November 19, 2012

Truth Militia Radio with John Friend 2012.11.19

On this edition of Truth Militia Radio with John Friend, we'll be joined by Dr. Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and editor of some of the most important books on the JFK assassination and 9/11, including Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then about the Death of JFK (2000) and The 9/11 Conspiracy: The Scamming of America (2007) amongst other important books and articles.  Dr. Fetzer writes extensively on 9/11, the JFK assassination, and current affairs at Veterans Today, and also hosts his own radio program The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer, where I appeared as a guest of his back in July.  We'll be discussing 9/11 and the JFK assassination primarily.  

I think John fell asleep during the Broadcast. LMAO

Truth Militia Radio

John Friend's Blog



  1. Download link is dead at the time of writing although the streaming link still works.

  2. Was that Fetzer? I thought it was Jim Marrs. LMAO

  3. Keep em coming John. Thanks. At least we know Fetzer is no Aunty Sim Mite.
    He is a wealth of info on the two main topics you guys covered and boy howdy can he ever keep that stuff flowing! He's real smooth when he needs a slight diversion. An old pro that will refuse to wet his toes in the Joo Pool.

    Good show. Several things got flushed out and I always seem to pickup a decent tidbit or two from the the guy. Keep em coming John. Thanks. At least we know Fetzer is no Aunty Sim Mite!

  4. All the Lugh blogtalk links are also dead including the only sober Sledge show in existence.

  5. legalize marijuana and tax it ? Spoken like a true leftist. Let people grow their own weed & grow their own hemp & then come & put a gun to their head & take money for Fetzer's beloved state re-distribution system.

    Bring the monkey chemist image back. You don't get rid of your mascot just like that.

    Put the 'jew-dar' somewhere else near the chatbox on the right. You can barely even see it in that small size up there.

  6. Is it possible for Fetzer not to come into conflict with someone? Tell him to read MCP's book on the JFK slaughter.

    You can get my archives here

  8. @Wooly

    Fetz now agrees with Michael Collins Leprechaun Green-Disco-Leisure-Suit Pipesmoker that the Israeli angle is significant. But being Fetz, he will sit on the fence forever like he does with No-Planes facts.

    Didn't you catch the Real Deal with Uncle Fetzer shows with MCP from a few months ago ?

    Real Deal with Jim Fetzer - Guest: Michael Collins Piper - Friday, August 10, 2012

    Real Deal with Jim Fetzer - Wednesday, August 1, 2012
    Guests: Michael Collins Piper / Joshua Blakeney & Mimi the Syrian Girl

    The reason why Simon Shack will never go on Fetzer's show or to his 9-11 conferences, despite Fetzer even offering to pay for his plane ticket:

    Jim Fetzer's Position on No-Plane Theory - (2007)

    "The existence of video fakery is proven." (Jim Fetzer - May 2007)

    ************************FIVE YEARS LATER...***************************************

    "The videos were real and the plane was fake, - not a fake video of a real plane as some have alleged."
    (Jim Fetzer - 2012)

    "Well, what you're telling me is that this is a group created to manage research on 9/11, not to pursue it. The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- Jim Fetzer

    He who smelt it, dealt it.

    No-planes and media fakery was already proven 100% years ago but this guy wants to sit on the fence forever and consider every loony-assed hologram theory under the sun.

  9. Simon Shack's research findings about the 'vicsims' were independently confirmed by Salem News :

    "I did an exhaustive check of the list of victims provided on the CNN website. What I found is that out of 2,970 people listed, only 446 appear in the Social Security death index. Of those only 249 have a confirmed death certificate on file. Of those, not a single one has a valid “last address of record” on file. That is a lot of clerical error,"

    Yes, there are only 249 death certificates on file and not a single of those has a valid 'last address of record.


    9/11 Reflections Part 2: Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues

    911 ACTORS - Simon Shack

    SSDI = Social Security Death Index

    Neither of the first two people Bob Mc Ilvaine and Marsh-O'Connor are sobbing over on multiple media channels in the above video are even on the social security death index, never mind the fact that they certainly do not have death certificates.

    and from Fetzer's own show:

    Dennis Cimino of Pilots for 9/11 Truth on The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer Podcast - August 26, 2011

    On this audio broadcast Jim Fetzer & Dennis Cimino reveal that:

    Of all major U.S. airline crashes within the U.S. investigated and published by the National Transportation Safety Board during the past 20 years, the 9/11 'black boxes' are virtually the only ones without listed serial numbers.

    Colonel George Nelson (U.S. Airforce Retired), an air-crash investigation expert has observed that NOT ONE uniquely identifiable part has ever been produced by the government FROM ANY OF THE 4 ALLEGED CRASH SITES (3 million numbered parts from each plane, that makes 12 million friggin missing parts ! )

    What's increasingly becoming clearer every day is that the stand-down order was arranged not because they didn't want the planes to be shot down but because they didn't want the discovery to be made that there were no planes, that these were actually phantom flights.

    Detailed analysis of radar bleeps, radar sweeps & exercise videos by Cimino. If airplanes had been sent out to intercept there would have been nothing to lock on

    Dennis Cimino experience and qualifications:
    Electrical Engineer
    Commercial Pilot Rating, since 1981
    Navy Combat Systems Specialist: RADAR, ECM, cryptographic communications
    Flight Data Recorder Engineer Smiths Aerospace
    BA-609, IDARS, Military and Commercial
    Millimeter wave RADAR and countermeasures expert since 1973
    Two patents held for Doppler RADAR ( Kavouras ):
    long pulsewidth RADAR droop compensation network,
    and wave guide arc detection for high powered RADAR

    and this:

    Planted engine on Murray Street (way the hell away from the buildings) that was conclusively proven to be from WRONG plane:

    END OF STORY. Finished. Done !

    If Fetzer isn't a disinfo pusher, then he needs to get off the goddamn fence and put his full support behind the Clues Forums research and stop with all the disinfo with the rest of these other clowns 9-11 clowns already.

  10. @Lugh

    Your links work but they don't stream and are really slow to load, almost 5 minutes. I linked it but people will not have the patient to wait that long for an audio. The blogtalk link when it was working would stream right away instantly & start playing.

    You might want to do something about that since it could make the difference between a hundred listens & dowloads and a thousand listens and downloads.

    For every person that dowloads the whole file like I have, you will lose at least 20 people without the patience to wait 5 minutes whereas if it streamed instantly you would get all 20 of those people for at least 5 minutes each bare minimum.

  11. @Lugh

    Also all the audio links on your site are very hard to actually even find. None of them are directly clickable, I had to copy each url & go to each link myself and then download from the other link.

    You must be trying to minimize your audience because if there is any logical reason for doing it the way you have it set up, I sure don't see it.

    Do it the way Mami & Zapoper are doing it here. Make it as easy as possible for people to find the files and listen right away in seconds.

  12. Learn how to use your computer and stop spamming threads saying that links don't work.

    Whatever shit is going on is on your end because the links that I posted are from blogtalk and they work fine.

  13. For the record: Dr. Jim Fetzer is one of the most brilliant and honest scholars that I have run across. I find his research on 9/11, JFK, and the murder of Senator Paul Wellstone to be top notch, and believe he and the other scholars/professionals he has collaborated with have done more to clarify what actually happened with these events than almost anyone else. Sorting out the fabricated evidence from the real evidence and figuring out exactly what happened with these "Deep State" events is absolutely vital, and I commend Dr. Fetzer for all the work he has and continues to do. I do and will continue to support his work.

    My views on Judaism, Zionism, and Israel are fundamentally different than Dr. Fetzer's, however. And that's OK. We're all not going to be on the same page on everything. I think that if and when Dr. Fetzer takes the time to really investigate the true nature of Judaism and the true history of the international Jewish crime network that is behind virtually all of the world's problems - usury/debt, war, destruction of Western civilization, etc etc - he will be on board with what I and many commenters here have been saying for quite some time now.

    Let me add this quote from the Jewish American author, Gerald Krefetz, who wrote Jews & Money: The Myths & the Reality:

    "Perhaps it is possible to separate Jewish interests from Israeli interests, but the trick is yet to be turned. What touches Israel touches global Jewry, and vice versa. Purists and theoreticians may argue about the separation of church and state, Jews and Israelis, Judaism and Zionism, but in the real world the connection is hard, fast, and seemingly indivisible."

  14. @zapoper

    I wasn't talking about all 'blogtalk' links, just Lugh's. The rest of the links work fine. My computer works just fine and I haven't had any problems. The 5 minute load times are on Lugh's own website, not here. Most of the links here stream instantly or in less than a minute of buffering.

    @John Friend

    Great post.

    No one person is going to have all of the truth and Fetz, whatever his faults, has more of it to bring to the table than most. He just has to cure his total addiction to investigation and know when to say: ok, there is enough proof here, now, let's stop and consolidate at this level rather than take every side road that comes up.

    Intellectual curiosity can also be overdone and abused just like anything else. Not everything justifies an investigation.

  15. OK Anon. It seems That Drewma deleted Lugh's links because Lugh will now be at

    So I uploaded the file to Kiwi6 which fixed the problem.


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