a photo of the two posing in their bodybuilding jockstraps! LOL

    That one guy Keith's an admitted roid-rager and the other guy Rich's always bragging about how small he makes all the other guys in the gym look. LOL

  4. LOL indeed anon 7:37
    How would you like it if someone would edit out parts of your show (If you had one) and would only leave the parts that he thinks are interesting?

    It's one thing to edit out commercials but another to edit out original content.

  5. What does body building have to do with being cynical?

    Exercising and lifting weights is about being healthy and feeling good about yourself.

    One can feel good about themselves and at the same time be disgusted with the rest of society... as I am.

    Why is that cynical? It's reality.

    If you don't like their show, don't listen. And if anyone edits these shows... you're pathetic.

    Most of their listeners, like myself, are people who have had enough of soft radio.

    To each his own!

  6. I'm not advocating "steriods" but if you're over the age of 40 and you're not taking some kind of testosterone replacement (which is essentially a steriod) YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

  7. anon 7:37 here. Of course I was joking about editing their content.

    But this show for example, I think it was Rich started ragging on truth radio hosts who spend too much time on hitler, holyhoax, israel, ww2 etc and proclaimed that (truth radio listening) people don't want to hear that. So I'm thinking oh great, now they're talking down one of my favorites namely Spingola. Then a little later they're naming Spingola as one of the few good ones- how does that jibe with their earlier gripe about too much ww2 content?

    WW2 revisionism fascinates me- it's key to understanding the JWO we face today. We've been immersed in a web of zio-revisionist lies about their 2 banker WWs all our lives, deprogramming & relearning takes time.

    They're BOTH bodybuilders? Doesn't one of them profess to being an alkee? Or am I thinking of another southern-accented truth radio host?

    Anyhow, enough about how everything/one are morons, frauds, etc. Reminds me of DBSmith a few years ago, he'd do whole shows ripping into other patriots. Got old. But he redeemed himself since then, now always has a guest and the content is informative & productive.

  8. ^ anon 7:37 here again. DBS is still an alkee though, I gather. This is the "health problem" he vaguely refers to now and then, esp after a long absence like this whole Summer. Heard his drunken-rage phone calls to hufschmid?

    and this one from Nov '10,

    But I've never heard him do a podcast anything but stone sober. JKaminski is always good, this one's from 10/17/12,

  9. Hammer most, but especially whitey.
    Bash religion, especially Christian.
    Jockstraps & mirrors at the gym.
    Pissed off at other gym freaks.
    Inject "fuck" as much as possible.
    Forget the HolyHoax/WWII/Hitler.

    And these guys want to spread their "cheer" to a greater audience.

    Good luck with that. Whatever pinnacle you guys reach with your messages should become quite obvious quite soon.

    BTW, that HolyHoax will continue to be discussed because those tribal freaks have used THAT "religion" as a tool and money maker and there is a growing number of people that want to correct that. YOU TWO have a problem with that? We should just leave it alone and give them a free ride with all those museums and school classes regarding it? The Germans are still paying out mass amounts of cash for that fraud. Shall they keep paying for another 70 years until you two are gone so someone else can try to stop it?

  10. @ Les Kilroy

    Don't say anything negative.
    Don't curse.
    Praise Christ-insanity.
    Don't make fun of fat/soft/dumb White people.
    Don't make fun of metro-sexual homos at the gym.
    Don't talk about anything current or relevant to peoples lives.

    Sit there with a mic and cry and complain about Jews all day and what they're doing to us. Because that does a lot of good.

    Matter of fact, let's have another 300,000 shows on the Holohoax, Hitler, and WWII. Because that's done a lot of good for us?

    And BTW these guys will spread their "cheer" as you call it to a greater audience... because it's not boring and its not Hitler worship, or Israel/Palestinian/WWII/Holohoax mania.

    Should they leave Israel, WWII, the Holohoax, and Hitler alone completely? No, but it's been rehashed 100,000 times over already... it's overkill... and no one cares about it.

    Sure have a few segments dedicated to those topics, but it shouldn't be the primary focus of any show.

    As far as the Germans still paying out mass amounts of cash for that fraud. That's they're problem. And most of the men in that country have become soft. Just like the slobs and christian apologists over here.

    Get this through your head, NO-One wants soft radio any more, with the exception of a few people on these blogs.

    Could these guys cut down on the cursing? Yes, a little bit I guess. But I don't mind it. I'm not a Christian purist, and I grew up in Boston so I'm used to it.

  11. Accept these guys for what they are,which is JEW WORLD ORDER 101.They are not scholars,they are not researchers.They are coming across as a couple of average guys who have woken up to a few things,no in depth analysis however.I believe Rich knows more than he lets on,but the other guy seems to be directing the flow and keeping the information easily digestible for those just waking up to the jewish problem.

  12. Yes, one of them is leading and a few messages are being repeated over and over and over. See if you can figure out what they are.

  13. Is the one leading the "history guru" that doesn't wanna "go there" anymore?

  14. It would not surprise me if Rich busts out into a more all around analysis,perhaps on his own.He is younger,more informed and probably turned the older guy Keith on to the info and will grow weary of peddling light weight stuff packaged in the critiquing of personalities and throwing a few terms around.

    For now the rawness is keeping them afloat.More intellects like John Friend will hopefully raise this network to a much higher level.

    But in the meantime these guys are a good alternative to the Jones camp.Jones is being discredited more and more every day.These guys don't have to have that strong of a foundation to point out that Jones is not being truthful.Meanwhile how much does a blog talk radio format cost ? Less than a couple hundred bucks a month for sure.They say where else can you get"this kind of information"but actually there is not much meat there.

    I question the sincerity of the older guy Keith.He seems to be more into talking a lot about chasing the "jew" dollar,about business and also into personalities because he has by his own admission only been into this for a couple years.He lacks the time it takes to put this information together.Like I said earlier,J.W.O. 101 and for now,that is fine.Watch for Rich to break away.

  15. John Friend is going places. No doubt. At this network or another, he is building something quite potent. Young, smart and sincere. A valuable resource worth following. Early guests are top shelf and he is developing a lot of respect from peers and audiences alike.

  16. ^ & ^^ great 2 comments above. That's what I'm saying, too much venting about the TV-watchin' Wal-Mart-shoppin' fuckin' MORANS around them at the gym; not enough of their own high-nutrition meat/vegies.

    Agree JFriend is going places. One beef with him though- he's quite dogmatic in his Fetzer-ist "No planes at WTC, holograms/video-fakery" belief. Hey, I even allow for the possibility that this is true (though don't presently believe so), but either case I view promoting it as toxic to the 911 TM getting anywhere WRT attracting noobs.

    I've told him so in his blog comments. He goes to great lengths "proving" that video manipulation is possible- well, yeah I know, I've seen a Hollywood movie or two. I tell 'em, solving the technicals of HOW 911 was done is not our job-- enough about the details of the murder weapon; focus on the WHO (911 perps). And one staunch no-planes-at-WTC groupie replied, if we don't solve the HOW technicals, we'll never get justice... precious!

    And I've even heard Fetzer in a couple different interviews, proclaiming that the "WTC explosives/nanothermite" crowd has delayed this movement from making any progress for 6-7 years now, LOL, talk about inverting reality and the joo-swindle-speak MO of psychological projection!

    Thankfully JFriend hasn't posted anything about his exotic no-planes-at-WTC beliefs for several months.

  17. When you say that there's no meat there, in relation to info, what are you looking for that hasn't already been discussed 100,000 times already???

    Rich is a History teacher. He's mentioned it before. He could easily do a research based, guest driven show. But I think a guy like that gets burnt out by the time the end of the week comes.

    That's why I think he'd rather talk about current issues, culture, ect.

    I started out my career as a high school history teacher, a long time ago. Didn't even make it 10 years in that field. By the time I got home after a long week, the last thing I wanted to do was bring home my work with me, or even discuss it, or do anything that reminded me of my job!

    Rich & Keith go pretty good together, but it's obvious they came from different paths. I think Keith came in through the 911 Conspiracy movement and Jonestein. Rich came in through the racial or White nationalist movement, probably as a disgruntled History Major in college, just like me.

  18. Not sure if Rich teaches in the public schools, but if he does, those places do a number on you. My daughter and son in law are teachers in a public school, and all they do is complain!

  19. What I said was that these guys do not go into depth on anything and that is fine.The info. is weak.But it is good for newcomers and these guys are somewhat entertaining.

  20. Wow, a lot of comments here. We appreciate the feedback, negative and positive guys. Big thanks again to Mami, Rockclimber, Zapoper and everyone else running this site and the others posting our material.

    As far as the comments above are concerned... let me try and address a few of them.

    As far as the negativity & cynicism is concerned. I've addressed this already on a prior show. You know people really need to get this idea out of their head that if you discuss serious issues, or talk about relavent things that may seem "negative" that you're somehow depressed or not fufilled.

    As far as the comments on soft radio... what I mean by "soft radio" is the same old tired shit we've been hearing for years. Some of these guys sound like they're doing bible readings on the air. They don't talk about anything in relation to this sick culture we live in and how our people (as a whole) celebrate this Jewish shit!
    People need to be offended and confronted about their behavior and their panty-waste attitudes. Once again we're not doing a nice show on TMR. If you cant handle it, go listen to the sermons at your local church. They'll tell you how great everything is!

    As far as "truth radio hosts" spending too much time on hitler, the holohoax, Israel, and WWII.

    Look, I spent years hammering on these issues with no success at all. IMHO these are dead issues, we can use them to point out hypocracy and discuss them from time to time... but Hitler worship won't do us any good and no one cares about what happened to a bunch of filthy Jews 70 years ago in a supposed mass genocide.

    WWII has been glorified to a disgusting extent on both sides for years. There isn't another episode in World History that has been more damaging and destructive to Western Civilization, and White Europeans. If you guys want me to do more on these issues I'm fine with that. Let me know what you'd like to hear more about? Even though IMO much of this is old hat... that's been overdone!

    WWII revisionism still fascinates me, but it's not key to understanding the Jewish mindframe and their agenda. It was a fratricidal brothers war that never should have happened. There are more present, more obvious, more culturally relevant issues we face today.

    I deal with history everyday of my life... the average person... hell 99% of the public isn't interested in real history. I think we have a better chance reaching more people with current events and cultural issues poisoning our society... again, things we can point out to people directly and focus their attention on.

    I didn't start this show to cry and moan about Jews all day and what they did or didn't do in the 1940s. Quite frankly, I'm more concerned about today.

    With that said... we won't ignore Israel, WWII, the Holohoax, and National Socialist Germany. But our time will not be dedicated to those issues unless we have a specific show/guest lined up for that content.

    Our primary focus will stay where it is now. I will try to cut down on the cursing in the future from here on out... to appease the Puritans and bible thumpers.

    Tanks again for the comments guys!

    Rich (TMR)

  21. - To Rich from (TMR)

    Thanks for taking time to address the comments.

    Personally i do not agree with everything you say but i think we are on the same track

    Sick of whiggers. Waiting for Zog to collapse.

    I think you have more research to do in some areas. I not going to get into it.

    THanks for the shows, you have cut out a Niche, keep it up and sample other topics.

  22. @ anon 7:59 - I totally hear where you're coming from. I agree that we need to focus on Israel and the Jews as being the primary culprits behind 9/11, but I also think we need to have an open mind when exploring some of these alternative theories or explanations as to what actually happened that day. That is my main point. And in order to understand the full nature of just how completely bamboozled we were, and to understand these PSYOP events in general, we need to consider the idea that the videos and footage we saw was manufactured or faked in some way.

    Dr. Fetzer is actually my guest next Monday, and I'm sure we'll cover this info. I'd really like to focus on JFK though, since the 50th observance of his murder at the hands of the Jews is that week.

  23. Here's where I stand on whether or not we should be focusing on WWII, Hitler, the Holohoax, and other aspects of history... we've been lied to for so long about so many different subjects, especially WWII, it is absolutely essential that we destroy these lies as often as we can. We have to talk about this stuff. The Jews talk about the fake Holohoax and WWII all the time! So should we! This is an intellectual and spiritual battle first and foremost, at least at this point. We need to reclaim our history, and set the record straight on these important matters.

    Instead of criticizing other radio programs, we should all be focusing on our own unique outlook on things. Rich and Keith do a great job of analyzing American culture and the American people, and that's great. We need guys like them doing that. But we also need people talking about other things, like WWII and the Holohoax. We all have a role to play, so let's be productive and focus on our specialities or areas of interest.

  24. "This is an intellectual and spiritual battle first and foremost, at least at this point. We need to reclaim our history, and set the record straight on these important matters."


    Nothing more to be said! Move along, haters!

    I for one will at least try to watch my mouth but no promises are to be made. This is the battle of all battles; and reactions of myself as well as the rest of us are subject to the passion we have for the objective: no less than victory.

    My generation cares little, and knows much less about the subject of WeltkriegZweiter save for the History Channel tripe they may have seen or the latest Spielbucks film. They need to be informed but also everyone else cannot forget about what's happening to them NOW and what perhaps they can immediately do about it.

  25. @Agree JFriend is going places. One beef with him though- he's quite dogmatic in his Fetzer-ist "No planes at WTC, holograms/video-fakery" belief. Hey, I even allow for the possibility that this is true (though don't presently believe so), but either case I view promoting it as toxic to the 911 TM getting anywhere WRT attracting noobs."

    There is no 'possiblity,' it's 100%proven FACT

    Proven No-Planes / Video Fakery facts have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with 'holograms' or 'Directed Energy Weapons'

    'Holograms' & 'Space Beams' is the line taken by Alex Jones & Jason Bermass and those gatekeepers over at Loose Change which the Bollyn-spawned 'Jews did 9-11' crowd also foolishly fall for, accept & repeat without any critical thinking.

    Introductory Tour Guide to the September Clues research by Simon Shack - (updated on July 18 2011)

    Jim Fetzer & Judy Wood are considered disinformation agents by Simon Shack of September Clues & Collin Alexander aka Ace Baker both.

    No-Planes & video fakery is 100% proven FACT & there is NOTHING you can do about it but try to shill for Alex Jones & Jason Bermass by pretending it's about 'holograms' & 'space beams' & 'directed energy weapons.'

    It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with either holograms or DEW.

    Got that ?

    Watch, Read & Listen to :

    The Key - Collin Alexander aka 'Ace Baker'

    What Planes? - Collin Alexander aka 'Ace Baker'

    September Clues

    Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues - Brian S Staveley, Justin Cooke - 04 / 08 / 2012

    Ricefoot's The Real Truth Behind The Illusion Of 9/11

    The Vicsims Report by Simon Shack & Hoipolloi

    Who owns the media ? Jews, that's who.

    Shack has stated on his own site that 90% of the media is Jew controlled & that the elite-zio element is supreme amongst all the 'elites' and has never shied away from exposing the holohoax.

  26. ^ LOL, it's that fraudulent " .. 100%proven FACT" type dogma (with the word 'fact' in the tell-tale all-caps) which makes honest truthers chuckle & dismiss the no-planes-at-WTC groupies' endeavors at trying to steer the 911 TM into a speculative tail-chasing ditch, endlessly debating exotic HOW theories about 911.

    You go out & do some street activism to reach noobs with 911 Truth, by breathlessly explaining your exotic " .. 100%proven FACT" beliefs about the HOWs of 911, and see how many noobs you bring on board the 911 TM with that. And when they all chuckle and walk away, shout (as substitute for all-caps) that they're foolish, shills, gatekeepers, yada yada. (jew "projection" swindle-speak? hmmm...)

    Or better yet, don't.... ;) (Incidentally, I don't believe it was the AA/UA flights we're told hit WTC, but rather some other planes)

    Thanks for the reasonable replies Rich & JohnF. Good to remember we're all fighting the same fight. And good to know you & other hosts read Mami's- hell, Veronica Clark posted a new 1+ hour solo podcast yesterday, mostly responding to Mami's reader comments re her Kyle Hunt appearance! :)

  27. It is the "who did it" that should be at the forefront of any discussion regarding the criminal act of nine11.

    As far as planes being used. That is pretty easy. Just asks the guys that fly those things for a living if THEY could do it AND if those AIRCRAFT could do it.

    How it was NOT done is so very easy to discover. Those facts have already been established, but since it did not (and will not) make mainsteam TV, the masses cannot accept such "conspiracies".

  28. Well now. If the pilots could not do it and the planes couldn't (especially that ground level BS) off, then lets keep arguing about planes or no planes.

    Who planned it and made it happen?
    Are they untouchable?

  29. My 2 cents:
    Many of the masses (whatever race/religion) will not be able to "wake up" to any degree that will allow them to know what their world is really about. They are lost and will remain so. This is due to the mass media, of all forms, being controlled by the same jewish power that has shaped and controled our immigration polices. This is by design. They have big plans and have had them for a long time. Their "masterpiece" is nearing completion and they knew this about 60 years ago, in the early 50's.

    We can laugh and make fun of those brain washed TV watchers previously mentioned or not. I believe the visuals of some of them in public are more pathetic than funny, but that is just me.

    Are there some "out there" that can be saved? "Saved" meaning to somewhat wakeup and at least recognize the dangers with foods and medical/pills/vaccinations etc. so they can at least protect their health? I believe so. Perhaps then some of those may keep waking up to get a grip on what is fucking up the entire planet. The more the merrier.

    The above assumptions of mine, if seemingly not too unreasonalble, leads me to make an additional point. Since our education system is force feeding a massive hoax about several EXTREMELY IMPORTANT historical events, it would seem to me that those same force fed hoaxes can be used as "wedges" to enter into some of those "sheep" out there, that to some, are funny creatures indeed.

    The idea is to start a wedge or two into their minds, such as the dates of the wars (at least WWII). Such as, "Do you recall the years that WWII occured? Based on what they say will give you a BIG CLUE where to go from there, if anywhere. If they say "Wasn't it in the 40's?" That would be pretty good and you could say something like, "Yeah, I think it was about 5 years, from about '40 to '45." Now you have something to work with. Then one could mention "Did you know that International Jewry declared war on Germany 7 years before that?" If that is accepted, then you have than "wedge" planted in the brain. It could be any other fact(s) that could be used. Such as "Wasn't it weird that 150,000 jews served in Hitler's army and had a few jewish Generals?"

    "What if not one jew was 'gassed' like in all those movies?" "What if those camps were actually labor camps and they got paid, had entertainment, health care and enough food (until end of war etc)?" "What if the SS executed German guards that abused labor camps workers." All sorts of little tidbits can be used, depending who you are immediately dealing with to drive that wedge a little deeper. You never know which blow might drive that particular wedge all the way.

    Anyway, I think everyone should get my drift here. Building a timeline of sorts, however basic is important. Dates of 1913, 1933, 1940 - 1945. Just those basic dates should be build upon so that it becomes a big easier to see what had happened in some sort of perspective. It leads those that can be awakened towards filling in the blanks of those dates to understand how things happened and who might have caused it. A persons knowledge of history has to be constucted to make sense. The crap in schools makes none at all, but that is what has filled all those brains out there. We should try to save some of them that are not totally gone. Laugh at them if you will. I pity them.

    The historical basic facts should try to be hammered as much as they have been hammering our minds via TV, movies and ALL other forms of media over the past half century of the EVIL's of every aspect of Germany during those times.

    A good radio show can be a marvelous tool to help, and/or compliment such things as I described above.

  30. Forgot to mention. I like the show but was leaning towards leaving it. You guys are pretty good together and can lift this project of yours to a higher level; perhaps a better level. Leaving religion out of it. No need to criticize it; just leave it out of the discussion. Does race need to be in the discussion; perhaps, at times. Most of the races are just brainwashed victims, reacting to present circumstances. Allow YOUR spirits to lift us all. Bring people together to fight a common enemy that performing genocide for profit.

  31. Stay focused boys on the competition:

  32. @anon - November 13, 2012 6:19 AM

    "Dogma" to you is what you won't look into because you're scared of what you might find out about the outrageous extent of your own lying & 100% untrustworthy mass-media, just like a religious nut sitting in a church.

    The hell with 'street activism,' that's for retards.

    One-on-one activism should only happen with people who are ALREADY interested in your information.

    Otherwise you're wasting valuable energy and imposing on their space.

    You have no right to impose on their space, even if it's for their own good.

    The internet, on the other hand, is fair game.

    You can spam all the forums you want until they ban you. People will look at and study many things on the internet that they would rather not talk about in their day-to-day life.

    In 2 hours of dedicated and intelligent Internet spamming you'll accomplish more than wasting a week trying to convince your neighbors of the same.

    9-11 truth, the moon-hoax, the holohoax and all the rest fit into those categories.

    Every aspect of the 'how' of the 9-11 hoax is already exposed & proven. It was done through mass-media ownership and control just like the Moon-Landings-Hoax before it.

    Unfortunately, because of Alex Jones, Loose Change & the rest of the dipshits that follow them, everybody in the alternative media, even most of the so-called Jew-wise, have been sent directly in the wrong direction.

    They're all busy chasing their tails trying to prove a how a COMPLETE FABRICATION 'happened' in a different way than the media says while they should be busy showing people the proof that it WAS a COMPLETE FABRICATION, not just in 'story' but in images & everything else as well. This proof has already been THOROUGHLY AND IN MINUTE DETAIL researched and is easily available and accessible.

    Now go back and watch those videos and don't be a sucker.

    Then when you see for yourself how thoroughly proven the No-Planes / Media Fakery theory is, you will have a choice to make:

    To LIE (by omission or otherwise) about what you have learned and now know to be true


    To tell the truth no matter what happens

    Only the second choice is the honorable one and will always remain so, no matter what you think you can 'accomplish' by lying

    And don't worry, I'm not counting on you 'per se' to be honorable, I know that many hundreds of people read the comments on this website before one or two of them even add their own comments.

  33. Regarding 911, it happened and the result of it we lost many of our freedoms. You cannot take an airline flight without being put under the microscope.

    We lost more of our men and women in a war in the Middle East than we did all on Sept 11. NDAA, Patriot Act, Fatherland Security are all the result of 911. Who done it and how it was done is not as important as that it was done and the aftermath after it.

    As people who start to wean off of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and look elsewhere, they will find Alex Jewn$.

    AJ is controlled opposition, he is one part of the Hegelian Dialectic.

    He makes concerned people, patriots, and people who just woke up; look like idiots. He is a gatekeeper, he forgets to tell his audience who is really running the the 'New World Order'.

    He will take a story, exaggerate it, hype it and then tell people that the 'NWO is Coming After You" , he offers no solution except to buy his video or to subscribe to his Infowars membership.

    World War II and the truth, it is not talked about enough. Sure all of us here have heard it, what are we? 10% of the population? 5% ?, ... 1% ?.

    For people just waking up and looking for the truth, this is all new material for them. For over 1/2 a century the Americans and most of the World have been taught there was one story regarding WWII and the Jews.

    What really happened during WWII and the Jews and the C-Camps cannot be talked about in some countries.

    People can be locked up for a long time for just even questioning the 'official line'. We here in the U.S. are not there...yet..

  34. ^^ @ Anon November 13, 2012 4:03 PM

    distilling your NP@WTC spew down then we have,

    "'re scared...just like a religious nut...that's for retards...wasting valuable energy and imposing on their space...You have no right to impose on their space...dipshits...chasing their tails...don't be a think you can 'accomplish' by lying

    ^ heh, quite the manipulative writer then I see..

    Not gonna take your bait to argue any further over P vs NP@WTC; "that's for retards", ;)

    disagree with your assertions about the propriety of meeting strangers in RL and chatting them up re 911... in fact, I question why you would even try to promote such an absurd view, ?!?

    Re "spamming the internet", I'm all about it, see 'HansuMan' and notice my user status:

    also notice that animated wtc7 gif at the bottom, clickable? U can post "on topic" msgs in forums of all sorts, and simply have that eye-catching, clickable little graphic at bottom of each post, nothing more said about it.

    You can make it your email siggy, too! ;)

  35. @anon November 13, 2012 8:44 PM

    Of course, it's 'bait.' And you already took it. lol

    What are you on about ?

    I already told you I wasn't posting for you.

    I've met thousands of retards like you all over the net in the past 3 years.

    All the facts in the world aren't enough to budge them an inch from their 'opinions' and superstitions.

    I just got your sucker ass to respond so that I could get other people not infected with your particular type of complete lobotomy to copy those links and check them out in their own time.

    Believe me, I know what I'm doing. I have hundreds of thousands of views of posts I've made all over the net.

    ha ha ha hee heee ho ho

    Now write some more drivel that people will skip while they're copying all my links.

  36. Keith Truth Militia RadioNovember 13, 2012 at 11:16 PM

    Thank you guys again for your comments and for posting our show on this great blog.

    Those of you who enjoy our show thanks for the support. To the others you are entitled to your opinion.

    To Anon 7:37...I said I enjoy Spingola, Sledge, Lee Rogers, Charlie Guiliani, ugly truth, Kyle Hunt, Fetch, David Duke, and anyone else who exposes these Jewish scumbags shows very much and think they are great. I Cant stand the others such as Alan Watt, freeman fly, Tuskin, Passio, etc and all the other bullshit artists out there in this "movement". They are full of shit and are liars. Yeah its the dark lucifereians and satanists who control everything. Give me a fuckin break. It is lies. They are confusing people with their info, because it does not point out the true scumbags...the elite Jews.

    As far as being cynical, this is how I see the world. Cant help that. I am not a fuckin Tony Robbins sorry.

    And yes, I came from the conspiracy movement and only became Jew wise about 9 months ago, as I have said in the past, so it is a constant learning experience. I wasted many years with all the conspiracy shit heads who are nothing but liars and con artist.

    Our show is not a history lesson, if you want that listen to John Friend on our network or guys like Charlie Guliani etc. They are great at what they do. Our show is a hardcore look at society and the disgusting culture it has become. I try to limit my cursing but it is how I talk when I am shooting the shit with someone.

    As far as religion, I dont think it is good for society and has brainwashed people into false hope and beliefs..My opinion.

    Anyway again guys on Mami's shit thanks for posting our shows and also to everyone who listens to us and enjoy the shows, thanks for your support.

    I hope I cleared some stuff up...


  37. anon 7:37 (top comment) here. Thanks Keith for chiming in. Without listening to the 2.5 hour podcast again, I recall posting the top post having listened to only the first half of this podcast, drawing my thoughts from past shows as well- and then when I got to the 2nd half of this show, it was more productive & interesting as I recall. FWIW.

    It must suck to do a talk show like that, then read comments and the first one is, on balance, negative! So sorry about that! I've been acquainted with VOR's Mishko for years, and recall the frustration he expressed over trying to co-operate the network & grow listenership etc. He was often at wits end.

    I heard Keith call into JohnF's podcast yesterday, and ask JohnK the right question! good going. Too bad JohnK was such a pessimist! 3 years eh? :P

    Hat tip to VAK7 for your excellent comments above too.

  38. @ anon 10:11 PM - NP@WTC True Believer Guy:

    Your post says troll, agitprop, cognitive infiltration joospew from top to bottom. What does that tell readers about the NP@WTC-promoter crowd? hmm... take notes, readers!

    And your bit about tricking me into helping promote your NP@WTC spew, that's hilarious- this is a joo-wise truth radio podcast blog dude, not a gardening forum... but if you want to go on fantasizing about reaching fertile sheeple minds here, be my guest, lol.

  39. Tehran Times picked up Barrett's excellent "Now it's payback time! Why Obama should bust Netanyahu for 9/11"

    want some productive truthing to do? post that at your favorite sheeple forum. T.Times is a major paper, so it's got automatic cred- it's not from some wisenheier's little blog.

  40. @anon - November 14, 2012 1:10 AM

    Mister Rogers says: let's make it simple for the retards, boys & girls:

    25 Second 9-11 Truth Test for All Your Friends & Relatives !

    The great thing about this is that it will only take around 25 seconds to a couple of minutes of their 'oh-so-precious' time away from watching the crap on their TV, so they will almost always do what you say even to just get rid of you.

    Have them watch this 25 second clip:

    let them watch it a few times if they want and then ask them what the video is asking which is

    "If this happened tomorrow, would you believe it ? "

    and see what they say.

    It should be good for lots of laughs because if they have the brains to recognize this 25 second clip for the complete media fakery and forgery that it so obviously is (by the video maker - complete with fake headlines and CNN logo - CNN: Breaking News - F18 hijacked by Hamas terrorists - Iran is supporting terrorism on U.S. soil, a non-event, & audio transposed from the 9-11 newscasts in the background) then you can just tell them:

    Well, this is what you saw on 9-11 as well, so why do you believe that ?

    After which you can show them one of the ridiculously fake 9-11 clips such as this one:

    and ask them why in the world would they not believe the one they just saw & believe the others from 9-11 ?

    Then try not to laugh at the look on their faces as they try every lame excuse in the book to deny their own eyes and logic.

    ha ha ha hee hee ho ho

    25 seconds to your complete destruction


    Now push the comments numbers up some more, clod.

  41. anon said "Waiting for Zog to collapse."

    And that has to be our emphasis. Bottom line: if it doesn't collapse WE are all FUCKED.

  42. NP@WTC-stein: I'll stick with the boringly unexotic, not-video-trickeried-out WTC-7,

    Anthony Lawson's "WTC7 -- This Is An Orange" (2 mins)

    This one's also from Anthony Lawson, it's NP@WTC-stein's favorite,
    "9/11: The Absurdity of the No-Planes-in-New York Theory" (11 mins)

  43. Lawson ? Holy shit ! I better run now! lol

    An old fart who was debunked ten times over 3 years ago is the best you can come up with ?

    Shit, even Uncle Fetzer, the endless pontificator & fence-sitter, pulverized that dufus with one hand tied behind his back:

    9/11: An Open Letter to Anthony Lawson about “Absurdities” - James Fetzer

    Lawson got so pissed off at Fetzer wiping the floor with him in that article that he demanded Fetzer be censored and banned from Veterans Today.

    Some toof-seeker that crotchety old fart.

    His assignment, just like Bollyn's and DBS's, is to put out anti-Jew bait to keep all you so-called 'joo-wize' suckers' noses away from No-Planes / Media Fakery as if media orchestration involves Arabs and catholics. lol

    Shack & Clues forum have also so completely destroy Lawson's ass from every direction that I'm surprised he's not ashamed to still show his shill face :

    Anthony Lawson Busted !!

    You also have to remember that Simon Shack's research findings about the 'vicsims' were independently confirmed by Salem News :

    "I did an exhaustive check of the list of victims provided on the CNN website. What I found is that out of 2,970 people listed, only 446 appear in the Social Security death index. Of those only 249 have a confirmed death certificate on file. Of those, not a single one has a valid “last address of record” on file. That is a lot of clerical error,"

    Yes, there are only 249 death certificates on file and not a single of those has a valid 'last address of record.


    9/11 Reflections Part 2: Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues

    911 ACTORS - Simon Shack

    SSDI = Social Security Death Index

    Neither of the first two people Bob Mc Ilvaine and Marsh-O'Connor are sobbing over on multiple media channels in the above video are even on the social security death index, never mind the fact that they certainly do not have death certificates.

  44. I'll bet you not one out of 20 jew-wise suckers on this site or anywhere else who know about Larry Silverstein know about this guy:


    There may be one easy way to find out just how the 9/11 planners impeded any genuine, private footage to be captured or/and to prevent any such footage to leak out to the public: ask Steven Rosenbaum.

    This is a brief overview of the guy - and his activities since 9/11:

    Mr. Rosenbaum’s pre-9/11 company, BNN TV, employed over 80 people and occupied five floors of a Fifth Avenue building in Manhattan. The proud slogan of his company was “BNN TV Changes the Way Stories Are Told”. His clients included CNN, CBS News, MSNBC, HBO and Court TV. The studios were equipped with state-of-the-art AVID video editing equipment - the sort of which you only find in major Hollywood studios.

    As the story goes, in the days following 9/11, Steve put up posters and fliers in NYC and placed an ad in The Village Voice “urgently requesting images that captured the attack, its aftermath and the mood of the city”. That effort seems to have worked out nicely. His 1,700 video clips of 9/11 constitute, he says, “the largest archive of my now dormant television production company, Camera Planet”. His website tells us that 76 people contributed to these “500 hours of videos”, which are owned by Mr. Rosenbaum and his wife, Pamela Yoder (no mention is made whether or not he paid these 76 people for their precious footage).

    In other words, Steven Rosenbaum claims to have collected 500 hours of 9/11 amateur footage - from amateur videographers who would have willingly handed over their 9/11 footage to his new Camera Planet company - so that he could set up a big, nice archive of 9/11 amateur footage! Later, as Camera Planet went bankrupt, he allegedly put this 9/11 archive up for sale - for a mere $3 million. Do you think I'm kidding you? Check out this 2005 piece of the New York Observer:

    (When the company was in dire straits last winter, Mr. Rosenbaum attempted to sell off his vast library of 9/11 footage valued at $3 million. So far, there have been no takers.)

    Does anyone here have $3 million to spare? Perhaps we could relieve Mr. Rosenbaum of his dire burden?

    I trust everyone on this forum will be familiar with the numerous, horridly low-res video clips of purported 9/11 footage infesting Youtube - carrying the Camera Planet logo. Taken together, and providing you have watched/compared them all, anyone should be able to see that they are nothing but an assembly line of animations created in a digital 3D environment and are, all in all, just a crude series of computerized animations - slightly rotated & retargeted at will. The purpose they serve is, of course, to convey the illusion that many different cameramen shot these videos in reality.

    So let's ask Mr. Steven Rosenbaum if he can supply us with a list of the alleged 76 authors of these "amateur videos", shall we?

    Simon Shack


    this guy:

    "For years, I 'knew' that only ONE photographer had access to Ground Zero.

    I thought it was time to remind everybody about this dude...


    " the only photographer allowed unrestricted access to ground zero immediately following the attack":

    -- Simon Shack "

  45. Shack on "Where Did the Towers Go?" by Judy Wood

    "I see that Judy Wood has published a new book. However, her research is based on fake pictures. The sole purpose of her existence is, imho, to provide 'a plausible explanation' for the very stupid-looking WTC 'pulverization' animations."

    Introductory Tour Guide to the September Clues research by Simon Shack - (updated on July 18 2011)


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