December 14, 2012

Guns are not the problem, antidepressants are!

WARNING: Withdrawal can often be more dangerous than continuing on a medication.

REM and Antidepressants

 The official name for REM is actually called rapid eye movement and it is the rapid movement of the eyes during sleep. R. Robert Auger, a sleep researcher at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, has found links between taking serotonin reputake inhibitors (more commonly known as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) and REM behavior disorder.

 Do you wake up feeling like you never went to bed at all? REM behavior disorder describes when a person's body does not become paralyzed during REM sleep, allowing them to act out their dreams. A relatively rare phenomenon affecting roughly 0.5% of the population, REM behavior disorder nearly always surfaced in men over 50 until recently. Now with antidepressants being subscribed for numerous health issues, this sleep disorder is beginning to show up in men, women, and children of all ages.

 Scientists are beginning to believe that the chemicals in some antidepressants affect the neurochemicals in the brain that affect atonia. As of the present, the answer to this sleep disturbance can be easily fixed by carefully tapering off your antidepressant medication.,1,4830,00.html

Phil Hartman Tragedy: The Lawsuit

by Joal Ryan
May 28, 1999, 6:15 AM PT

On the one-year anniversary of Phil Hartman's murder at the hands of his wife, the executor of the comic's estate is pursuing a wrongful-death lawsuit against the makers of a popular antidepressant.

The complaint alleges that the prescription drug Zoloft drove Brynn Hartman to kill the NewsRadio star and then herself.

Pfizer Inc., the manufacturer of Zoloft, was named in the suit as was Arthur Sorosky, Brynn Hartman's psychiatrist. There was no comment yet from either party.

The court action was filed Thursday by Gregory Omdahl, Brynn Hartman's brother and executor of the Hartman family estate. It was one year ago today that the couple was found dead of gunshot wounds in their Encino, California, estate.

Post-mortem lab tests showed Brynn Hartman's system swimming with alcohol, cocaine and, yes, Zoloft.

Booze and illicit drugs or no, the Hartman camp claims it was the Zoloft that pushed the woman over the edge.

"Zoloft is an antidepressant that in some people causes violent and suicidal side effects," Omdahl attorney Karen Barth told Associated Press.

Last February when talk of a possible lawsuit first surfaced, Pfizer released a statement saying there was "no substantiated evidence" linking Zoloft to violent behavior.

Sorosky is being pursued by the family for prescribing the drug to Brynn Hartman.

"What Are Warning Signs That People Should Be Looking At For Someone That Might Start Killing Kids 

Can you believe these fucking assholes! Pour more gas on the fire!


  1. Oh for five sake leave it to this chosenite supremacist Jew piece of shit wolf jewboy blitzer to assemble this panel of retards. I'm sure this piece of shit was on an ssri no doubt or carelessly weening off of one. When people start blaming inanimate objects for killing people they are a few beers short of a six pack. Fucked up people on fucked up pharmaceuticals as a result of junk Jew science compounded by the corrupt jewwyvision and a dumbed-down society of social derelicts do such shit. Thanks for the links Mami, all we can try to do is fight back and share this kind of info with others

  2. And five sake should read fucks sake, I hate my phone lol

  3. Criminal JEW social "engineering" is pretty fuckin' toxic and at root whether this is insanity or psyop gun grabbing bullshit.

  4. That psychologist would be great at hypnosis. I nearly fell

  5. The CNN clip sure sounds like they want to put people in prison before they commit a crime.

  6. restricting freedoms is never the answer. addressing the problem head on is always the more costly, but effective solution.

  7. How can we explain shootings if we don’t report on mental illness?


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