December 29, 2012

Free For All Friday 2012.12.28

Renegade hosts rant and rave, take calls, and consider some political, racial, and social issues.

Kyle Hunt, Lugh, Sholly, Celtic Rebel etc.

Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download

Continuation of the show from Sholly's channel Download


  1. The Mexican guy in part II made your whole show. Opened all you guys up. Before that it was practically unlistenable.

  2. I agree with anon above. Eaha was cool, and brought some eccentricity to the table; I find that with Greg's influence the tone becomes all like "I'm so down with the Jews and pussy yo yo yo". So fuckin' smug, and sometimes the guy has some good points, but he often holds back the rest of the guys from delving into deeper topics. Yes, deeper than whore pussy and the jewish pockets that he likes to dig into.

  3. These shows are all hit and miss because the format dictates that they just get on and start talking out of their asses about anything that comes to their minds and Celtic Rectal and Greg, the unappointed leaders, have dictated that they're not interested in investigating conspiracies, they're interested in contributing jack-shit to any other 'troofers, but only in shitting on all conspiracies off their retarded, know-it-all, arrogant, snobbish high horse in their tiny little corner of the internet.

    All these guys are schizoid on some level, that's just the unfortunate programming of this whole society. Rectal is obviously the most fucked up of the bunch but he thinks of himself as Carl Jung. lol

    Celtic himself embodies at least 75% of the characteristics he claims to despise and its that open hypocrisy that people find so annoying. It's this very same complex mind fuck of bizarre and unexpected schizoidness that allows him a certain comprehensive view of things that's got its own unique revelations to offer every-once-in-a-while, despite all the junk that comes with it. So he's caught in the classic Catch 22 that all 'artists' on whatever level of expression of artifice, have had to deal with forever: would they still be 'artists' if they got rid of their neuroses ? Would their combinations of logic and intuition still offer them the ocassional gem ?

    Greg from NJ, being supposedly older and wiser, is no exception, whether or not he makes good money as a businessman or grew up around Jews. He's as schizoid as the rest of them and thinks there's a certain 'strength' in a juvenile view of sex. Fucking retarded if you ask me but 'fucking retarded if you aske me' itself is evidence of the same schizoidness in myself. Greg's whole point is that we're all schizoid and juvenile to a certain extent and this is not necessarily a bad thing, it just needs to be TEMPERED into the rest of your personality, not repressed or compromised. As always, the lesson of the ancient Greeks was: temperance is not the same as compromise and until people learn this they will never be psychologically well-balanced and stable.


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