December 24, 2012

Truth Militia Radio 2012.12.23

A Conversation with Joe of Caucasian Persuasion

On this episode of Truth Militia Radio we'll be joined by Joe of which has since been renamed Caucasian Persuasion. We will discuss Joe's efforts & activism, his future projects going forward, and The 5 Point Plan. Joe will also be joining this Radio Network with his own show every Thursday night. Tune in live and remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.

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  1. Guys, haters are going to hate, please stop wasting time talking shit about trolls, critics, and other radio hosts. DO WHAT YOU DO BEST, talk about American culture! Fuck the trolls and commenters online! I remember listening to your show when it first came out and you guys were awesome because you were focused on American culture and its degeneracy. Stick with what you do and what you know best, and fuck all the clowns that AREN'T going to do shit anyways.

  2. Of course when you ignore the trolls, they get bored and go away. Unfortunately not everyone ignore them.

  3. The White Working Man collectively are the ones with the physical strength to carry the weight and the intellectual creativity to re-invent themselves and thus re-invent the society they live in. Love the show Rich and Kieth!

  4. Love these guys and what they put out. It's the most real show on the net. My one complaint is the noise that comes from Keith's end. Does anyone else notice the horrible buzzing and all the noise coming from his end? Between all the buzzing, the popping, the phones going off, the woman yelling in the back round. It's really annoying and it's destroying the show. It might be better if he used just a landline phone and not a headset. Please change that Keith.

  5. Keith Truth Militia RadioDecember 24, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    John and are correct...I am done with all the clowns and trolls and lying radio hosts. I am going back to our roots of the show.

    I allowed these dick heads to get to me, but no more.

    Thank you too everyone who enjoys the show, we will just get better and take it to a new level.

  6. I enjoyed the whole 3 hrs.Real talk from real people.Rich and Keith are a great team making their show one of the best in the business.

    Thanks for all the work guys and Zap thanks for posting.

    Happy holidays from Holland!

  7. "“British Whites” are now the minority in London.

    White British people are now in a minority in London for the first time, it emerged today as census data revealed that the immigrant population of England and Wales went up by 3 million over the past decade.

    Just 3.7 million Londoners described their ethnicity as ‘White British’ in 2011 – down from 4.3 million in 2001, and making up 44.9 per cent of the city’s population.

    It is believed to be the first time that British whites have become a minority in any region of the UK.

    Another major change to the nation came in the decreasing number of Christians – 4 million fewer people claimed to belong to the faith as a quarter of Britons said they had no religion.

    It took about one hundred years for diversity, multiculturalism, and political correctness to completely destroy London, the former seat of the British Empire.

    From an empire upon which the sun never set, to “minorities” being the majority in your own capital. That’s incredible."

    White Genocide???

    Real? or just an imaginary tale for trolls?

    If you are you care?

    Is it Supremicism to care what happens to the white race?

  8. @Anon 10:21 AM

    It's good to be paranoid because paranoia motivates action but when you really think about it, the White race isn't going anywhere. The might get killed in very large numbers as they have many times before but the Jews know better than to take them out of circulation completely. What Jews want is an obedient white slave who is just strong enough to do the dog tricks of creation and production. That is what they got in Germany by genociding a million of the bravest Germans after the war. They taught them a lesson, brainwashed them and put then put them to work again, first rebuilding their country and then producing lots of things again for the Jews to loot and enjoy.

    Jews need the whites to produce and keep producing for them so they can loot. That's why multi-trillionaires like the Rothschilds who established Israel, who have fortunes estimated to be in the hundreds of trillions,

    Eustace Mullins - The World Order

    force the U.S. taxpayers to give 4 billion dollars a year in military aid to Israel. It is to train the goyim and keep them in line since 4billion is chump change to them. Even the $100 billion dollars in reparations for the holohoax since the end of WWII wouldn't put a dent in their pocketbooks but it keeps the Germans, guilt-tripped, herded, castrated and obedient.

    It is also to get specific goyim produced military technology and transfer it over the chosen foreskinites.

    Ever heard of an Israeli car ? No, Jews all drive Benzes, Bimmers and Porsches, cars all directly related to Hitler and the Notsees and made by the Germans they made their slaves at the end of WWII. The German workers that build these cars cannot afford them in Germany. They actually have to emigrate to the USA and get a job here to be able to own one.

  9. @Anon 10:21 AM (continued)

    Power isn't in numbers or else the Chinese and Indians would have ruled the world long ago. Power is in wealth and cohesiveness.

    In the USA, white people can get back almost instantly the power they had even as recently as the 1950's by just repealing all 'groups rights' laws, starting with 'civil rights,' and flat out refusing to pass any 'groups rights' in violation of the constitution and Bill of rights at all.

    Groups rights of any kind are unconstitional and should have never been passed in the first place. They violate the basic right of the individual to free choice and movement.

    That's all they need to do.

    But today's white Americans are trained to be stupid, commie freeloaders, lazy do-nothings that their brave and noble ancestors, who carved an entire nation out of literal jungle, would have laughed at.

    They're stupid fucking idiots engaged in the communistic Jew game of 'pressure group warfare' for 'white rights' which the Jew is never going to give them because his goal is to weaken the whites and keep them as producing slaves.

    Fascism and National Socialism may not have been Jeffersonian or Libertarian but it was still their own European way of restoring true private property rights for the citizens of the nation by confiscating property acquired by fraud:

    From the 25 Points of the NSDAP programme pamphlet written by Adolf Hitler and Anton Drexler in 1920:

    * On April 13, 1928, Adolf Hitler clarified section seventeen in the programme in order to stop political mischaracterizations: "Because of the mendacious interpretations on the part of our opponents of Point 17 of the programme of the NSDAP, the following explanation is necessary:

    Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of PRIVATE PROPERTY,

    it is obvious that the expression "confiscation without compensation" refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare.

    It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land."

  10. Hi Rich/Keith,

    Love the show as always but like Keith, I will not be giving Joe any of my time. I support WN causes no doubt but Joe is ignorant of the jew. The blacks and other minorities are hardly a threat compared to the supremacist jew. The jew has flooded our borders with illegal and legal immigrants in effort to eradicate the European American's power in America because we have always been their biggest threat. Joe is a fucking moron if he doesn't put the jew in the forefront of exposure in this fight. I heard him use the stupid word "illiminati"--so fucking alex jone$ish. He lives in Jew York and has no clue about jewish power? WTF?

    Hey may want to further clarify his position because at this point he is OBVIOUSLY not very jew-wise. I would suggest he visit your site as well as prothink's,,, and

  11. In order to have a stable economy, we must bring manufacturing back. If we do not, we will never be a sovereign country, nor a sustainable one.

    Also, this talk about getting off your ass and starting your own business betrays an ignorance of reality that is breathtaking. The fact is that the majority of independent businesses in the US, whether they are small, medium or large in size, fail. Even when America was doing well, that was the case. Considering this, as well as the situations of real working people, the cost of living in our extraction economy(car insurance, gas, health care, secondary education, rent, the mortage, debt, interest on debt, etc.), it is a bit ridiculous to ask and to urge us to give up whatever security we have left, go into even greater debt, and hope that our business adventures will be one of the tiny minority of those that are successful in an economy that is getting worse and worse. And heaven help you if have children.

    We have to stop revelling in a nostalgia for a time that never was in America. Surely, there were times in which things were better, safer, and more stable and prosperous for a much larger percentage of the population of our people. However, it is no exaggeration to say that, for most of its history, America has been involved in wars, plagued by nearly constant social upheavel and financial instability, and perverted by a Christianity of a Puritanical bent that is distinctly friendly to the Old Testament and hostile to reason, let alone joy and beauty.

    One important thing that we could do is seriously look at history to see what worked and what did not, what led to a people being productive, strong, educated, healthy and happy, and what did not. For instance, in fairly recent decades, especially up until the very first years of this century, thoughtful Americans looked at European countries with admiration and envy. This was particularly the case in regard to the Germanic/Scandinavian nations, which, whether they like to admit it or not, had many of the attributes of National Socialism. Of course, this has started to change significantly and for the worse with the EU, the Euro (which was invented in America, by the way), and massive immigration from non-European countries.

  12. @ anon 9:51 PM

    You can bring manufacturing back into white communities only if they're not matched up against slave labor overseas.

    White Americans who have experienced middle-class lifestyles or aspire to it, are not willing to be such outright slaves working under a whip like the Chinese, Indians and South Americans. They like their slavery to be more subtle. The media has to give them lots of foreplay and brainwashing before they get fucked.

    Unions also destroyed manufacturing the USA by forcing wages up and companies out of the USA. Unions should only be for negotiating fair contracts with the management, not for keeping wages up by force, in opposition to all market forces, real or created by unfair laws.

    They are stupid as shit, these unions, they protect their wages and jobs at the cost of flushing the country's whole manufacuring down the drain when US companies all outsource.

    Basically, you can't fix things PRAGMATICALLY with a narrow minded eye-for-an-eye approach; you have to fix things AT ROOT by valid philosophy and PRINCIPLE, the way the founding fathers of the USA did and they already gave you this principle.

    It is called the 'Non-Agression Principle":

    "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." (Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816)

    Everything that can logically be proven valid in principle is also valid in reality.

    In the society Jefferson and the other ff's envisioned, the role of government is ONLY self-defense of the individual against FORCE and FRAUD. Not the self-defense of this or that 'group' and 'union.'

    Usury being the Uber-fraud is totally taboo, by principle, in this system.

    If they were not able to keep usury completely at bay until Jackson came along, this was not because of adherence to their principle of conduct but forced deviation from it by powers beyond their control.

    All you have to do is restore the princple and stick to it WITHOUT COMPROMISE and most of today's problems will disappear overnight.

    So, in that sense, Alex Jones is right, the answer to 1984 IS 1776 but you don't save a dying patient with cancer or who's just been in a car-wreck with bandages, you save him with what Ezra Pound called the SURGICAL KNIFE of Fascism, by cutting the cancer out, the surgeon being the patriarch expanded to the town Sheriff, the town Sheriff expanded to the country's Sheriff, authorized by the people to take care of business and restore the principle and health of civilization.

  13. "Fascism only regiments those who can't do anything without it. If a man knows how to do anything it's the essence of fascism to leave him alone."~Ezra Pound

    Jefferson and/or Mussolini by Ezra Pound - can be read here:

    "I personally think extremely well of Mussolini. If one compares him to American presidents (the last three) or British premiers, etc., in fact one can NOT without insulting him. If the intelligentsia don't think well of him, it is because they know nothing about 'the state,' and government, and have no particularly large sense of values. Anyhow, WHAT intelligentsia?" -- Ezra Pound, Letter to Harriet Monroe, November 1925

    "Mussolini has steadily refused to be called anything save 'Leader' (Duce) or 'Head of the Government,' the term dictator has been applied by foreign envy, as the Tories were called cattle-stealers. It does not represent the Duce's fundamental conception of his role. His authority comes, as Eirugina proclaimed authority comes, 'from right reason' and from the general fascist conviction that he is more likely to be right than anyone else is." ---Ezra Pound, Jefferson and/or Mussolini, 1935

    "The nation has not disappeared. We used to believe that the concept was totally without substance. Instead we see the nation arise as a palpitating reality before us! ... Class cannot destroy the nation. Class reveals itself as a collection of interests—but the nation is a history of sentiments, traditions, language, culture, and race. Class can become an integral part of the nation, but the one cannot eclipse the other. The class struggle is a vain formula, without effect and consequence wherever one finds a people that has not integrated itself into its proper linguistic and racial confines—where the national problem has not been definitely resolved. In such circumstances the class movement finds itself impaired by an inauspicious historic climate" -- Benito Mussolini

  14. Correction on the Ezra Pound link:

    Jefferson and/or Mussolini by Ezra Pound - can be read here:

  15. Joe is a know nothing idiot


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