December 09, 2012

Truth Militia Radio 2012.12.09

On this episode of Truth Militia Radio we'll be joined by ZCF or Zion Crime Factory to discuss a number of pressing issues, namely the Jewish Plague that has destroyed the White Race & Western Civilization. ZCF will be on for the 1st hour. We're also expecting a call from the Original Savage Chick who also went by the name Teutonic Warrior Chick on JewTube. Radio Show Chatbox

Truth Militia Site



  1. I will have to post this to Truth Militia's website regarding David Duke and their claim that he doesn't hit the Jews hard enough on several issues. Keith I believe said, he is a fan and if he is, he should know the reason Duke doesn't. Duke travels a lot to European countries and those countries have laws as we all know that have laws against denying the holocaust or spreading what they say is hate speech along with other laws that protect the Jews, so Duke has said he has to be careful how he says things and what he says.

    He was arrested in Germany last year as an undesirable Foreigner.

    We see enough examples of those with a lot to lose speaking out and losing their job and more. Its easy for us to say these people like Duke and even Dr Paul for example need to talk more about the real problem aka the Jewish problem because we aren't going to lose everything as a result. So they tread carefully.

    That's my two cents worth!

  2. ZCF spoke about James Miller and his comment made on Ho Stern's program. Here is his website;

  3. The Miller he was referring to is Glenn Miller from Missouri.

  4. Not 'James Miller' Zion Plane-Hugger Factory was talking about Glenn Miller. He just forgot the guy's first name:

  5. ZCF was in fact referring to GLEN MILLER. Here is his website

    He posts as "Rounder" on VNN Forum.

    Rich, guys are fools. It took Teutonic Warrior Chick to explain to you assholes why your retarded brain fart of aligning with niggers and muds won't work.

    Niggers and muds actually like it the way it is now you idiots. They are benefiting from the destruction of Traditional Nationalism. And you think that you can get the niggers and muds to work against their own interests?

    How? And why?

    You guys need to be giving Mark Glen anal massages with your tongues.

    You are all alike.

    Idiotic fools.

    Question is: will you ever get your heads our of your asses?

    At least Teutoninc Warrior Chick understands that aligning with niggers and muds is not a workable strategy. But you guys don't listen.

    As for the "No Planes" theory...if you can establish that all of the video you observed related to planes hitting towers was authentic and not CGI - then you can state with confidence that planes were used.

    I don't suppose you guys ever heard of a radio program called "War of the Worlds" that was broadcast October 30, 1938.

    9/11 was the modern day equivalent.

    Get your heads our of your asses.

  6. I agree 1776blues, Duke puts himself out there. Let it be a reminder of how much control these supremacists have.

    This was another excellent show by the Truth Militia and ZCF never disappoints

  7. David Duke...

    The European Theory doesn't explain why he dodges and covers and consistently blames "blow" back for 9-11.

    But I would also say that Duke's message in general is powerful. He is well spoken; well researched etc. A great example of how other Pro white people should speak and behave.

    We all need a lesson on how to be just civil with each other. So much name calling and paranoid makes me sick.

    If this is the next generation of voices...........we are in trouble.

    Take pride in intelligence. Educate yourselves. Read books. Take speaking classes. Stop swearing except for when it is appropriate. Stop name calling unless dealing with an obvious troll.

    Pat....I'm not sure why you are so hard on Rich and Keith. I don't believe they are holding hands with other races as you say. My bet would be they would choose an all white country in a HEART BEAT.

    Why are you so harsh? Please explain yourself. What has Rich said that leads you to believe that Rich wants to work with 'niggers and muds' as you say?

  8. Teutonic Chick is in love with that drug-addicted degenerate hair-metal rock star pussy Nicky Six of that shit band Motley crew just cuz he had 'the balls' to call a black bouncer a nigger from stage backed up by 10 of his roadies & all of his retarded fans ?

    That's some 'real man' lol

    He's about as 'real' as that nipple-ringed faggot drummer of his that punched his pregnant whore wife in the stomach.

    By the way that scumbag Six once had a bet with his drummer that he could fuck 30 different stupid white trash whores in his audience in 30 days without taking a shower for a month & HE WON THE BET with not a single one of these sluts even complaining about the stink from this pig !!

    And this is what Teutonic chick looks up to ?

    Yaweh help us all

    @Anon 8:55

    Anyone still pushing 'planes' on 9-11 is an absolute retard. The proof against planes is absolutely conclusive & rock solid.

    Even without the myriad TON of proven fake videos & images coming named & tagged 'amateur' from one guy named Steven Rosenbaum at Camera Planet, it's 100% certain there were no planes just due to the complete absence of hard evidence that has never gone missing from any crash site before in the history of aviation:

    Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career. Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

    "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...

    The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet NOT ONE PIECE of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. …

    "Between the four airplanes which allegedly crashed on 911 there should be approximately 9 million parts. 3 million parts each for the 767 and 1.5 million parts for the 757. In addition to the parts there should be 60 miles of wiring for each 757 or 120 miles for both. There is 90 miles of wiring on each 767 which makes 180 miles for both 767's. Wiring is stamped every 12 inches or so with data which includes where it is going, where it is coming from and its maximum load capacity. The reason for this is that wiring is braided into bundles of up to one hundred wires and when you are tracing down a problem you have to know quickly which wire you are looking for and identify it."

    "I did an exhaustive check of the list of victims provided on the CNN website. What I found is that out of 2,970 people listed, only 446 appear in the Social Security death index. Of those only 249 have a confirmed death certificate on file. Of those, not a single one has a valid “last address of record” on file."~ Ersun Warncke, Salem News - Independent confirmation of the 'Vicsims Report' - 9/11 Reflections Part 2: Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues

    "Of all major U.S. airline crashes within the U.S. investigated and published by the National Transportation Safety Board during the past 20 years, the 9/11 'black boxes' are virtually the only ones without listed serial numbers." - Dennis Cimino, Pilots for 9/11 Truth on the Real Deal with Jim Fetzer August 26, 2011

    1. Teutonic warrior chick is right, we white men have become pussies big fucking time, look what the germans did when confronted with this bullshit, they clenched their fists until the last breath heil hitler! Look what we do roll over like a dog and urinate all over ourselves, that should be the new american flag, a scared puppy pissing all over itself and I'm a white american but the truth is the truth, we deserve this tyranny until we put an end to it like fucking whitemen should do

  9. Truth Militia is okay, but I hear the subtext: "Some jews are okay... and don't ever use the word 'nigger'." This minister Dankof is one of these types.

    A dead end. Racism is the only way out. After all, it is the primary weapon of the Jew.

  10. People promote this guy "ZCF" as an expert on National Socialism??? Rich mentioned Anton Drexler last night when referencing the working class foundations of the NSDAP, and this guy didn't even know who the fuck Rich was talking about!

    National Socialism was not Aldolf Hitler ZCF. Rich and Terrible Tommy are right about the Hitler worship here. National Socialism was a White Working Class Struggle, long before AH ever came along.

    1. The founding ideology of the dap and later the nsdap was written by gottfried feder. He was hitlers mentor and brought hitler into the party the dap. Feders books on abolishing interest and the 25 points are the founding ideology of national socialism, anton drexler wasn't shit compared to gottfried feder. Look him up he wrote
      Das manifest zur brechung der zinsknechtshaft des geldes
      Manifesto for the breaking of the bondage of interest slavery
      Kampf gegen die hochfinanz
      The struggle against high finance
      Das programm der nsdap
      The program of the nsdap
      Die neue stadt
      The new state
      Die juden
      The jews

      And several other books, just saying anton drexler wasn't really all that, gottfried feder was though for sure

  11. Yes, everyone here has a Hitler shrine at home. It's mandatory along with the Spingola pictures and ZCF posters.

  12. I am not quite sure how Mr. Metzger and others can possibly believe that Hitler "abandoned the working class." He had to do away with the SA, several of whose members and leaders were every bit as radical and anti-culture as the Communists in Germany, in order to unite the military. The choice was between uniting Germany or appeasing the more radical and destructive elements in the leadership of the SA. He chose the former, and it was the right choice. This certainly did not lead him to "abandon the working class," torpedo the KDF, and destroy the rights, privileges and welfare of German workers and their families.

    And what is this business about Hitler wanting to kill a huge number of his fellow Europeans? England, France, America, Soviet Russia and Poland* did not really give him a choice, did they? What the hell was he supposed to do?

    * Yes, poor little Poland, whose citizens were brutally attacking and killing so many ethnic Germans before the outbreak of war that over 70,000 of that terrorized minority were forced to flee from their ancestral GERMAN homes back to the Reich.

  13. "National Socialism was not Aldolf Hitler" National Socialism prior to Hitler was pan-germanism and German-Socialism like Ferdinand Burschofsky and Karl Hermann Wolf proposed in their writtings.
    The idea of being "Working Class Struggle" came as a result of the 'socialist' element in its ranks. National-socialism is essentially the 'volksgemeinschaft' concept put in practice... that would unite Nationalist (upper and middle class, industrialist, etc) and Socialist (working class, farmers, etc)for the benefit of the race/nation. That is how they explained it during the rise to power in their literature.

    1. Dude, hitler was the culmination of many other mens ideas mostly gottfried feder, hitler was the fucking man of action. These others you speak of talked or wrote good shit but hitler made it happen

  14. I really enjoyed the ZCF interview but that 'WARRIOR-CHICK" really had a shitty attitude, a quitters attitude. Why the hell did she even come on the show? She was a real drag. With her attitude why fight at all?

  15. A question I would pose for her is where were all the anti jewish supremacist groups were there during the great depression? There are a plethora of them today and we are growing...

  16. LOL, one more comment...I think ZCF stumped the no brainers, I mean no the fuck do they explain away the airplane that crashed into the building, did 'they' place bombs in the shape of a plane?

  17. Man,I could not take Howard Stern way before I was even aware of a conspiracy.WTF ? Someone who claims to be conscious could not,in my opinion be able to listen to that fucken piece of shit.Do you also watch DANCING WITH THE STARS ? Rich ought to break away from this belligerant loud mouth who was in the Alex Jones camp according to him just a few months ago.Any person with some self respect would not listen to H.Stern.[OR RESPECT FOR HUMANITY]

  18. THE crank call was funny.." spagetti and meatballs..maybe he should have said motzo balls?

  19. You can tell the one guy has just really gotten into all of this recently, and he's a fan of howard jew stern? WTF? Rich should be doing his own show IMO.

  20. I agree with you Rockclimber, the chick does have balls, but it seems like her message is surrender, because it's over! I don't agree and just look at how many young guys we have in this now. ZCF, Rich, John Friend, Dana, and so many others. I think we can win this.

  21. Keith Truth Militia RadioDecember 11, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    Rock climber..I have to agree with you I also thought Dia's attitude was a little negative also and leaning towards "we cant win, why bother tom continue", but thats Ok sometimes I think we all have those days.

    Pat (Anonymous)...Call into show on Sunday and explain your point of view...You seem to post the same shitty comments everywhere but dont have the balls to call us on air.

    And to Anonymous about Howard Stern. I find him entertaining, I think he is a great interviewer. Me liking him has nothing to do with being Jew Wise. I dont agree with everything he says or does, but yes, I find it funny and his interviews are great.

    And David Duke, I like him and think he is great and does great work. Bought and read both his books. But he can say the Holocaust is a hoax, but cant say then Jews planned and carried out 9/11? doesnt make sense.

    Thanks for posting show Mami's Shit

    1. Keith, have you ever heard of the real founder of the german workers party and also the mentor of adolf hitler, gottfried feder? His books and ideologies on abolishing interest and basing money not on gold but on labor and finished goods is fucking poison to the the shitkikes, you have to read in german to be able to read his books as the only one ever translated into english was the program of the nsdap or the 25 points system used by all white nationalist parties today, although they for the most part have no idea of the other works of gottfried feder or of the ideology, or that he was the founder of the dap, not anton drexler or that he was hitlers mentor? Anyway your show was great, first time I ever listened to a show and wasn't pissed off about it being jew controlled, I like your guys attitude and the fact that you are pissed off, fuck jews and heil hitler!

  22. 'm with you Keith, we all have a bad night and she sounds burned out. She just rubbed me wrong--the whole "you guys sound so angry"...everyone should be angry!

    It's like the discussion you guys were having with ZCV, anti-zionist/anti-supremacist websites and radio hosts are popping up everywhere. The people during the great depression had much more on their plate (like eating and holding down a job) so organizing against the supremacist jews was probably not the first thing on their priority list. Today we have the internet, our strategic advantage and it is paying off to some degree. This one reason why I attack assholes like Jone$ so much because he has held this back by minimizing the supremacists involvement. We all know that other groups are involved but it's hard to deny who the primary culprits are behind the new (jew) world order.

    Anyway, I think Dia is out of the game and has lost her fight. Perhaps she will rebound but for now she would make for a terrible guest on anyone's show.

    Keep up the great work and stay angry! Anger used in the right way is productive.

  23. Sorry, to my above post 'ZCV' should read 'ZCF'...

  24. The biggest mistake is to exclude other races. Hispanics are very aware of the Jew problem, as are most blacks and certainly middle eastern people. We need to use all of them to fight these creeps.
    GOYIM is everyone not a Jew.

  25. Haha, yeah Mike. This is about the only show I can stomach. The rest of them are a bit too tame. Shows like this can bring in a much younger demographic too. Angry White college kids will flock to shit like this. Keep it up Boys, and stay angry Rich and Keith! ~Sieg Heil brothers~

  26. Keith Truth Militia RadioDecember 11, 2012 at 11:12 PM

    Rockclimber I agree with you. She might just need a break from this stuff. These KikeJews are relentless and sometimes it wears on you.

    Thanks Mike and Anonymous...I'm glad you like the show. I agree about the 18 to 25 demographic. We hope we have a lot of them listening. These kids are the future of America and what life will be like.

    Some guys just dont understand this. Most people over 30 are big fat lazy fucks who are useless to us. I know this I'm 41, most guys my age are a disaster. The collage kids will get pissed and hopefully get mad as hell, when they learn the truth.

  27. College kids? Are you kidding, its working class kids that will lead this fight. Those who have no options, who have all doors closed to them because they are white.

  28. infighting...........stop it.
    it makes people want to run.
    ZCF, first 5 posts were fighting vids with some Jew.

    Fighting with Alex Jones is nuts. He wakes up people, they then search, they find the truth.

    Just quit it.

    1. Alex jones is a shitkike, he admitted on air that his dad is jewish fuck him and all like him

      "Some are angry that I anihalated the marxist party, but I anihalated the others as well"

      Adolf hitler

      All traitors and collaborators must be destroyed before we can attack the jew

  29. "Fighting with Alex Jones is nuts. He wakes up people, they then search, they find the truth."

    Bullshit, all he does is paralyze people with fear, he offers no solutions and he exaggerates everything. Furthermore he is a complete zionist shill from his advertizers down to even marrying a jew. He diverts people away from the jewish supremcacists and now he's even promoting world war III by saying that Ahmajinedad "said dozen's of times that Israel should be wiped off the map". That makes him a lying sonofabitch. So I say kick his ass all day long, the guy is mainstream now.

    The other infighting I agree with you about-- fellow anti-supremacists really should becomes against enemy #1 and set their differences aside. I think more and more are starting to get it though

  30. Keith Truth Militia RadioDecember 12, 2012 at 11:00 AM

    I meant college age kids...not collage kids.

    Alex Jonestein is a liar and a con man.

  31. Wow, thanks for all the feedback on the show guys. Hey Rockclimber, we will try to address some of your comments on here for tonight's show. You gave me a lot to think about!

    RICH (TMR)

  32. Immigration policy in anglo american societies is almost cartoonish. I have applied and recieved permanent residency, not citizenship in two other countries. As a pre-cursor to submitting paperwork, you must show independent means to prove you will not become a burden to that society. In America, Canada or other countries you need one word of english "refugee" and bingo you're in. Your comments on immigration are spot on.

  33. rockclimber said...
    "one more comment...I think ZCF stumped the no brainers, I mean no planers..."


    "how the fuck do they explain away the airplane that crashed into the building, did 'they' place bombs in the shape of a plane?"

    Bingo, you hit the nail right on the head! Give this guy an Abe Foxman autographed copy of Mein Kampf! :-) How so you ask? Hint: Israeli art students. That's my theory. However it was done no way in hell can a real jet airliner's aluminum wings slice through the WTC towers 2.5" thick steel perimeter columns (same as a tank's armor) leaving an outline of it. No way, Jose! Most of that plane would've crumpled up on impact outside the building and fallen down to the street below had it been a real plane.


  34. @Rockclimber

    "how the fuck do they explain away the airplane that crashed into the building, did 'they' place bombs in the shape of a plane?"

    You must be a real genius. lol

    Do you believe everything they show you on the boobtube ?

    Ever hear of CGI ? Ever hear of video-fakery ? Ever hear of computer animation ?

    Here's your answer in the MOST BASIC September Clues video which you obviously haven't even bothered to watch before running your ignorant mouth:

    Any questions ? Watch it again to let it sink into your thick skull.

    This fucking cartoon was shown to billions of people by the whores on your TV and YOU, of all people, who's supposed to be awake, still believe this absurdity.

    And here's the rest of your answers to save you from eternal retardation:

    Introductory Tour Guide to the September Clues research by Simon Shack - (updated on July 18 2011)

    Now, you have one of two choices to make:

    Become an honest researcher


    go bury your head in the sand and for another decade like I know you will.

  35. Anyone who looks at images like this:

    and calls that friggin cartoon 'A PLANE,' should be locked up in a mental institution. lol


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